The Astrology and the Astronomy of the Blood Moon Eclipse of March 13 and 14, 2025
The Astrology of the Blood Moon Eclipse
The lunar eclipse will occur between March 13 and 14, 2025, though its effects will begin about a week before and last for roughly a month after. During the eclipse, the Moon will take on a reddish hue.
Lunar eclipses are often emotionally intense and symbolize culminations, endings, releases, and transformations. On a personal level, the impact of the eclipse depends on how it interacts with our individual birth charts. It offers an opportunity to look within ourselves and confront areas we may have been avoiding. The eclipse invites us to evaluate our choices and become more self-aware.
On a collective level, lunar eclipses can indicate significant changes, along with shifts in the prominence of public figures. Since this eclipse occurs in Virgo—the sign associated with agriculture, work, and health—these areas are likely to experience disruptions. With the Moon opposing Saturn and Neptune, there is a tension between reality (Saturn) and illusions (Neptune), prompting moments of reflection and discovery.
The Astronomy of the Blood Moon Eclipse
When and Where to Watch
The total lunar eclipse will take place overnight between March 13 and March 14, 2025. Observers in North and South America will have the best view, while parts of Western Europe may catch a glimpse of the eclipse before moonset.
Totality—the period when the Moon is completely engulfed in Earth’s shadow—will last approximately 65 minutes. Below are key viewing times across different time zones:
- Eastern Time (ET): 2:26 a.m. – 3:31 a.m. (March 14)
- Central Time (CT): 1:26 a.m. – 2:31 a.m. (March 14)
- Mountain Time (MT): 12:26 a.m. – 1:31 a.m. (March 14)
- Pacific Time (PT): 11:26 p.m. (March 13) – 12:31 a.m. (March 14)
- Alaska Time (AKDT): 10:26 p.m. – 11:31 p.m. (March 13)
- Hawaii Time (HST): 8:26 p.m. – 9:31 p.m. (March 13)
Feel free to reach out to me at 785-232-2836 if you’re looking for guidance in understanding yourself, navigating relationships, making career decisions, overcoming life challenges, timing important events and more. Your astrologer, Dianne Lawson
Venus, the planet of love and money goes retrograde
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money and possessions is retrograde March 1, 2025 through April 12, 2025. This can have an effect upon us in various ways depending upon our individual birth charts. And, keep in mind, that there are many planetary influences other than just Venus going retrograde.
In general, however, during a Venus Retrograde phase, we may be more likely to find fault with our partners or other people we care about. It’s a time to watch out for misunderstandings with others and to let go of relationships that are not good for us. It is a time during which to reflect, reassess and revise relationships.
As far as money and possessions go, be careful in buying expensive items. It’s a great time to review your finances and reassess your spending habits.
Like everything in life, there is a natural flow to astrology. The planets go in direct motion, and then they go retrograde. When they go retrograde, it is an opportunity to reflect on areas of life with which they have a correspondence.
Note: A retrograde planet is when a planet appears to move backward through the signs of the zodiac, based upon our relative positions.
P.S. Please contact me at 785-232-2836 if I can help you create the life you want, navigate challenges, align with cosmic timing, understand yourself and find your life purpose.
Take action and make bold moves
On February 24, 2025, Mars moved into direct motion, bringing a surge of dynamic energy that will empower us to take action and make bold moves. As the planet of drive, motivation, energy, and even aggression, Mars invites us to channel its potent force to stay focused on our goals and tackle important tasks with determination. Now is an ideal time to launch new projects, set ambitious goals, and take decisive steps toward achieving them.
If we find ourselves feeling irritated or frustrated, using that energy in physical ways, like exercise or hands-on work, can be an effective outlet. Mars has a strong connection to our physical vitality, so we may feel more energetic and ready to take charge. It’s a great moment to tap into that physical drive, whether through fitness or making progress on personal projects.
With Mars in Cancer, a sign associated with home and family, this energy is particularly supportive of making improvements in our domestic life. Whether it’s renovating your living space or strengthening family bonds, Mars’ direct motion helps you act with purpose in these areas.
Mars will remain in direct motion until January 11, 2027, giving us nearly two years of forward momentum. This period offers a powerful opportunity to start, push through, and follow through on our ambitions. While Mars provides the drive, the key to success will always lie in our willingness to take action.
Note: Planets typically appear to move forward in direct motion through the zodiac. However, their apparent retrograde motion occurs when they appear to move backward, based on our relative positions. These shifts into me motion influence how planetary energies resonate with us.
Feel free to reach out to me at 785-232-2836 if you’re looking for guidance in understanding yourself, navigating relationships, making career decisions, overcoming life challenges, timing important events and more.
Full Moon February 12, 2025 involving unpredictable Uranus
I don’t usually pay much attention to Full Moons because they happen every month. Full Moons are a time of heightened emotions, completion of cycles, letting go of what no longer serves us and a time of reflection. It’s often a time that hidden feelings and actions come out into the light. Full Moon energy lasts for a few days before and a few days after the actual event.
Today’s Full Moon, however happens to be in a stressful aspect to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and the extreme. We should guard against erratic, stubborn, eccentric and impulsive actions in ourselves and others. Mercury, the planet of the mind, is also involved, adding more energy to the configuration.
Any planetary energy can be used if we apply the extra energy into purposeful actions. We can reflect on our lives and how we use our energies every day. Are we focused on actions that most fulfill our desires or are we frittering away our energy in meaningless activities?
Beneficial astrological weather
Now through April 25, 2025 is a great time to work hard, be determined and stay focused to achieve results. Mars is trine (about 120 degrees from) the Sun during this time period, and a trine is a fortunate and supportive aspect. Mars is the planet of drive, energy and action. Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility and patience. Having these two planets in a supportive trine helps us attain the outcomes we want.
The planets are in constant motion and it is always nice to use helpful energies when they arise. 2025 and 2026 are years of stupendous astrological changes and we should use beneficial astrological weather whenever we can.
2025 and 2026 very important years astrologically
Many astrologers are saying that these years are the most important years of their lifetimes. All of the outer planets will move into new signs in 2025 and 2026. Pluto moved into Aquarius just recently, and Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars will all move into new signs. The outer planets move into new signs less frequently than the planets closer to the Sun do. When these outer planets change signs, important world events and changes occur. Having all of the outer planets changing signs close to the same time is very unusual, and so, this will be a monumental year of shifts and changes.
The Moon’s Nodes change this year, also. My last post talked about the change in the Moon’s Nodes. To see that, go to and scroll down.
I have already written about Pluto entering into Aquarius. To read about Pluto in Aquarius, go to
Now I will write about Neptune going into Aries and what they means. I will write about the other outer planets changing signs as they do so later on this year.
Neptune in Aries
Neptune will be going into Aries soon and we can already anticipate that changes are on the horizon. Don’t be alarmed when you read what happened in the world when Neptune was moved into 0 degrees of Libra or Aries in the past. Remember that the world was better off and more free after the adjustments were completed. I am not predicting a war, but I do believe that the world will be needing to make corrections to make itself a better place for everyone, not just some.
There are 360 degrees of the zodiac where Neptune could be. Two of those degrees, 0 degrees of Aries and 0 degrees of Libra, are the degrees of the equinoxes (when days and nights are of equal length) and have extra influence and impact.
Look at what happened in the world when Neptune was in 0 degrees of Libra or Aries in the past.
Neptune at 0 degrees Libra 1778—1783 American Revolution
Neptune at 0 degrees Aries 1861—1865 American Civil War
Neptune at 0 degrees Libra 1941—1944 World War II
Neptune at 0 degrees Aries 2025-2026 ???
Neptune has a correspondence with the masses of humanity and changes that will have an influence over the world. Neptune is a very spiritual planet, wanting a connection to others, to God and to something greater than itself. Libra wants equality and Aries is fiery, energetic and freedom-loving.
Positive effects of Neptune in Aries include cultural shifts, rapid advancements in technology, (including in artificial intelligence), a desire for interconnectedness and idealism.
Negative effects of Neptune include people being mesmerized by leaders, conflicts on a large scale and illusions in mass media and propaganda. Neptune can make it hard to wade through conflicting and confusing narratives.
We individually can work to make the world a more just and more free place. We can also connect to others, and foster our spiritual sides, whatever that means to us individually.
To see how these strong planetary influences might affect you, I would include these in your 12-month forecast. Contact me for your personalized 12-month forecast at 785-232-2836.
For more information about the 12-month forecasts, go to
Astrological advice
we all need this year
On January 29, 2025, the Moon’s Nodes move into Pisces and Virgo, where they will stay until August 18, 2026. This is just one of an extraordinary amount of changes in the skies this year, including all of the outer planets changing signs, providing us with opportunities for growth and transformation. I will keep you informed as the other changes happen.
The North Node of the Moon is where the Moon’s path crosses the path of the Sun, moving toward the north. The South Node of the Moon is always opposite the North Node of the Moon and is where the Moon’s path crosses the path of the Sun, moving toward the south. Eclipses happen when the Sun and the Moon are close to the Moon’s Nodes.
The North Node represents growth and new beginnings. It is where we must push ourselves out of our comfort zones. We need to be open to explore new possibilities. The North Node in Pisces urges us to embrace empathy, creativity and spiritual practices. Spirituality means different things to different people, but it is connection to God, nature or service to others.
The South Node represents letting go of nonproductive ways of dealing with life and also letting go of things and people that no longer serve us. The South Node in Virgo urges us to try to give up perfectionism, overthinking and being too critical of self and others.
Even though Pluto recently moved into Aquarius, it still indicates a major shift in our lives for the next 20 years. To read what I wrote about it and important events in the world the last two times Pluto was in Aquarius, go to
Call me at 785-232-2836 or email me at if you would like to work with the planetary energies in your life. I am your astrologer who wants only the best for you.
When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look up. An alignment of the brightest planets is underway in the evening sky. On Monday, Jan. 13th, 2025, Mars will vanish from the group during a must-see lunar occultation visible throughout North America. Full story @
How and when will Mercury Retrograde affect you in 2025?
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use.
For information about what Mercury Retrograde is and the dates it will happen in 2025, go to
To help you prepare, read the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period: and the Top 20 things to do during when Mercury is direct:
Happy New Year 2025
People had told me they missed my emails telling them what the astrological weather was. My life has just been going too fast for me to send out emails. Since my last email:
My husband John and my daughter Stacy and I went to Spain. We had a gloriously wonderful time, except for when John fell down cathedral steps in Madid and was hospitalized with a brain bleed. He was released from the hospital with a two-page release statement that was in Spanish.
I was sick with a cold.
We had Thanksgiving dinner at my house for my family.
My beautiful granddaughter Tillowyn Mae was born. Her mother Chelsie was in labor from Thursday to Sunday and then after birth, both mother and baby were transferred to another hospital an hour away where they stayed for days. John and I drove to Nebraska where they were and stayed in a hotel.
John’s third brain scan was okay.
Chelsie and Tillowyn Mae were released from the hospital and are doing great.
We had Christmas dinner at my house for the family.
My son Brian and I drove to Windsor, Canada to bring his son, my grandson Lucien, back to Nebraska to spend some of his Christmas break from school with us.
During this whole time we had an amazingly number of and you wouldn’t believe how many house and car things to be fixed.
This was in addition to two orchestra concerts of my granddaughter Devyn, doctors’ visits, clubs, organizations, visits with friends, two funerals, one wedding, sick friends and relatives and the usual life events.
And, of course, I have been talking to people about their birth, yearly and horary astrology charts.
Life has been going too fast for me to send out emails.
2025 is a year of enormous change, innovation and transformation with all of the outer planets changing signs and all of the inner planets going retrograde at some point during the year. I will start letting you know what to expect and how to navigate the changing astrological tides.
Call me at 785-232-2836 or email me at this email address to schedule your astrological birth, 12-month forecast or horary charts.
Happy New Year. Let astrology help you have your best year yet.
People are turning to my 2024 forecasts once again. Check them ouHappyt here: 2024 Forecasts. They’re seeking clarity in this chaotic world and answers to their personal situations. Did I hit the mark with my predictions?
Individuals are reaching out for guidance on where to focus their energies. Discover how to direct your efforts effectively: Yearly Chart.
Additionally, there’s a rising demand for answers to critical questions. Find out more here about this magical and little-known astrology technique: Horary Astrology.
P.S. Don’t hesitate—call me for cosmic guidance at 785-232-2836!
Fiery Mars opposes powerful Pluto and the Full Moon amplifies the situation
“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” — Epictetus
What you’re about to read may sound intense, but hold on—it doesn’t have to be stressful! If you’ve been following the news, you might think the upcoming months are filled with challenges, but let me assure you, there’s a world of opportunity waiting just around the corner. While the headlines may stir up discord, many individuals will rise to the occasion, channeling their energy into meaningful action. Be sure to read to the end for some ways to harness this planetary energy and propel your life forward!
From now until January 16, 2025, we’re in for a dynamic ride as the fiery, assertive Mars aligns in a tense opposition to the transformative, powerful Pluto. Adding to this cosmic mix, the Full Moon on October 17 will amplify these energies. With the Sun and Moon at 180 degrees from each other—and forming a Grand Cross with Mars and Pluto—we might feel the thrill of multiple forces intersecting. Think of it like a bustling intersection where the potential for growth is immense, even if it feels a bit chaotic at times!
During this period, expect intense power struggles and confrontations, but don’t let that bring you down! The cosmic shifts may unearth hidden truths, and while some might sense a looming doom, I assure you, this is a time for resilience and transformation. Just like we’ve navigated through tough times before, we will emerge stronger from this one, too.
Alongside intense energies, there are also always some uplifting planetary alignments that can make life smoother. Each of us has unique opportunities waiting in our birth charts; all we need to do is recognize and seize them!
So, what can you do to make the most of this powerful period?
- Stay Alert: Pay attention to potential issues early on, and tackle them before they escalate.
- Keep Your Cool: Avoid overreacting—staying grounded will serve you well.
- Play it Safe: Steer clear of risky behavior; your well-being is a priority.
- Channel Your Energy: Use this potent energy to tackle challenging tasks and projects.
- Find Your Balance: Strive for harmony between your need for connection and personal achievement.
- Embrace Diversity: Respect differing opinions.
- Focus on What Matters: Prioritize your life, letting go of what no longer serves you.
- Cultivate Joy: Remind yourself daily of the things that bring you happiness.
- Plan Ahead: Consider getting your 12-month forecast to align with your life’s purpose and enhance your joy.
Let’s embrace this exciting cosmic journey together, turning challenges into triumphs and navigating the waves of change with enthusiasm!
Who will Julian Venables London Astrologer and I say will win the 2024 Presidential election? Will we agree with each other?
Watch Julian and me tell who we think will win the US Presidential election. Even though Julian is in England, he is an outstanding astrologer who is familiar with American politics. For more information about him and his services, shop, book and articles, go to
I have correctly predicted the winner of the Presidential election for decades. I have been putting out my predictions very publically on my blog, in my emails, on Facebook and on podcasts. For more information about me and my services, book, blog, articles and podcasts, go to
To let you know I have not predicted whether Trump would win or lose based upon my preferences, in 2016, I correctly predicted that Trump would win the Republican primary at a time when that seemed unlikely, as there were 16 people running, and DeSantis was the presumed winner. I then correctly predicted that Trump would win the Presidential election, although that, too, seemed unlikely at the time. And in 2020, I correctly predicted that Trump would lose the election.
Who will Julian and I say will win the 2024 Presidential election? Will we agree with each other? You can watch here to find out.
A time of opportunities and growth
There is a lot going on astrologically during October 2024, some easy, some challenging. Now through October 8, 2024, there is a Grand Trine of Venus, Saturn and Mars in water signs. A Grand Trine is a fortunate aspect when three planets are each about 120 degrees apart from each other. It is a time of opportunities and growth, but we must also put forth some effort to reach our goals.
The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are emotional and psychic. Having a Grand Trine in these signs promote opportunities for emotional harmony and growth. This aspect can bring emotional healing from pain from the past.
Pay attention to psychic feelings and hunches. If we listen, we can often hear what we know deeply inside us.
Nurture and improve connections with people who are important to you. This is a moment to express love and gratitude and to have healing conversations.
As you navigate this magical period, remember that the universe is on your side. Embrace this opportunity to grow, heal and connect. The potential for transformation is now—let the energy of this Grand Trine guide you.
Calling an astrologer can be a positive and empowering experience. Consulting an astrologer can help you can gain deeper insights into your personal path. Call if you would like some celestial guidance. Dianne Lawson 785-232-2836
A powerful harbinger of change–the eclipse of October 2, 2024
Get ready for a cosmic adventure as we gear up for the spectacular eclipse on October 2, 2024! This celestial event isn’t just a moment in time; it’s a powerful harbinger of change—turning points, endings, and exciting new beginnings are possible!
As this eclipse dances through Libra, the sign of partnerships and relationships, expect your perspective on connections to shift in surprising ways. This is the perfect opportunity to dive deep into your relationships—whether it’s strengthening existing bonds or welcoming new ones into your life. Trust your intuition during this time; it has a way of revealing hidden truths about the people around you. Pay close attention to how you feel in others’ company; those feelings might just be your inner compass guiding you!
Now, while the totality of this eclipse will grace the skies only over the Pacific Ocean and southern South America, don’t be fooled! Its energy will ripple out to touch us all, igniting transformation in unexpected areas of your life.
Astrologers may debate how long the influence of an eclipse lasts—some say a few months before and up to a year after! What we do know is that this eclipse occurs at 10 degrees of Libra, making it particularly impactful for anyone with planets or significant points in their charts between 5 and 15 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn. And remember, the area of your chart where this eclipse lands is crucial too!
Curious about how this eclipse will specifically influence your life? I offer personalized twelve-month forecasts that dive into this and much more! For those who know astrological jargon, I use eclipses, transits and progressions to help us know what lies ahead. For just $150 (plus $10 for a recording), you can unlock insights tailored to you. Give me a call at 785-232-2836 or shoot an email to to schedule your forecast.
If you’re just looking for a quick eclipse forecast, it’s only $50! Reach out, and let’s explore how this cosmic event will shape your journey.
Embrace the magic of the universe—there’s so much waiting for you!
The winner of the Presidential election is…..
For decades, I’ve been an observer in the exhilarating drama of American politics, making bold predictions about presidential elections—and I’ve been right every single time. I know how unsettling that sounds, but here I am again, ready to unveil my forecast for the 2024 election. As I pen these words, pundits are locked in heated debates, declaring the race too close to call. Two titans of prediction, political pollster Nate Silver and historian Allan Lichtman, stand on opposite sides of the battlefield, adding to the electric atmosphere.
This time, I’m laying it all on the line, sharing my thoughts not in private emails or blog posts but in a bold proclamation right here. I aim to be nonpartisan—my predictions have led to winners I didn’t necessarily support, but I am committed to the truth of what I see unfolding. Here’s my breakdown of who will seize the crown in 2024:
- The Election Cycle: A Wild Ride Ahead
The 2024 election cycle has been nothing short of chaotic, filled with unexpected twists that could make even the most seasoned political analysts dizzy. Astrologically, the energy is frenetic and unpredictable—think of it as a roller coaster with no safety bar. Buckle up! Both candidates are experiencing intense planetary activity that will shape their careers in profound ways. This year is not for the faint of heart; it’s a cosmic showdown, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.
- The Chart of Trump: Luck and Turmoil
Trump’s chart reveals a compelling narrative. With Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, hovering dangerously close to his birth Uranus, North Node, and Sun, many astrologers are bullish on his chances. This alignment could mean a wave of increased visibility and career momentum. Yet, there’s a shadow lurking—Jupiter’s opposition to his Moon suggests emotional upheaval, amplifying any inner turmoil he might face.
As the cosmos spins wildly, Trump finds himself surrounded by an overwhelming array of planetary influences that leave him scattered. Coupled with troubling health aspects, questions arise: how will he manage the pressures that come with the spotlight?
- The Chart of Harris: A Rising Star
Meanwhile, the cosmic winds are favoring Kamala Harris. Jupiter’s auspicious alignment with her Ascendant and North Node paints her in a radiant light, enhancing public perception and optimism around her candidacy. Some might overlook the power of Secondary Progressions, but I assure you, they tell a crucial part of her story. Harris’s Secondary Progressed Sun is trining her birth Moon—often heralded as a key indicator of success in one’s endeavors.
Her chart reveals two powerful aspects that resonate with those in their late 50s, signaling an extraordinary opportunity for career breakthroughs. With her Secondary Progressed Midheaven sextile to her birth Midheaven, it’s as if the universe is aligning to support her ambitions. Moreover, her Secondary Progressed Sun sextile her birth Sun enhances her ability to seize the moment, paving the way for her to create the life she envisions.
- The Winner: A New Dawn
So, who will emerge victorious from this cosmic clash? My prediction is clear: Kamala Harris will be the one to claim the presidency. While both candidates are navigating a sea of planetary influences—some favorable and others fraught with tension—Harris’s celestial alignments shine brighter. The stars are aligning for her in ways that suggest a powerful, transformative journey ahead.
In this wild political landscape, one thing is certain: the ride to 2024 will be thrilling, filled with drama, and ultimately, it will lead to a new chapter in American history. Buckle up!
Set your alarm for dawn. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is so bright, people are seeing it in the twilight glow of sunrise. The comet is approaching Earth for a close encounter and possible daylight apparition in early October. Full story @ September 25, 2024
A CME hit Earth last night, sparking a severe geomagnetic storm. Auroras were reported in the USA as far south as the panhandle of Texas. A different kind of sky show will happen tonight: A partial eclipse of the “super” Harvest Moon. Full story @
Super Moon Lunar Eclipse
Even though the lunar eclipse happens September 17/18, 2024, the effect of lunar eclipses lasts about a month before and up to six months after the actual event. This lunar eclipse is a partial eclipse that occurs at the time of a super moon. A super moon is when the moon is closer to the earth and is therefore super bright. During super moons, we often have earthquakes and flooding.
An eclipse points to changes, letting things go, endings and beginnings. Because the Moon is in Pisces and the Sun is in Virgo, health, service to others and spirituality are highlighted. This is a great time to get rid of negative habits and focus on our physical, mental and spiritual health. Yoga, being in nature and meditation are especially helpful.
Because this is an eclipse and because it is in Pisces (which rules lies), many lies will be brought to light. This will be very evident in the news.
Many people find themselves being overemotional during the days immediately around full moons (which this is) and especially around lunar eclipses. Recognizing that we may feel emotions stronger than the situation warrants, may help.
For those of you who are familiar with their own birth charts, the eclipse happens at 25 degrees Pisces 40 minutes. If you know in which of your houses this degree of the zodiac lands, this is the area of your life that will be most affected by this eclipse. If this eclipse lands on a point such as a planet or an angle in your chart, it will have even more of an effect.
When I look at people’s 12-month forecasts, I always look at the eclipses. I may not specifically use the astrology jargon, but I will tell you what it means. If you want to know what the lunar and solar eclipses, secondary progressions and transits mean for you individually, let me know. For more information about 12-month forecasts, go to
Dianne 785-232-2836
Venus Trine Jupiter! Hooray!
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money, possessions and beauty is in a beneficial trine (about 120 degrees from) Jupiter, the planet of travel, expansion and growth, now through September 19th. Venus is called the Lesser Benefic and Jupiter is called the Greater Benefic. Jupiter gives us opportunities and enlarges whatever it touches. A trine is a lucky and easy planetary configuration.
Having Venus and Jupiter in a trine is an aspect of general good fortune. During this time we should grab opportunities to make our lives enjoyable. This can be a very helpful time to be around people, improve our finances and enhance our creativity. This can be a pleasant time, so we need to take advantage of it. Pay attention to serendipities, but guard against overindulging.
I am not saying that everything is your life is going to be great, but if we take advantage of possibilities, be grateful and look at all we have going positively in our lives, Venus trine Jupiter can be dazzling.
Of course there is always lots going on in the sky at one time, and even more going on individually for you, as you also need to know how eclipses and your progressions are affecting your birth chart.
Mars will be intense, unconventional and extreme
Mars, the planet that corresponds with action, aggression, assertion, independence, energy and initiative, will be “out of bounds” September 7 through September 18, 2024.
In astrology, the term “out of bounds” refers to when a planet is outside the usual boundary of the Sun’s apparent path, as seen from the Earth.
When a planet is “out of bounds”, it is more intense, unconventional and extreme. It is outside the norm and acts more independently.
The best way to deal with “Mars out of bounds” is to grab opportunities, especially opportunities to be innovative and exploratory. Try new interests. Start important personal projects.
Avoid impulsiveness. Sidestep conflicts. Be mindful.
Of course, there are a lot of other planetary influences going on at any one time, but this Mars can give you needed bravery to be active and to pay attention to opportunities.
If you want help understanding your life purpose, your life path and your astrological weather forecast for the next 12 months, please give me a call at 785-232-2836 or reply to this email.
A new type of Starlink satellite is making bright blue streaks across the night sky. Direct to Cell Starlinks have a blue coating and are as much as 5 times brighter than their internet-only cousins. Up to 7,500 may be deployed to build a “cell tower in space.” Full story @
The best predictor of the future is the past–comparing 1968 and 2024
I was talking with my husband last night and asked him if he could remember another election cycle that was as chaotic as this one has been. He said, “Yes, 1968.”
That reminded me of what I wrote many months previously that some similarities between 1968 and 2024 will be striking, according to astrology. I wrote about this and put it on my emails, blog and website. You can see it here:
Already we have seen some commonalities.
In 1968, incumbent Democratic President Lyndon Johnson withdrew from consideration for re-election. In 2024, incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden did the same.
In both 1968 and 2024, the Democratic National Conventions had protesters, mostly young people, who demonstrated against wars—the Viet Nam and the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. There were also widespread anti-war protests on college campuses across the country.
In 1968, RFK, and in 2024 his son, both ran as Democrats for president—one was felled by a bullet in the head, the other had a worm in his head.
In 1968, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed by assassins and in 2024, Donald Trump had someone try to assassinate him—all three shots were connected with the head.
You may be interested in what I forecasted about 2024, especially the part “The best predictor is the past” where I talked about 1968.
Northern lights
STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Strong geomagnetic storms are underway on Aug. 12th in response to multiple CME impacts. So far, Northern Lights have been sighted as far south as Texas, California and Mississippi. The storm shows no immediate sign of abating, and it could continue into the night of Aug. 12-13. Updates @
Get in dark sky and try taking photos with your phone, as phones usually pick up the lights better than the naked eye.
The Perseids
The most beloved of all the meteor showers.
To see the Perseids, watch tonight through August 13, 2024 although the peak of the shower is the mornings of August 11 and 12, 2024. Go to where the sky is dark and watch sometime between midnight and dawn. The shower is often best just before dawn.
This meteor shower is frequent, colorful and often leaves persistent trains. That is why the Perseids are called the most beloved of all meteor showers.
Energetic Mars conjoins fortunate Jupiter in Gemini
Now through August 28, 2024, Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini. Mars is energetic, initiating and forceful. Jupiter is expansive, optimistic and fortunate. Gemini has a correspondence with communication, learning, travel and multiplicity. It’s a positive time for all Gemini-related activities.
If you can channel all this energy into getting work done and not getting sidetracked with lots of ideas and lots of things to do, you can make good progress with your goals.
Having great adventures can help with restlessness during this time. Guard against impulsivity and accidents.
This configuration urges getting outside your comfort zone and doing things you have never done before.
In August there are many other planetary happenings and August should be an interesting month. Political junkies will be enthralled watching the changing political landscape.
If you want help understanding your life purpose, your life path and your astrological weather forecast for the next 12 months, please give me a call at 785-232-2836 or reply to this email.
What crazy thing is happening in the sky right now?
If you’re wondering what crazy thing is happening in the sky now, Venus, the planet of love and possessions, has been and will continue to be in a challenging aspect to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and change. This aspect has been in effect for several days before August 2, 2024, and will remain in effect a few days after. Venus will be in 24 to 29 degrees of Leo, while Uranus is at 26 degrees of Taurus during this period. If you have anything in your chart from 24 to 29 degrees of the Fixed Signs–Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius–this aspect will trigger your chart. Sensitivity, nervousness, and uncontrolled emotions are possible. Astrologers have this saying about Uranus that I think is pretty stupid, but accurate, “Expect the unexpected.” If you don’t have anything in these degrees, think of this as astrology weather that will affect other people.
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance all are being triggered by this aspect. A LOT. It is unusual that the four of them would have so many of their birth planets affected all at the same time, but it is certainly obvious if you see the news. They will be undergoing lots of surprises and changes during this time and will have many more.
I do not have the time to discuss all of their planets that will be affected, but will list these to just show the sheer number of them. Any astrologers who have more time that I do can certainly look further into the matter. With Uranus, since it is often the last thing expected, good luck in narrowing any exact happening down. It will be an exciting time for the four politicians listed above.
Kamala’s Mars, Jupiter and Taurus are affected.
Joe’s Sun, Mercury, North Node, Venus and Chiron are affected.
Donald’s Ascendant and Mars are affected.
J.D. Vance’s Venus, Mars, Ascendant and Midheaven are affected.
And by the way, Donald and Vance have about exactly the same degree on their Ascendants. Ascendants have a lot to do with the image we show the world.
4 things to know about
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde starts August 5, 2024.
We are in the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde right now.
Everything you need to know about Mercury Retrograde and the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde is here:
Although Mercury Retrograde is not as important or intense as some of the other planetary configurations, it is something that I watch for when I talk with people about their yearly forecasts.
July 2024
Energetic and unpredictable
Energetic and initiating Mars conjoins unpredictable Uranus in the sky from July 1 through July 25, 2024. Mars is the planet connected with fire, force, passion, assertiveness, energy, anger, weapons and war. Uranus is the planet of air, change, disruption, the unexpected, earth changes, earthquakes, hurricanes and originality. All this energy together could literally be firestorms or it could be using our energies to passionately achieve goals. Using self-discipline and directing our energy into constructive outlets can bring great results. We can have wild courage and should temper it with thinking things through.
This is, of course, a general reading for the world at large. How this will affect you depends upon your individual birth chart and how you choose to use this energy. I always look at how the planets in the sky affect your birth chart when I talk about 12-month forecasts. I also use secondary progressions and eclipses to get a broader picture of where you are on your life path. To schedule a 12-month forecast with me, call me at 785-232-2836.
Your astrologer,
Great times ahead
Mercury trine Saturn
Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, travel and health is in a fortunate trine (about 120 degrees from) Saturn, the planet of structure, discipline and responsibility from June 23, 2024 through June 29, 2024.
It’s a great time for important communication and study. It’s a great time to work on boring or mundane tasks that need concerted effort. It’s also a great time for organizing your environment, especially to be able to work more efficiently. Concentrate on what is important to be done and let trivialities go. Things may not be finished as quickly as you would like, but hard work brings positive results.
Travel can go well because of effective planning. Health measures can go well because of consistent efforts to improve health.
The planets are always moving and changing their relationships to one another. Their effects on each of us is different, but we should take advantage of when the planets are in easier and more auspicious times. Like June 23, 2024 through June 29, 2024.
If you have any questions, call me at 785-232-2836.
Happy solstice
June 20, 2024 at 3:50 p.m. Central Daylight Time, is the moment of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Solstice is the day of the year that the Sun reaches its farthest point north in its apparent orbit around the Earth. This happens each year when the Sun enters the signs of Cancer and then Capricorn. Many ancient structures around the world celebrated the solstices and the equinoxes (when the Sun was on the celestial equator), recognizing the importance of such days. We can use the days around the solstice to imagine how we want our lives to be and then take action to have them become what we want.
On the Summer Solstice, the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the sign of home, property, family and roots. The Sun, Mercury and Venus will be in Cancer until July 1, 2024 making this period a good time to focus on the above-listed subjects.
The Sun is energetic, Mercury is intellectual and communicative, and Venus is loving and artistic. We can used these energies to improve our lives, our homes and our relationships.
Call me at 785-232-2836 if you want astrology to help you make the best of your life.
2025 through 2026 years of momentous changes
There are 360 degrees of the zodiac where Neptune could be. Two of those degrees, 0 degrees of Aries and 0 degrees of Libra, are the degrees of the equinoxes and have extra influence and impact.
Look at what happened in the world when Neptune was in 0 degrees of Libra or Aries in the past.
Neptune at 0 degrees Libra 1778—1783 American Revolution
Neptune at 0 degrees Aries 1861—1865 American Civil War
Neptune at 0 degrees Libra 1941—1944 World War II
Neptune at 0 degrees Aries 2025-2026 ???
Neptune has a correspondence with the masses of humanity and changes that will have an influence over the world. Libra wants equality and Aries is fiery, energetic and freedom loving.
Positive effects of Neptune in Aries include cultural shifts, rapid advancements in technology, a desire for interconnectedness and idealism.
Negative effects of Neptune include people being mesmerized by leaders, conflicts on a large scale and illusions in mass media and propaganda. Neptune can make it hard to wade through conflicting and confusing narratives.
To see how this strong planetary influence might affect you, I would include this in your 12-month forecast. Contact me for your personalized 12-month forecast at 785-232-2836.
For more information about the 12-month forecasts, go to
Mars square Pluto until June 17, 2024
Mars, the planet of energy, force, drive, anger, weapons and aggression will be until June 17, 2024, and has been for a while, in a challenging square aspect with Pluto. Pluto is the planet that is like Mars on steroids. Pluto is intense and symbolizes power. Emotions run high. There can be power struggles, aggression and conflict. Avoid getting involved in arguments.
In astrology, there is the potential for using planetary energy constructively with opportunities for growth and personal transformation. Channel this intense energy into positive changes and face challenges instead of trying to side step them. What looks hard can turn out to be better in the long run if we do the work necessary. Contact me if you want any other help on how to deal with this challenging aspect or how to deal effectively in other area of your life.
Want to check out astrologers’ predictions?
My website has articles that 10 astrologers and a mystic predicted for 2023 and my predictions for 2024.
Travel, communicate and socialize
Now through June 16, 2024 The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will all be in the sign Gemini. Having the Sun and these many planets in the same sign at the same time gives a lot of emphasis on matters associated with that sign. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are traditionally called the Benefics, or beneficial planets. Mercury can be beneficial or not, and is generally considered neutral, neither beneficial nor detrimental. This is a lot of beneficial energy and we can take advantage of it by focusing on Gemini themes.
Gemini is the sign of travel, communication and socialization. It needs variety and intellectual stimulation. Having the Sun in Gemini emphasies and shines the light on these pursuits.
Mercury is the planet of communication and intellect. It is in its home sign of Gemini, giving an enhancement to communicating and learning. It is a favorable time for exchanging ideas.
Venus is the planet of love, social life, money and possessions. Having Venus in Gemini is good for having intellectual rapport with people important to you. It can help you with making decisions about money and possessions.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, knowledge and travel. Jupiter in Gemini may have a tendency for being scattered or in being interested in a wide variety of things, however, it can also help us expand our horizons and have interesting experiences.
Call me at 785-232-2836 to schedule an individualized twelve-month forecast for you. For more information about twelve-month forecasts, go to twelve-month forecasts.
Get rid of clutter
Now through June 26, 2024 is a great time to get rid of clutter, be it things, ideas or people who are not good for you. Jupiter, the planet some astrologers call The Great Benefic, trines (is about 120 degrees from) Pluto. Pluto purges and transforms. A trine is fortunate and helpful. This time period makes it easier than others to clean up our lives. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches and Pluto is powerful energy. I certainly feel this energy and have a strong drive to get our yard in shape and clean out our garage.
The universe rewards action
My friend Maggie Kelley used to say, “The universe rewards action.” She believed that we need to work to achieve our goals, and when we do, the abundant universe will respond to us positively. Now through May 27, 2024 is a good time to take action and start tasks that need a strong start to get going.
Mars, the planet of force, initiative, drive and energy, is very near the North Node of the Moon now through May 27, 2024.
Mars is energetic and can help us get in motion and start tasks that have seemed difficult. Mars can be selfish, foolhardy, aggressive, angry and quarrelsome, so it is important to channel this Mars energy into getting work done.
The North Node of the Moon is where the Moon’s path crosses the path of the Sun, moving toward the north. The South Node of the Moon is always opposite the North Node of the Moon and is where the Moon’s path crosses the apparent path of the Sun, moving toward the south. My Hindu astrologer teacher told me that the Moon’s Nodes were the most powerful points of any chart and were always active during happenings that affected the whole earth. I would not agree with him that the Nodes are the most powerful points in an astrology chart, but I certainly have seen them when they had planets close to them and major newsworthy happenings occurred.
The North Node represents the direction you are headed in this lifetime. Many astrologers see it as pointing to our life purpose. It is where you must push yourself out of your comfort zone. We need to be open to possibilities.
Watch for coincidences for hints of what we can do to achieve goals. Be assertive and single-minded to achieve personal goals. Remember Maggie’s words, “The universe rewards action.”
Call me if you would like help in taking action to achieve what you want in life. I am your astrologer who wants only the best for you.
Esther Luttrell and Dianne Lawson, with guest Joanne Young, explore dreams, predictions of the future, glimpses into the past, warnings and premonitions. Is our dream state a continuation of our waking state with the soul’s silver cord holding the two together? Why does everyone dream? Why are some dreams so real you could swear they actually took place? Lively conversation between friends asking questions that everyone wants to have answered. My story of how my dream saved my little dog’s life is toward the end of this podcast.
Dreams Their Power and Their Purpose
While you’re there, be sure and subscribe to Esther Luttrell’s Sunday Stories and click the like button.
Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions, recurring cycles
Astrology is all about the recurring cycles of the planets. Recently I watched the nightly news and was struck with how the protests on college campuses all over the country were so similar as how they were in 1968 and 1969, especially on the campuses of Columbia and Berkeley, and the ones happening now. And then I read in my newspaper that students at The University of Kansas and Washburn University of Topeka (my home town) were protesting against the war in Gaza. Reporters were commenting on what I was seeing—the similarities between those protests then and the ones now—both led by college students and both protesting wars that they thought were unjust.
And protests are not just happening in the U.S., but are happening around the word. As an astrologer, I was not surprised, as I know the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of 1968/9 was repeating now.
This conjunction is not all about protests and negativity and can lead to remarkable new inventions and new ideas to make lives better.
Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches and Uranus is the planet of protests, liberation, freedom, unpredictability, idealism, inventions and technology. We can channel this energy to make changes in areas of our lives that we would like to be changed. This can be a very beneficial planetary aspect to use.
Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. Jupiter is opportunity and luck. Uranus is innovation, change and freedom. If we use these planetary energies in positive ways, we can enlarge and change areas of our lives that we want to change.
If you know where the area between 10 degrees and 29 degrees of Taurus is in your birth chart, expect changes in that area of your life. It can be helpful to know in what areas of your life you can use this planetary energy to make positive changes. If you want to see what I wrote about predictions for 2024, including the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, go to:
I include this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction when I talk to people about their individual yearly forecasts. It will be helpful to be open to changes and to welcome and grab exciting new opportunities in your life. For more information about the yearly forecast, go to twelve-month forecasts
Call me at 785-232-2836 to schedule an individualized yearly forecast for you. For more information about yearly forecasts, go to twelve-month forecasts.
Auroras of May 11, 2024
“A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to create dazzling auroras that may be seen as far south as Alabama and Northern California but also disrupt communications on Earth tonight and over the weekend, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center… Even if auroras aren’t visible in the sky, experts at the center recommend taking images of the sky with your phone because the images may capture what you can’t see with the naked eye.” CNN World
I went out walking with the Topeka Audubon group this morning and several said they saw auroras last night in Topeka, Kansas. I also heard from other people in Kansas, around the country and in New Zealand that they saw the auroras last night. I plan on watching for them tonight and suggest you might want to, also.
Events on Earth mirror the heavens above
Astrology is all about the recurring cycles of the planets. Recently I watched the nightly news and was struck with how the protests on college campuses all over the country were so similar to how they were in 1968 and 1969, especially on the campuses of Columbia and Berkeley, and the ones happening now. And then I read in my newspaper that students at The University of Kansas and Washburn University of Topeka (my home town) were protesting against the war in Gaza. Reporters were commenting on what I was seeing—the similarities between those protests then and the ones now—both led by college students and both protesting wars that they thought were unjust.
And protests are not just happening in the U.S., but are happening around the word. As an astrologer, I was not surprised, as I know the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of 1968/9 was repeating now.
This conjunction is not all negative and can lead to remarkable new inventions and new ideas to make lives better. I am just remarking now about how similar are the protests then and now.
The following was an abbreviated version of what I wrote about the astrology of 2024.
The most important astrological event of the year? Jupiter-Uranus conjunction
Many astrologers think that the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is the most important astrological event of 2024. Jupiter and Uranus will be very close to each other in the signs of the zodiac February 24, 2024 through May 24, 2024, although the effect will be felt months before and after. This configuration brings unexpected happenings throughout the world and also in our individual lives, depending upon our individual birth charts. It certainly brings about an increase in protests, liberation, freedom, unpredictability, idealism, inventions and technology.
For clues as to what it might bring us this year, let’s look at the past. Jupiter and Uranus were close to each other throughout 1968 and 1969.
The best predictor is the past.
1968 and 1969 were important years for the world. The Democratic National Convention with its huge protests and police brutality was on nightly news. One of my close friends attended the convention and was holed up in her hotel room afraid to leave because of the rioting and police violent responses. The convention marked a turning point where youth and other previously uninvolved people became politically active. Nixon, a polarizing figure in American politics and the only President to resign, was elected in 1968.
Here’s what Wikipedia said about the protests of 1968. “The protests of 1968 comprised a worldwide escalation of social conflicts, which were predominantly characterized by the rise of left-wing[1] politics, anti-war sentiment, civil rights urgency, youth counterculture within the silent and baby boomer generations, and popular rebellions against state militaries and bureaucracies.
In reaction to the Tet Offensive, protests also sparked a broad movement in opposition to the Vietnam War all over the United States as well as in London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. Mass movements grew in the United States but also elsewhere. In most Western European countries, the protest movement was dominated by students.
The most prominent manifestation was the May 1968 protests in France, in which students linked up with wildcat strikes of up to ten million workers, and for a few days, the movement seemed capable of overthrowing the government. In many other countries, struggles against dictatorships, political tensions and authoritarian rule were also marked by protests in 1968, such as the beginning of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City, and the escalation of guerrilla warfare against the military dictatorship in Brazil.”
Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches and Uranus is the planet of protests, liberation, freedom, unpredictability, idealism, inventions and technology.
If you know where between 10 degrees and 29 degrees of Taurus is in your birth chart, expect changes in that area of your life. It can be helpful to know in what areas of your life you can use this planetary energy to make positive changes. This can be a very beneficial planetary aspect to use. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. Jupiter is opportunity and luck. Uranus is innovation, change and freedom. If we use these planetary energies in positive ways, we can enlarge and change areas of our lives that we want to change.
If you want to see the rest of what I wrote about predictions for 2024, go to:
I include this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction when I talk to people about their individual yearly forecasts. It will be helpful to be open to changes and to welcome and grab exciting new opportunities in your life. For more information about the yearly forecast, go to
Call me at 785-232-2836 to schedule an individualized yearly forecast for you. For more information about yearly forecasts, go to twelve-month forecasts.
7 Feng Shui Top Tips
for a home or office
People are affected by their surroundings, and their homes and offices reflect their inner selves. If you change your surroundings, you can help change your life. If you would like to improve your life, Feng Shui can help.
- Get rid of clutter.
Clutter is defined as anything that you don’t use, need or love. I have given a huge number of consultations, talks and classes to various groups and I used to tell my audiences that this is the most important Feng Shui principle to use in your home or office. I now tell them that I think the most important thing is number 2 just below. Getting rid of clutter, however, is very important.
- Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
I am stealing this from Marie Kondo, the tidying up expert. I like this rule even better than my rule just above. We should surround ourselves with items that excite us and make us happy to have them. To me, this is especially helpful in knowing which items of clothing to keep or give away.
- Keep everything neat, clean and in good working order.
This requires daily work and frequent maintenance, and is something we have to keep working toward achieving. This includes everything in your home and work spaces, from burnt out lightbulbs to leaky roofs. Daily maintenance to our physical spaces is a reminder that we must keep a daily routine to reach all of our goals.
- Let natural light in.
When I used to be a social worker, one of my jobs was working with mothers who had low incomes. Their homes were pretty universally dark inside with the window blinds perpetually closed. They were depressed and tired. When I used to write about interesting and wonderful homes for The Topeka Capital-Journal, the owners of those homes always had lots of light in their homes. Going inside their homes was always a delight and felt great. The difference in light in their homes was striking. The difference in the happiness in their lives was striking also.
- Beautify your front door and the area immediately around it.
Even if you enter your house from the back door, the front door is the most important area of your home. This is where guests and energy primarily enter your home. We want to welcome guests and energy into our homes. Have this area clean, neat and welcoming.
This includes not only the outside of the door, but just inside as well. Have the space just inside the front door welcoming and a pleasant space to enter. We want people to feel happy when they arrive.
The front door of your office is the place where you immediately enter your space. This area may or may not have an actual door.
- Get informed about Feng Shui rules.
The following is an article that was in a magazine of top tips from many Feng Shui experts around the country (including me.) Even though the title is about small spaces, it helps people work with any space.
This is a list of my favorite Feng Shui books.
- Have a Feng Shui consultation
The best way to improve the energy of your home or office is to have an actual Feng Shui consultation about your individual space. You are unique, as is your space. I perform Feng Shui consultations in person and also at a distance. I used to think it would only work if I was at the site, but it works fine if I am on a cell phone, if I have a floor plan and if the person I am talking to is also is on a cell phone at the actual location. For more information, go to
Eta Aquarid meteor shower
This weekend, the first weekend of May 2024, brings the peak of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower. It should be a good year for viewing them. These meteors often lead a trail behind them, and they stem from Halley’s Comet.
The peak of this shower is the night of Saturday, May 4, through Sunday, May 5, although meteors can be seen for several days before and after. The best time to see them is between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. The best place to see them is away from city lights.
Nature lovers and artists take note
Now through May 8, 2024, Mars conjoins Neptune in the sky. Mars is the planet that corresponds with force, energy and drive, while Neptune corresponds with confusion, inconsistency and procrastination. Mars is a fiery planet and burns with intent. Neptune is an emotional and psychic planet. At first glance they don’t have much in common. But, since Neptune also has a connection with nature, music, dance, art and photography, using Mars energy to get focused and enjoy Neptunian pursuits can lead to pleasurable endeavors.
Topeka is glorious in the spring, full of flowers and new leaves. It is my favorite time of the year and I plan to get out and enjoy being outside.
Great North American Eclipse in Aries, the sign of the warrior, the pioneer and the freedom lover
The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 is over with, but it has had an effect upon us for months before it happened and will for about another year. This was the fourth total solar eclipse that I have viewed and it was spectacular to see. My husband and I saw it hours south of St. Louis and were in the middle of A LOT of other people stuck in very slow moving or not moving at all traffic. It took us two days (including a hotel stay overnight) to travel home from what probably was usually a five-hour drive. But it was worth it! After totality we saw the diamond ring—a phenomenon that I had never seen before. It was thrilling to see the diamond ring, which is when only a single bright spot of sunlight flashes out from behind the moon.
One of my daughters and my granddaughter also travelled to see the eclipse and went to an eclipse festival with music, tightrope walking and digging for crystals. They did not travel to a large city and so were not stuck in traffic. They, too, saw the diamond ring.
Eclipses portend changes and transformation in our lives depending upon how they interact with our birth charts. With this eclipse in Aries, we can feel a strong desire to initiate change, let go of the past or grab new opportunities. Aries is very freedom-loving and we may feel a strong need to get rid of anything from the past that weighs us down.
We must be careful not to throw caution to the winds, but make necessary changes in our lives that allow us to be who we really are, but still thinking of how our changes might affect others.
Use this energy wisely to start new projects and take on new tasks with vigor. Avoid being rash or accident prone.
If you watch headlines, you can see how this eclipse in Aries is having an effect on the world. People are aggressive and want changes. We need to use this energy to make positive changes and not destructive ones.
Since this eclipse happened close to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, widely considered the most important astrological event of the year, there is what I call a double whammy of freedom urges this year. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has an impulse for freedom, as does an eclipse in Aries. To read what I wrote about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, scroll down a little ways to The most important astrological event of the year?
Astrologers look at what sign of the zodiac eclipses are in. But, which sign of the zodiac eclipses are in is not as important as which house that this eclipse lands in your individual birth chart. This is the area of your life that will be most affected. If you know which house of your birth chart this eclipse is in, you can focus on that corresponding area of your life in which you can make significant positive changes. If you have a copy of your birth chart, you can see what house this 19 degree Aries eclipse is in.
Astrologers differ widely as to how long eclipses have an effect on us, but I think that the effect lasts for a few months before, to a year afterward. That means that we will feel the effects of this eclipse throughout the calendar year of 2024 through April of 2025.
When I talk about the next twelve-months forecasts, I always include how eclipses will have an effect on people. You may want to schedule a twelve-month forecast with me and hear about how this eclipse will have an effect on you, plus a whole lot more information about your next twelve months. A twelve-month forecast is $150, plus $10 for a recording. To schedule a twelve-month forecast, call 785-232-2836 or email
An eclipse forecast is $50. If you would to hear about how the eclipse will affect you, all me at 785-232-2836 or email
Hoppy and happy Easter
How was Valentine’s Day?
If Valentine’s Day was not the way you or someone you care about wanted it to be, here is something that can help make it better next Valentines Day.
3 MAJOR events for 2024 with Astrologer Dianne Lawson and Brandaleen Johnson
Many astrologers think that the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is the most important astrological event of 2024. Jupiter and Uranus will be very close to each other in the signs of the zodiac February 24, 2024 through May24, 2024, although the effect will be felt months before and after. This configuration brings unexpected happenings throughout the world and also in our individual lives, depending upon our individual birth charts. It certainly brings about an increase in protests, liberation, freedom, unpredictability, idealism, inventions and technology.
For clues as to what it might bring us this year, let’s look at the past. Jupiter and Uranus were close to each other throughout 1968 and 1969.
The best predictor of the future is the past.
1968 and 1969 were important years for the world. We landed on the moon in 1969. The Democratic National Convention with its huge protests and police brutality were on nightly news. One of my close friends attended the convention and was holed up in her hotel room afraid to leave because of the rioting and police violent responses. The convention marked a turning point where youth and other previously uninvolved people became politically active. Nixon, a polarizing figure in American politics and the only President to resign was elected in 1968. Woodstock was hugely important. Wikipedia describes Woodstock as “The festival has become widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as a defining event for the silent and baby boomer generations.”
Those of us who lived it were well aware that the world was changing in terms of civil rights and women’s liberation. Here’s what Wikipedia said about the protests of 1968. “The protests of 1968 comprised a worldwide escalation of social conflicts, which were predominantly characterized by the rise of left-wing[1] politics, anti-war sentiment, civil rights urgency, youth counterculture within the silent and baby boomer generations, and popular rebellions against state militaries and bureaucracies.
In the United States, the protests marked a turning point for the Civil Rights Movement, which produced revolutionary movements like the Black Panther Party. In reaction to the Tet Offensive, protests also sparked a broad movement in opposition to the Vietnam War all over the United States as well as in London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. Mass movements grew in the United States but also elsewhere. In most Western European countries, the protest movement was dominated by students.
The most prominent manifestation was the May 1968 protests in France, in which students linked up with wildcat strikes of up to ten million workers, and for a few days, the movement seemed capable of overthrowing the government. In many other countries, struggles against dictatorships, political tensions and authoritarian rule were also marked by protests in 1968, such as the beginning of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City, and the escalation of guerrilla warfare against the military dictatorship in Brazil.”
It was the beginning of the Internet. This, of course, was a pivotal point in the history of the world.
Personally, 1968 was a big year for me as I was married and had my first child then. The country was divided intensely about the Vietnam War. I made one of my aunts cry because of our differing beliefs about the war. My current husband, who is seven years younger than I am, had a huge change in his life, as his family moved from a state he was born in to a new home and school in a new state.
I wrote about the above examples of what happened in 1968 and 1969 because Jupiter was very close in the sky to Uranus then. Jupiter and Uranus are again very close in the sky in 2024, and we see repeated themes in our lives and throughout the world as we did in 1968 and 1969.
Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches and Uranus is the planet of protests, liberation, freedom, unpredictability, idealism, inventions and technology.
Just like in 1968 and 1969, in 2024, people around the world are going to have extremely opposing views and protests against their freedoms being eroded. We need to stand up against intolerance, corruption and totalitarianism. Technology will have far-reaching effects that will change our future.
This conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus happens in Taurus, an earth sign. There will be unexpected earth changes—volcanoes and earthquakes.
If you know where between 10 degrees and 29 degrees of Taurus is in your birth chart, expect changes in that area of your life.
For information about the other most important astrological event of 2024, read about Pluto in Aquarius.
I include this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and Pluto in Aquarius when I talk to people about their individual yearly forecasts. It will be helpful to be open to changes and to welcome exciting new opportunities in your life. For more information about the yearly forecast, go to
Call me at 785-232-2836 to schedule an individualized yearly forecast for you.
Pluto in Aquarius
The best predictor of the future is the past.
We are in the middle of a shift from Pluto being in Capricorn to it moving into Aquarius. The exact dates are not important, as when Pluto changes signs, it is a gradual shift from one mode of being to another. The actual dates of when Pluto is in Aquarius in this period are March 23, 2023 through June 11, 2023, January 20, 2024 through September 1, 2024, and November 19, 2024 through March 8, 2043. Pluto, like all of the planets, occasionally goes retrograde (in apparent backward motion against the zodiac as seen from the Earth) before it moves forward again. We are already feeling the shift that is happening now and for the next twenty years.
Pluto is the planet of power, intensity and transformation. Aquarius is the sign of technology, information, freedom and revolution. Having this planet in this sign brings conflict between the people wanting power over others versus people who want to have power over themselves and their lives.
Look for themes of the past when Pluto was in Aquarius for hints as to what is to come during the next twenty years while Pluto is again in Aquarius.
Pluto in Aquarius 1532-1553
The printing press caused an explosion in the number of books published. There was a spreading of knowledge throughout the population.
There were several attempts to suppress books.
Copernicus published that the Sun instead of the Earth was the center of the solar system. This was shocking and was attempted to be suppressed. This was the start of the scientific revolution.
Pluto in Aquarius 1777-1798
Uranus, the planet that rules or corresponds with Aquarius, was discovered. This was the first time that a planet was found with technology (the telescope) and was not found with the naked eye. It revolutionized astronomy and astrology that a new planet was found outside of the orbit of Saturn for the first time in history.
The American Revolution was 1775-1783, and the passing of the Constitution and The Bill of Rights happened during this period.
The French Revolution followed the American Revolution and both were about power to the people and not having a monarchy.
The Industrial Revolution radically changed cities and society.
Uranus is the God of the sky and during this period the first hot air balloons took to the sky.
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2043
As you can see above, the last two times Pluto was in Aquarius were times of great advances in technology, a revolt against authority and struggles between democracy and autocracy. There was an increase in knowledge, but at the same time, attempts to suppress knowledge.
I would expect those same themes being repeated during the next twenty years.
Technology of all kinds will advance at a rapid rate, in ways we cannot even guess at now. To me, ChatGPT is stunning in its ability. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already influenced our world, but will advance in shocking ways in the future.
Many astrologers see Pluto in Aquarius as symbolizing power to the people. People will want to have more control over their lives and will revolt in one way and another if they think elites are trying to control them.
The next twenty years will be a time of great leaps forward for humankind. It will be an exciting time of change and transformation. Individually the best way to embrace this shift will be to be willing and able to make changes in our own lives and keep up with the new ways.
You may want to go back to see what other astrologers, a mystic and I wrote about the forecast for 2023 because we talked about Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius.
For help in navigating through changes in your life, contact me at 785-232-2836 or
A Good Time
Now through January 23, 2024, Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury corresponds with communication and thought. Jupiter is optimistic and can see the big picture. A trine between planets is when they are about 120 degrees apart from each other. A trine is considered to be generally harmonious, positive and supportive. Having these two planets in a fortunate, easy trine indicates that it is easier to be optimistic and to see the whole picture. Communication of all kinds can bring good results.
Capricorn corresponds with career. Taurus corresponds with money. Capricorn and Taurus are practical and materialistic signs.
Putting this all together indicates that this is a good time to make plans for the future, especially in any areas that have to do with the practical world. Pay attention to your ideas about how to make and to save money and how to advance your career.
Since astrology is about the birth of things, this is a good time to start focusing and working on long-term goals. Seeds planted now have the potential to bring success.
If you would like some guidance on how to make the most of this year, contact me at 785-232-2836 or
Great North American Eclipse
The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 will soon be here and I am sending you advance information, so that you can prepare for it and plan to be there. It will be the last eclipse that you will be able to see in North America until 2033, so it is worth making sure that you can see it.
This will be the fourth total solar eclipse that I have seen and I can verify that seeing an eclipse is well worth travelling to see one. When I lived in Montana, my house was smack dab in the center of the eclipse path and we stood out in my driveway to see it. The one a few years ago, the path of totality was right on my son Brian’s house, so the family sat in his yard and watched it. That made the second house Brian has lived in that was in the path of an eclipse.
Eclipses portend changes in our lives depending upon how they interact with our birth charts. Astrologers differ widely as to how long eclipses have an effect on us, but I think that the effect lasts for a few months before, to a year afterward. That means that we will start seeing the effect of this eclipse shortly.
When I talk about the next twelve-months forecasts, I always include how eclipses will have an effect on people. You may want to schedule a twelve-month forecast with me and hear about how this eclipse will have an effect on you, plus a whole lot more information about your next twelve months. A twelve-month forecast is $150, plus $10 for a recording. To schedule a twelve-month forecast, call 785-232-2836 or email
An eclipse forecast is $50. If you would to hear about how the eclipse will affect you, all me at 785-232-2836 or email
For information about the next eclipse, go to
Happy holidays!
THE BEST METEOR SHOWER OF THE YEAR: It’s happening tonight.
The best meteor shower of the year is expected to peak on Dec. 13-14 with no Moon to spoil the show. Rural observers could see hundreds of Geminid meteors and more than a few fireballs. This is also the most mysterious meteor shower of the year. New research shows that the shower’s parent, 3200 Phaethon, is not what we thought it was. Full story @
Perfect, unusual and meaningful presents for yourself and for others.
Your birth chart is your guide to help you get through life!
Your birth chart helps you understand yourself and live your life to its fullest. It also helps you realize your potential. It indicates your potentials in all areas of your life, including career, relationships and money.
Your yearly forecast is your guide for the next twelve months!
Discover the trends in your life for your next twelve months! Your yearly forecast will help you prepare for the coming year. You’ll learn what is likely to happen and how to take advantage of good times. In addition, you’ll learn how to prepare for or avoid challenging times. The yearly chart is a roadmap on your path in life and a beacon of hope to help you have a better future. Your yearly chart starts the day of your consultation with me and goes for the next twelve months, no matter what time of year we talk.
Astrology guidance has many tools that can help you in any area of your life. It can help you time events, including your wedding. Astrology can help you decide where the best location would be to live. It can also help you with business or relationship problems or any other challenges you are having. If you want more information about which path in life you should be taking, astrology can show you lamp posts to light your way.
Chart Comparison
A chart comparison, also called synastry, between your birth chart and the birth chart of another person describes the relationship between the two of you. It is helpful in understanding compatibilities and challenging areas (and knowing what to do about them) between the two people. It is also helpful in knowing if this person is “the one.”
Horary astrology can answer any question!
Horary astrology helps with problems and improves your life.
The magical and ancient art of horary astrology answers specific questions about any important matters. It can answer questions about the past, present or future.
When you ask me a question, I push a button on my computer astrology program and the computer program draws a map of the heavens for the exact moment I understood the question. The planetary positions of that moment tell me the answer to your question.
Pluto in an anaretic degree–even more powerful
When a planet is at 29 degrees of any sign, it is called anaretic. It is in the last degree of 30 degrees of a sign and has extreme responses. It is intense and dramatic. Pluto is already intense and will be in the anaretic degree of Capricorn December 19, 2023 through January 20, 2024, and September 24, 2024 through November 19, 2024. What I wrote below will even be more intense during the above periods.
The world will not be having an easy time of it, but we can channel this intense energy to work on ourselves and our lives, especially transforming any negative patterns in our lives.
The following is what I wrote in 2023 Forecasts from ten astrologers and a mystic
“I agree with the other astrologers who said that Pluto going into Aquarius is a big deal. But Pluto in Capricorn is not finished with us yet. Pluto will enter into Aquarius in March 2023 and stay until June 2023, and then it will retrograde back into Capricorn. (A planet goes in apparent backward motion through the signs of the zodiac based upon our relative position with it.) Pluto will dance between the two signs until November 19, 2024, before it will stay in Aquarius. When Pluto transitions through the signs it is a gradual changing of the guard, not an abrupt switch.
Pluto destroys, transforms and eliminates what is no longer needed. It also brings to the surface that which had been hidden. It is connected with Plutocrats, big business, power, criminals, police, volcanoes and earthquakes.
Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac that corresponds with governments, careers, and leaders, especially government, business and religion.
The years 2023 and 2024 will bring us big changes in governments around the world and their leaders. Many secrets of powerful people will be brought to light. Careers will continue to evolve to serve people’s needs. More people will leave unsatisfactory jobs to pursue what they have more power over. On a personal level, we will be getting rid of what no longer serves us and will be facing our long-hidden issues.”
Contact me for help in navigating through this intense period.
Dianne Lawson
785-232-2836 (Sign up for my free emails about astrology.)
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology
How and when will Mercury Retrograde affect you in 2023 and 2024?
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use.
Be sure and read the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period: and the Top 20 things to do during when Mercury is direct:
What is Mercury Retrograde?
From time to time, each of the planets appears to go in backward motion across the signs of the zodiac, depending upon the relative positions of the earth and the planet. That apparent backward motion is called retrograde motion.
Since Mercury is going in apparent backward motion, it sometimes brings a repeat of people or events back into your life. It also often brings more Mercury related concerns, circumstances and things into our lives.
Mercury has a correspondence with everything related to thoughts, including studying, taking tests, making decisions and signing contracts. It also has a correspondence with all machines, including computers, phones and vehicles.
Mercury is the planet that has a connection with all forms of communication, including writing, editing, reviewing, talking, giving speeches, and being on podcasts and radio shows. And Mercury is connected with travel.
What to do under Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is a good time to renew, revise, refurbish, rethink, reorganize, reflect, redo and get rid of anything that no longer serves you. As a Feng Shui consultant, I am always happy when the planets are helping us get rid of clutter. During a Mercury Retrograde is also a good time to complete long overdue tasks. Many people have a heightened sense of inner awareness. This is a great time to resolve old conflicts, re-evaluate your thought patterns and fix problems that have been hanging on for a while.
Whenever Mercury is retrograde, communications, contracts, machines and travel plans may go awry. For ordinary life, including communications and travel, I pay little or no attention to when Mercury is retrograde. However, I do pay close attention to when Mercury is retrograde for important communicating, contract signing and passport vacation traveling. I will continue to go about my daily life and do what needs to be done, but I will not send any manuscripts to new publishers under a Mercury retrograde period.
Under Mercury Retrograde, take extra care while communicating with others. Make sure that everyone understands what the plans and expectations are. Signing important contracts to buy expensive items may need to be redone or may come to naught. Applying for or starting a new job, could mean that the job will change or be short-lived. This is not necessarily bad.
If you travel when Mercury is retrograde, make allowances for changes in schedules and allow extra time to arrive. Mercury also rules telephones, computers, printers, machines and cars, so do everything you can to have them in good running order before Mercury goes retrograde.
Because Mercury also rules, or has a correspondence, with health, I would not have any elective surgery under Mercury Retrograde periods. If you have to have surgery, go ahead. There is never going to be a perfect time for anything and Mercury is just one of many planets that have an influence at any one time.
Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period
The effects of Mercury Retrograde are felt before and after the planet is actually going backwards through the signs of the zodiac as seen from the earth. These times before and after Mercury Retrograde are called shadow periods. A shadow period begins when Mercury is at the same degree of the zodiac where it will later go in forward motion again. A later shadow period is when Mercury starts going forwards again but is not yet at the same degree of the zodiac as it was when it first started going backwards.
Astrologers differ in their beliefs about shadow periods, but I think the shadow periods are not as strong as the actual retrograde periods. Recently, shadow periods have been affecting me and others strongly, so I may be paying more attention to them. I will sign contracts in shadow periods but not in retrograde periods.
How Mercury Retrograde may have
special importance for you
Astrologers pays attention to much more than just when Mercury is retrograde or direct, but Mercury Retrograde should be taken into consideration. With really important things, consult a professional astrologer to explain to you all the planetary configurations than apply to you specifically. I include Mercury Retrograde periods when I talk to people about their yearly forecasts.
If you have your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or planets in Mercury-ruled Gemini or Virgo, you will probably be more affected by Mercury Retrograde than will people who don’t have those placements in their birth charts.
People who were born when Mercury was retrograde often don’t feel the effects of when Mercury in the sky is retrograde as other people do. If you have Mercury Retrograde in your birth chart, I would be interested in knowing how you feel Mercury Retrograde periods affect you.
Mercury Retrograde matters, but it is just one of many things astrologers look at
Mercury Retrograde matters, but keep in mind that Mercury is just one of many objects that astrologers look at. We pay attention to the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Moon’s Nodes, Eclipses and more. Not only do we look at whether of not they are retrograde or in direct motion, but we look what sign of the zodiac they are in and what angular positions they are in relation to each other. How all of this, and more, affects your individual chart matters most of all. That is what astrologers can tell you in explaining your individual birth chart.
So don’t worry about a Mercury Retrograde, but do plan for it. And remember, that I have had many challenging trips under a Mercury Retrograde, but I have always been glad I took those trips. And when my husband and I went to Egypt, it took us three exhausting, frustrating days to get home to Topeka, Kansas from Aswan, Egypt. And Mercury was in direct motion, not retrograde.
Mark your calendars as to the times below. Mercury is retrograde from the time it goes retrograde until the time it goes in forward motion.
December 12, 2022 Mercury enters its shadow period
December 30, 2022 Mercury goes retrograde
January 19, 2023 Mercury goes in forward motion
February 6, 2023 Mercury is out of its shadow
April 7, 2023 Mercury enters its shadow period
April 22, 2023 Mercury goes retrograde
May 14, 2023 Mercury goes in forward motion
May 31, 2023 Mercury is out of its shadow
August 4, 2023 Mercury enters its shadow period
August 23, 2023 Mercury goes retrograde
September 15, 2023 Mercury goes in forward motion
September 30, 2023 Mercury is out of its shadow
November 25, 2023 Mercury enters its shadow period
December 13, 2023 Mercury goes retrograde
January 1, 2024 Mercury goes in forward motion
January 21, 2024 Mercury is out of its shadow
March 18, 2024 Mercury enters its shadow period
April 2, 2024 Mercury goes retrograde
April 26, 2024 Mercury goes in forward motion
May 13, 2024 Mercury is out of its shadow
July 17, 2024 Mercury enters its shadow period
August 5, 2024 Mercury goes retrograde
August 29, 2024 Mercury goes in forward motion
September 11, 2024 Mercury is out of its shadow
November 7, 2024 Mercury enters its shadow period
November 26, 2024 Mercury goes retrograde
December 16, 2024 Mercury goes in forward motion
January 2, 2025 Mercury is out of its shadow
I will be there providing astrology, card and palm readings, as well as selling my book and Feng Shui items.
The Leonids are here.
This is one of the best meteor showers in the fall because it has bright fireballs. It’s already here, but the best night to see it is November 17/18 2023. As always, look from a dark location away from city lights and allow about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. The best time to see meteor showers is always after midnight to just before dawn.
Astrology can help you solve your problems, improve your lives, answer questions, understand yourself and others better, prepare for the future, find your life path and life purpose and create the life you want.
Please contact me if you would like some astrological guidance.
Dianne Lawson
Good astrological news
As I have been telling you recently, it is a hard time astrologically. If you want to go back and read what I have been saying, you can go to You might also want to see what ten astrologers and a mystic said about 2023
I told you I would send you some good astrological news. So here it is. The Sun and Mars are in fortunate trine aspect (about 120 degrees from each other) now through November 24, 2024. The Sun is known as a benefic, giving us light and energy. Mars is the planet of force and drive, and when channeled into positive work can give us the power to get things done. Neptune corresponds with creativity, insight and intuition.
Mars and the Sun are in the emotional water sign of Scorpio and Neptune is in the emotional water sign of Pisces. Scorpio is always good for eliminating what you no longer need. Pisces is great for dealing with anything spiritual or artistic.
Putting all this together makes it a good time to focus and use energy on being creative and artistic. You can attract people with your warm, caring and emotional nature. Concentrate on what is good in your life, and work on making your life the way you want it to be.
November 2023, a challenging and energetic month
Mars, the planet of energy, force, drive, anger, aggression, is moving through the zodiac making challenging aspects with tough planets this month. An aspect in astrology is when a planet is a certain angle, such as 90 degrees or 180 degrees, from another planet in a horoscope.
Mars starts off the month opposing Jupiter, the planet of expansion. An opposition is when two planets are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac. Since they are facing in opposite directions it is hard for them to see the other’s viewpoint. It is like two people pulling on a rope at opposite ends and going nowhere. Another way of imagining an opposition is to visualize two cars hitting each other face on. An opposition can be lots of tension or lots of energy.
Mars moves on to oppose Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, change and rebellion. We need to be watchful to avoid accidents.
And then Mars conjoins, or is zero degrees from, the Sun. This gives us energy to work hard and initiate. We can act too impulsively or take unnecessary risks.
And then to round out the month of November, Mars squares Saturn. Mars is action. Saturn is limitation. A square aspect is stressful and challenging. This can be a turbulent and frustrating period.
My Dravidian Vedic astrology teacher used to tell me that any aspect is better than no aspect. With all this Mars energy this month, at least we will have lots of energy to get hard tasks done if we choose to use this energy in positive ways.
Any Mars aspects can give us additional energy that we are able to channel, especially if we need to do hard work. Watch out for excessive anger, either that of yourself or that of others.
Mars is just one of several planets who move throughout the signs of the zodiac. It is making stressful aspects this month, that is true, but we can use all this energy and concentrate on important things. Other planets are making nice aspects and I will be writing about them, so watch for it.
You may want to go to my blog and read “We are in the midst of a huge revolution” to see what the USA’s Pluto Return means for the country. That is happening this month, too.
To help you navigate the next twelve months, contact me to request that we discuss your yearly astrology forecast.
We are in the midst of a huge revolution
We are in the midst of a huge revolution–the USA’s Pluto Return, which lasts about from 2020 through 2026. A planet’s return is when it comes back to the same place in the zodiac as it was at a person’s or country’s birth. Because Pluto’s orbit is about 248 years, when it comes back to the same place as it was at our country’s birth, a Pluto Return is rare and therefore very important.
If you look through the history of any country, you can see profound changes for that country about every 250 years. There is often a rise in power or a fall of empire. The Roman Empire was in extreme disarray in its first Pluto Return and then fell at its second Pluto Return. England entered a Golden Age during its second Pluto Return when Queen Elizabeth brought her country into a time of global exploration and a renewed economy. Spain had Franco giving up his power in its last Pluto Return.
Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation. I often think of it like a volcano that erupts and destroys its environment, only to have the ground more fertile than it was before.
Pluto returns often brings ugly things to the surface, so that they can be faced and changed. We have transformations in our government and who controls the power of our country. We will have national instability, intense transformation, upheaval, discord and division among our populations. This is already here, and it will intensify. We must get rid of what no longer serves us. We must also work together rather than tear us apart.
This period can end up with us being in a better spot than we were before it but it will not be easy going through it.
Astrology, as always, can help us get through this time. Contact me if you would like a yearly astrology forecast, astrological guidance or a horary question answered.
Dianne Lawson
Lunar eclipse coming soon
Although the lunar eclipse of October 28-29, 2023 cannot be seen in the United States, it can be seen in Europe, Africa and Asia. Whether or not we can see it, an eclipse still has an effect upon us.
Astrologers believe that lunar eclipses can affect us for months before and after the eclipse, but the effects will be more pronounced for a week before and a week after.
Many people feel emotions more deeply around the time of lunar eclipses. It’s a good time to confront emotional issues and self-reflect, but it is not a good time to ruminate about negative thoughts. It is not a good time to make emotional decisions or have confrontations that stir up emotions within you.
Around the time of an eclipse is a good time to assess how areas of your life are going, and if you are not happy with the results, to decide what you need to do differently, and then do it.
Eclipses bring hidden truths to light and help us deal with reality better. Watch for hidden truths to come to light on the world stage and with well-known people.
Lunar eclipses affect people more strongly if people have points in their birth charts that fall within five degrees of the same or opposite degrees of the zodiac on which the eclipse happens. This eclipse happens at five degrees of Taurus, so people who have points in their birth charts within five degrees of Taurus or Scorpio (the sign exactly opposite Taurus) will be more affected than people who do not have points within those degrees in their charts.
If you know in what house in your birth chart the eclipse falls, you can know that things represented by that house will be activated.
As always, it is easier to work with the astrological weather than try to work against it. Astrology can help you understand yourself better, solve problems, answer questions and prepare for the future. Please contact me if I can help you make the best of your life with the help of astrology.
Understand yourself:
Prepare for your future:
Receive guidance:
Answer questions:
Dianne Lawson
Venus is trine Jupiter!
Venus in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus from October 15, 2023 through October 27, 2023. Having these two positive planets in a lucky trine provides us with opportunities for us to enjoy our lives.
Venus represents love, relationships, social life, money, possessions, art and beauty.
Jupiter represents expansion, knowledge, good fortune and optimism.
A trine is when planets are about 120 degrees from each other in the signs of the zodiac. A trine represents opportunities and luck.
Venus is in Virgo, the sign of work, daily life and health.
Jupiter is in Taurus, the sign of persistence, determination and permanence. Taurus loves the arts, luxury and good food.
Read over the keywords above and use them to create opportunities for you to enjoy your life. This planetary configuration is great for being with people we care about, enjoying life and working hard to create the lives we want.
To help you make the most of this positive and lucky formation, contact me at 785-232-2836 or to schedule a reading.
Israel, Trump, Mohammad Deif and Suzanne Somers illustrate the profound effect of eclipses
What do Israel, Trump, Mohammad Deif, the head of Hamas, and Suzanne Somers all have in common? Their birth charts were all hit by the eclipse. Eclipses represent endings and new beginnings and reveal hidden information.
Wherever eclipses touch in a birth chart indicates changes in the time around the eclipse and for a year afterward.
Israel’s Ascendant was hit by the eclipse. The Ascendant represents the country itself.
Trump’s Jupiter in the second house was hit by the eclipse. The second house represents money and possessions. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. In an eclipse the Sun was seen, disappears and then the light is seen. I predict that Trump will lose huge amounts of his income and possessions because of his four indictments with 91 charges and resultant legal fees.
The head of Hamas, Mohammad Deif’s Mars was hit by the eclipse. Mars in the planet that represents anger, drive, force, aggression and war. This particular eclipse hitting his Mars certainly intensified his already hot and vengeful Mars.
The actress Suzanne Somers’ Sun was hit by the eclipse and she died the day of the eclipse.
This eclipse was an especially potent one because Mars was very close to the eclipse and Pluto squared the eclipse and Mars.
Mars and Pluto are energetic and often challenging planets, but they can bring drive, determination and transformation with them. It is helpful to know how they affect your chart and how you can channel them positively.
These examples above are all drastic and negative results of the eclipses, but this eclipse will not always bring negative results. These examples just happen to be the ones that I have heard other astrologers point out to me because they were so obvious.
I have seen eclipses bring wonderful things, such as births, marriages, new jobs and new psychological understandings. It all depends upon the individual birth chart.
For more information about what I wrote about eclipses, scroll down to Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse The Astrology of the Eclipse below.
Among other things, I wrote, “If you have the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or a planet within a few degrees of 21 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn in your birth chart, this eclipse will have a stronger effect on you.”
If you want more information about how this eclipse will affect you personally, I always include solar eclipses when I talk to people about their next twelve-month forecasts. To hear about how this solar eclipse will affect you, plus how many other astrological happenings will affect you, contact me to schedule a consultation. Twelve-month forecasts can start any day, but most people have them start the day of our appointment. Twelve-month forecasts are $150, plus $10 if you would like for me to record it and send it to you.
Wow! The two aggressive planets are aligned with the karmic Moon’s Nodes.
From September 30, 2023 through October 15, 2023, the South Node and Mars are squaring (about 90 degrees from) Pluto. Since the North and South Nodes are always opposite each other, they are both squaring Pluto, forming a T-square in the sky. This is a very potent and energetic configuration.
Mars corresponds with anger, force, drive, energy, weapons and conflict.
Pluto corresponds with weapons of mass destruction, transformation, power struggles and wars. He is like Mars on steroids.
The Moon’s Nodes are the points where the path of the Moon crosses the path of the Sun. I studied Dravidian Vedic astrology during the 1980s. My instructor said that the Moon’s Nodes were the most important point to watch for world-wide events. I don’t agree with him, but I certainly agree that the Moon’s Nodes often time important events that the whole world watches. The Nodes indicate karmic lessons. If we don’t learn from them, we may be forced to deal with them again.
This configuration affects the world as a whole. We can certainly see the correspondence of this configuration with the war in Israel. We can also see the intense responses of people on social media.
The best way for individuals to use this energy is to stay away from volatile situations and channel energy into positive actions. This can fuel us to conquer tasks. This energy can be intense and difficult, as it can bring power struggles, arguments, strife and inner conflict. If we are mindful and willing to look within, this can be a time of powerful transformation and personal growth. As always, any aspect involving Pluto can help us get rid of anything that or any person who is not for our highest good.
The Nodes are getting energy from Mars and the Sun and then are also going to be involved in the eclipse in two days, (eclipses can only happen when the Sun and the Moon are on the Moon’s Nodes), so this month is a good time to ponder if we are following our life paths and learning our karmic lessons.
As always, this configuration will be felt differently by different people based upon their individual birth charts. For help in seeing how this might be symbolizing what is going on in your life, plus a whole lot more planetary changes, contact me about your individual 12-month forecast, also known as yearly chart.
Please help my friend Esther Luttrell increase her subscribers and her listeners.
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Please do yourself a favor and look around her site.
Read what Esther says about her site;
“CLICK on VIDEOS to view all of the variety of audio entertainment that expands every Sunday with a new program! My name is Esther Luttrell and the purpose of our Sunday Stories is to take you to a place devoid of political arguments, name-calling, violence, noise and the general chaos of the world around us. As a professional screenwriter and, with a background that includes years with MGM, my hope is that you will discover stories here that you can enjoy – a mystery, something to make you chuckle, or think, or just flat-out get a kick out of. Most of the tales are based on books I’ve written, usually by same title as the audio story, but there are also some great conversations between friends who might well be at your Sunday dinner table. If you like what you hear, I hope you subscribe so we can continue bringing you more of the same. Feel free to contact me, either here or through email at Love to hear from you!”
Esther has many interesting shows, including Evidence of God, True Ghost Stories (which includes my ghost stories) and my favorite, Dear Dean…Love, Mom. Esther is well known for her books, including her mystery novels. If you are a fan of mysteries, you will love her. It will only take a few seconds to hit the subscribe button.
More information about her:
“Esther Luttrell began her career writing educational films for Ivy League college psychology departments. She later participated in a PhD grant at the UMKC-Columbia as campus filmmaker. When the grant ended, she moved to the west coast where she became executive assistant to the VP of MGM-TV. She also wrote and produced television programs and feature films. A move to Topeka, Kansas in 2003 began a new career as the writer of mystery novels. However, it was her spiritual journey following the death of her son that inspired her to write “Between Heaven & Earth, Proof Beyond Doubt that Life and Love are Eternal”. Her latest book of inspiration, “Evidence of God”, is intended for those who feel their prayers have gone unanswered or are on the verge of losing faith. She lives in Topeka, Kansas with way too many cats.”
You may want to see a show I was on about dreams.
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
The astrology of the eclipse
Solar eclipses often uncover what has been hidden from view, much like the Sun when it reappears from behind the Moon. We can expect to find out the truth that people have tried to keep hidden. Countries, including the United States, which the eclipse will travel over, will have several matters that had been hidden from sight brought to light. The news should be interesting to watch.
Eclipses symbolize beginnings, endings and changes. Eclipses get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change. This eclipse happens in 21 degrees of Libra, the sign of relationships. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to work on improving our relationships. Many people have told me that they have been feeling lonely or isolated. It is a good time to reach out to people to whom you would like to be more connected. It’s also a good time to let go of people who are not good for you.
Eclipses will affect a certain area of your life. If you know what house or section of your birth chart 21 degrees of Libra is in, this is the area of your life that will be experiencing changes.
If you have the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or a planet within a few degrees of 21 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn in your birth chart, this eclipse will have a stronger effect on you.
If you want more information about how this eclipse will affect you personally, I always include solar eclipses when I talk to people about their next twelve-month forecasts. To hear about how this solar eclipse will affect you, plus how many other astrological happenings will affect you, contact me to schedule a consultation. Twelve-month forecasts can start any day, but most people have them start the day of our appointment. Twelve-month forecasts are $150, plus $10 if you would like for me to record it and send it to you.
For information about the astronomy of the eclipse, go to scroll down a little bit on
For more information about your yearly forecast, go to
Call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at to schedule your next twelve-month forecast.
Astrology is the study that interprets the correlation between the heavenly bodies and human affairs. Astrology can help people understand themselves and others better, solve their problems and prepare for the future.
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
The astronomy of the eclipse
The Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, annular solar eclipse will cross parts of the Americas. It is a ring of fire eclipse because when the Moon is totally in front of the Sun, you will still be able to see the edges of the Sun, creating a bright ring of fire. Go to and scroll down to obtain information you need to see this eclipse. It shows the path of totality, as well as what percentage of totality you will see where you are.
Local Type: |
Partial Solar Eclipse in Topeka, Kansas |
Begins: |
Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 10:23 am central time |
Maximum: |
Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 11:48 am central time 0.718 Magnitude |
Ends: |
Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 1:19 pm central time |
Duration: |
2 hours, 56 minutes |
Even if you are not in the path of totality, I urge you to see what you can see from where you are. I would also urge you to get under a leafy tree and look at the shadows of leaves on the ground. During a solar eclipse, the tiny spaces between the leaves will act as pinhole projectors, dappling the ground with the Moon moving across the face of the Sun.
The astrology of the eclipse is coming soon. I will explain what the eclipse means astrologically. Watch for it in my emails to you.
Using real astrology and Feng Shui to achieve your dreams
Hear Karen Tate and me talk on her podcast about
Using Real Astrology and Feng Shui to Achieve Your Dreams with Dianne Lawson
Click on the link just above to hear what is real astrology and what is real Feng Shui, and how they can they help you achieve your dreams. We also talk about some reasons I have used astrology and Feng Shui, and some astrology forecasts for 2023.
Help for dealing with abuse
I usually don’t publicize other people’s books, but I highly recommend Karen Tate’s new book on abuse. It is well-written, informative and helpful to all of us who have experienced some kind of abuse in our lives.
Normalizing Abuse – A Commentary on the Culture of Pervasive Abuse
Karen Tate, thought leader, seven-times published author, podcaster, social justice activist and now, an admitted abuse survivor, reveals in her newest book, Normalizing Abuse: A Commentary on the Culture of Pervasive Abuse…
Help to…
- Redefine and recognize abuse and exploitation in your life and community
- Suggests practices and modalities to put you on your own healing journey
- Understand why we tolerate or inflict abuse and exploitation
- Find resources to help
- Transform your life with the tools suggested in Normalizing Abuse
The book is self-help, but with alternative spirituality and practices sprinkled in.
Karen’s website to direct folks to is or the link for her book, Normalizing Abuse – A Commentary on the Culture of Pervasive Abuse, on Amazon is
Astronomy has a question mark.
The James Webb Space Telescope recently captured a stunning new image of what scientists call a pair of actively forming stars.
Astrology has answers.
Path in life
Future trends
Answering questions
Astrology is the study of the correlation between the heavenly bodies and human affairs. I believe it is the most useful tool we have to help us navigate through life. The whole heavens are waiting to help us if we only let them.
Super Blue Moon Tomorrow
This week’s full Moon is the biggest and brightest of the year. According to folklore it’s also “blue.” Find out when to look and what you can expect to see on today’s edition of
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde August 23, 2023
“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall…”–The Kybalion
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use.
For information about Mercury Retrograde, go to:
Be sure and read the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period:
The Perseids are here!
The Perseids are an annual meteor shower made up of debris left behind from the Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. They sometimes put on a performance with as many as 100 fireballs and light trails per hour. This annual shower is usually the best meteor shower of the year.
The best nights to see Perseids are the nights of August 11/12 and August 12/13, 2023, although you can see them until August 24, 2023. The best time to see them is after midnight, 2 a.m. Is even better. The absolutely peak activity is expected to happen around 4 a.m. EDT Sunday, August 13.
The best way to see them is to lie on your back, looking away from the Moon. Give your eyes at least 30 minutes to adjust to the dark and don’t look at your phone or laptop screen.
I don’t think meteor showers have any astrological significance, although you can Google a wide variety of astrological and superstitious meaning to meteors, from fortunate to dire. I will, however, wish on every shooting star that I see.
Let me know if I can help you through astrology in any way. For more information about how astrology can help you, go to the following, or contact me via email or phone, 785-232-2836.
Birth chart
Yearly forecast
Astrology guidance
Chart comparison
Horary questions
2023–The year of seven retrograde planets
During the rest of 2023 seven!!! planets will be retrograde (in apparent backward motion through the signs of the zodiac based upon our relative positions) at one time or another. This is an extraordinary number of planets to be retrograde in this time period.
When a planet is retrograde it is a time to take stock, to review, to reflect, to reimagine, to rethink, and to reassess our lives and how we are living them. Some astrologers think that retrograde planets can delay activities associated with the planets that are going retrograde and those activities may not proceed as easily as usual.
Mars is the only planet not to go retrograde. Since Mars is the planet of action, drive, energy and force, it will be helpful in us getting started and having the drive to finish important tasks. The retrograde planets will help us figure out which tasks we should be working on.
Mercury retrograde August 23, 2023 through September 15, 2023. Because Mercury Retrograde is the retrograde planet that most people seem to want to know more about, I wrote quite a bit about it on my website. To see what I wrote, go to
Venus retrograde July 23, 2023 through September 2, 2023. I wrote about Venus retrograde and put it on this blog. To see that, scroll down to Venus Retrograde—not to be feared.
Jupiter retrograde September 5 through December 3, 2023. Jupiter corresponds with beliefs and our philosophies of our lives. Are our lives in alignment with our cores beliefs and philosophies?
Saturn retrograde June 18, 2023 through November 5, 2023. Saturn corresponds with limits, career and what we give to the outer world. Are we putting limits on ourselves, especially limits from the past? What would our ideal career be and how do we go about obtaining it?
Uranus retrograde August 29, 2023 through January 28, 2023. Uranus is all about personal freedom and liberation from restraints.
Neptune retrograde July 1, 2023 through December 7, 2023. Neptune, the planet of spirituality, gives us opportunities for healing from the past through therapy, being in nature, mindfulness, meditation and yoga.
Pluto retrograde May 2, 2023 through October 17, 2023. Pluto, the planet (yes, I know, most astronomers think it’s a dwarf planet) is the planet of transformation. It helps us release what no longer serves us and gain personal power.
For more information about retrograde planets, especially Venus, listen to Anthony S. Picco, astrologer and radio show host extraordinaire, and me on a podcast dated August 7, 2023.
Listen August 7, 2023 live or anytime later.
Super Moons
August 1 and 30, 2023
Astronomy of a Super Moon
Sky watchers love to see super moons because they are beautiful and appear magical. Super moons are full moons that appear larger and brighter because the moon is closer to the earth than usual.
The super moons this month are August 1 and 30, 2023, but you can see them for a few days before and after it is exact. The August 30 super moon is called a blue moon because it is the second full moon in a month.
July 3, August 1, August 30 and September 29 are the dates of super moons this year.
Astrology of a Super Moon
Some astrologers believe that people have problems of not being able to sleep or are hyper-emotional around the time of a full moon. Some people think that super moons have more of an effect on us and our emotions than regular full moons do. I usually don’t pay much attention to full moons or super moons, but I know that a lot of my clients do. Some astrologers think that when a super moon graces the night sky, it offers us the chance to release things that are holding us back.
Just in case we feel susceptible to the super moon’s rays, we may want to hold off on important conversations or work on controlling any volatile emotions until a few days after the super moon is over.
Venus retrograde–not to be feared
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money and possessions, is retrograde July 23 through September 4, 2023. Retrograde planets often strike terror into the hearts of people who know a little about astrology. A planet is retrograde when it appears to go backward through the signs of zodiac, based upon the relative positions of the planet and the Earth.
Retrograde planets are neither good nor bad; they are like the ebb and flow of the tides; they give us opportunities to pay attention and reevaluate, reassess, and realign what they signify in our lives.
Venus retrograde gives us opportunities to reassess our relationships. Are the people we are spending time with good for us? Are we spending time with people who are important to us?
This is a good time to reevaluate how we earn money. If money is an issue for us, we can choose decide to make different choices in our financial matters. This may be a good time to consult a financial planner. Since Venus retrograde is not an especially good time to make major purchases, we may choose to delay buying high-dollar items, or just make sure they are of the quality that we desire.
Venus now retrograde, as it goes back from 28 degrees of Leo to 12 degrees of Leo, affects everyone differently, because everyone has a unique birth chart. I always include when Venus is retrograde, plus a whole lot more, when I talk to people about their yearly forecasts. If you want more information about the yearly forecast, go to
What the heck are the Moon’s Nodes?
You may or may not be familiar with the Moon’s Nodes, but they may be more important to us than some people realize. In mid July 2023 the Moon’s Nodes enter the Aries-Libra axis, where they will stay until January 2025. The Moon’s Nodes are where the path of the Moon crosses the path of the Sun (the ecliptic.) Many different schools attach great importance to the Moon’s Nodes, especially in the areas of karma, evolution and soul growth. My Dravidian Vedic astrologer said they were the most important places in the heavens.
Having the Moon’s Nodes in Aries and Libra gives us opportunities to learn how to balance taking care of ourselves (Aries) with taking care of others (Libra.)
Aries gives us occasions to be more adventurous, assertive and courageous. It gives us opportunities to start new projects and take action on our desires. Aries gives us energy to take steps to achieve our accomplishments. Now is the time to figure out what achievements are most important to us and what steps we need to take to be able to accomplish those goals.
Libra gives us opportunities to reevaluate our current relationships. Are people in our lives good for us? Are we good for them? Are we giving our time and attention to people who are most important to us?
For more information about the Karmic Nodes of the Moon, see what Sheri Horn Hasan of Karmic Evolution Astrology said about them when I asked 10 astrologers and a mystic for 2024 forecasts.
I always include the Moon’s Nodes when I talk to people about their yearly forecasts. To see how astrology can help you create the life you want, go to:
Astrology is like a gateway drug
I love this quote, “Astrology is like a gateway drug to a more cosmic world view.” Ruby Warrington. This quote describes my journey with astrology. I have been a professional astrologer for more than fifty years now, and astrology has opened my eyes to all kinds of ways of looking at the world that I would not have seen otherwise.
To see some of my other favorite quotes about astrology, go to
Super Moon of July 3, 2023
Astronomy of a Super Moon
Sky watchers love to see super moons because they are beautiful and appear magical.
The super moon of July 3, 2023 becomes exact at 7:40 am Eastern Time, but you can see it for a few days before and after it is exact. July 3, August 1, August 31 and September 29 are dates of super moons this year. Super moons are full moons that appear larger and brighter because they are closer to the earth than usual. .
Astrology of a Super Moon
Some astrologers believe that people have problems of not being able to sleep or are hyper-emotional around the time of a full moon. Some people think that super moons have more of an effect on us and our emotions than regular full moons do. I usually don’t pay much attention to full moons or super moons, but I know that a lot of my clients do. Some astrologers think that when a super moon graces the night sky, it offers us the chance to release things that are holding us back.
Just in case we feel susceptible to the super moon’s rays, we may want to hold off on important conversations or work on controlling any volatile emotions until a few days after the super moon is over.
Dream big and get to work.
Create your own opportunities.
Now through July 1, 2023 Jupiter sextiles Saturn.
What does this mean?
Jupiter represents good fortune, luck, dreams, expanding horizons and speculative thinking.
Saturn represents sustained effort, good endurance and self-discipline.
A sextile aspect (a planet about 60 degrees apart from another planet) indicates opportunities.
Now is the time to get to work and create something that you have dreamed about.
You have to do the work, but the time is ripe to achieve your dreams.
3 major events happening in the stars in 2023 with guest Dianne Lawson
Craving Consciousness Podcast
Astrologer Dianne Lawson joins Brandaleen in a discussion about the 3 major events happening in the stars in 2023 and what it means for you as an individual and us as a collective.
Dianne goes into detail on what “real” astrology is and how it works for you. She shares why 2023 is the year to develop your psychic abilities and how it will help you live a better life by taking action alongside the movement of the planets. Dianne explains things with stories and examples that helps everyone understand astrology.
Dive in and find out what’s going down in 2023. You can find several articles on 2023 forecasts from multiple astrologers and mystics here on her website.
Brandaleen is an international online business and marketing expert, and a spiritual adviser.
She has two successful businesses, an online coaching practice and a spiritual development and guidance practice.
She provides her clients with the spiritual and strategic support needed for a growing business and a freaking amazing life!
Brandaleen works with clients through personal coaching, group programs and online courses.
She is passionate about nature, spiritual awakening, the law of attraction and making an impact on this world.
Brandaleen Johnson
Awaken. Align. Ignite.
Mercury is no longer retrograde
Some people will breathe a sigh of relief as Mercury is no longer in retrograde motion as of today, May 14, 2023. Some people noticed a slew of Mercury Retrograde mishaps, other people did not. People’s experiences have been influenced in part by how Mercury Retrograde made contacts with their individual birth charts.
Mercury has been retrograde (in apparent backward motion through the signs of the zodiac based upon the relative positions of Mercury and the Earth) since April 22, 2023 and will no longer be retrograde as of May 14, 2023.
When Mercury is going in apparent backward motion, it sometimes brings a REPEAT or a REDO of people or events back into your life, especially more Mercury related concerns, circumstances and things. /
Among many other things, Mercury is the planet that has a connection with all forms of communication, including writing, editing, reviewing, talking, giving speeches, and being on podcasts and radio shows.
Mercury, while it was retrograde, was making very positive aspects with my birth chart. While it was retrograde, two people asked me to be on their podcasts and the Shawnee County Health Department asked me to talk about astrology and Feng Shui at their conference. I had spoken with all three of these people in years past and they REENTERED my life and asked me again to speak again. Two people mailed me their books free and asked me to REVIEW their books. Two people asked me to EDIT their books. All were Mercury Retrograde related and were positive events. Mercury retrograde is not all bad. Now if only we had REORGANIZED our garage.
You may want to read about the three articles I have on Mercury Retrograde on my website.
Mercury Retrograde:
Things to do when Mercury is retrograde:
Things to do when Mercury is direct:
Saturn whacks anyone she thinks deserves it
I previously wrote about Saturn entering Pisces and said it’s a big deal. On March 7, 2023, Saturn entered the sign of Pisces. It will remain in Pisces until May 24, 2025 when it briefly retrogrades back into Aquarius until August 31, 2025, and returns to being in Pisces until February 13, 2026 when it moves into Aries.
If you want to read what I previously wrote about Saturn in Pisces, scroll down a few entries until you get to Saturn enters Pisces March 7, 2023.
In light of what has been going on in the world regarding lawsuits of important people in the news, I want to add more of what Saturn in Pisces will bring.
Saturn is the planet of karma, rules, responsibility and trustworthiness. With Saturn, you can’t get away with anything. I see Saturn as the teacher with a ruler in her hand. She will certainly reward good behavior and hard work, but she will whack anyone that she thinks deserves it.
Pisces, of course, like all of the signs of the zodiac, has great qualities, along with some less than stellar ones. Pisces can be connected with mental illness, alcoholism, addiction and lying. Pisces can be loose with the truth.
All of us have the sign of Pisces somewhere in our charts and most of us live up to the good qualities of Pisces, such as being warm, caring and loving. My granddaughter who is a Pisces has received numerous character awards for trustworthiness, reliability and responsibility at her school. I am not bashing people whose sign is Pisces, as I know they can exhibit Pisces’s good side.
To get to the point, Saturn in Pisces does not want to tolerate any bad behavior and will bring bad behavior to light. We will see many public figures with their lies, cheating, alcoholism and drug addiction held accountable for their actions.
Pisces hides, but Saturn is the planet of karma.
Mercury Retrograde is coming.
Be prepared
Mercury goes retrograde April 22, 2023.
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use.
For information about Mercury Retrograde, go to:
Be sure and read the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period:
The Moon obscures the Sun
The Moon obscures the Sun April 19/20, 2023, causing a Solar Eclipse in parts of Southeast Asia, The Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. Even if we cannot see the eclipse where we are located, it still has an effect on us.
Eclipses indicate times in our lives where we end old ways and make space in our lives for living in new ways. This eclipse takes place in 29 degrees of Aries. Aries is a fire sign and is the sign of the pioneer, passions and courage. Many astrologers think that the 29th degree of any sign intensifies attributes of that sign.
This Aries eclipse pushes us to be brave, to be pioneering, to stand up for ourselves and be confident to try things we have wanted to do for a while. Eclipses often feel karmic and that our destinies are within reach.
If you know which house of your birth chart 29 degrees of Aries falls in, you can know that themes of life that are indicated by that house will be intensified. Eclipses have a more important effect on you if they are within a few degrees of your Sun, Moon, planet or other important point in your birth chart.
Astrologers differ widely about the length of time that eclipses last, but I think they last a few months before the eclipse happens until a year after the eclipse.
If you want more information about how this eclipse will affect you, I always include solar eclipses when I talk about individual’s yearly forecasts. To hear about how this solar eclipse will affect you, plus how many other astrological happenings will affect you, call me to schedule your yearly chart. Yearly charts start the day we talk and go through the next twelve months. You can call me at 785.232.2836, or email me at to schedule your yearly chart.
It’s a big deal
It’s a big deal when Pluto changes signs. Pluto moves into Aquarius, the sign of individuality, humanitarianism and idealism, on March 23, 2023. During the next twenty years while Pluto travels through Aquarius, we will notice ourselves, individually and collectively, feeling a shift toward becoming more individualistic, humanitarian and idealistic. The shift will be slow, but inexorable.
It’s no wonder that so many astrologers mentioned Pluto in Aquarius when I asked them to write whatever they wanted to about the astrology of 2023. I am sending the following link out to you again, so that you can see what they wrote about Pluto entering Aquarius, plus other forecasts for 2023.
I include this change of planetary movement in my yearly forecasts, along with other planetary changes and how they affect you. Yearly forecasts can be done any time of year and will cover the next twelve months from the date we talk. For those who know what I am talking about, I include transits, progressions and eclipses and how they affect your individual birth chart in my yearly forecasts. For more information about your yearly forecast, go to or call me at 785.232.2836.
A meaningful conjunction of planets
The Sun, Mercury and Neptune will be close together in Pisces March 12 through 18, 2023. The Sun corresponds with self-expression, Mercury corresponds with thought and communication, and Neptune corresponds with spirituality and creativity. Pisces corresponds with being emotional, spiritual and psychic. Pisces is other worldly and susceptible to outside influences.
Putting all these influences together suggests that communication and decision making can be confusing. We need to be careful to understand where the other person is coming from. We can become overly sensitive to too many responsibilities being thrown our way and need to pare away nonessentials.
The great thing about this conjunction is that this is a good time for any creative and artistic pursuits. It’s a good time for paying attention to our intuition. It’s also good for taking time for yoga, prayer, meditation and being out in nature.
Saturn enters Pisces March 7, 2023
It’s a big deal when outer planets change signs. Because the outer planets have longer orbits around the sun, they stay in a sign longer than the inner planets do. The longer the stay in a sign, the more influence it is.
On March 7, 2023, Saturn enters the sign of Pisces. It will remain in Pisces until May 24, 2025 when it briefly retrogrades back into Aquarius until August 31, 2025, and returns to being in Pisces until February 13, 2026 when it moves into Aries.
Saturn corresponds with structure, rules, responsibility, discipline, realism, schedules, karma, and lessons to be learned. Saturn is practical and useful.
Pisces is an emotional, empathetic, creative, and spiritual sign. It corresponds with mysticism, dreams, spirituality, connection with God, the past, psychic ability and hidden things. It can be susceptible to outside influence.
What Saturn in Pisces means for us. At first glance Saturn and Pisces have little in common. However, Saturn, the Great Teacher, helps us learn what we need to learn. Saturn will give us opportunities to structure our lives in order to reach our goals. Taking time to assess our lives and think about what is most important to us, help us structure our lives to spend time on what we value. Saturn helps us take control of our time to reach our most important goals.
Although it’s hard for me to believe, conspiracy theories intensity during the next three years. We have lots of opportunities to learn discernment. Consider the sources of where we are getting our information.
If we pay attention to our intuitions and psychic flashes, they can help us obtain the lives we want. Saturn brings down to earth otherworldly ways of knowing and makes them useful.
Saturn helps creative people be structured in using their artistic abilities. Now we can achieve much if we schedule our time to include our art and creative endeavors. Pisces is creative and artistic and Saturn can help bring Piscean abilities into reality.
I always include the influence of Saturn when I tell people about their yearly astrology forecasts, although I do not usually use much astrological jargon. Of course, Saturn in Pisces is only be a small part of what I tell people because there is always much, much more to a yearly forecast than just Saturn in a sign. If you want information about how Saturn will be influencing you over the next twelve months, plus lots of other astrological information, give me a call at 785.232.2836.
March 1, 2023
Look tonight in the western sky after sunset to see Venus and Jupiter very close in the evening sky. It is a beautiful sight and is fortunate for those who have something in their charts around 12 degrees of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Look to see where 12 Aries is in your birth chart and take advantage of that area of your life today and for the next few days.
SUNSET SKY SHOW: Around the world, people are watching Venus, Jupiter, and the crescent Moon line up in the sunset sky. Jan Jackson took this picture last night in Ziheautanejo, Mexico:
“The planets were so bright, we could photograph them with nothing more than a cell phone,” says Jackson.
There’s something different to see every night. Tonight, the Moon moves up and passes close to Jupiter (Pro tip: Be alert for Earthshine.) Tomorrow, there will be a nearly-vertical Moon-Jupiter-Venus line in the sky. Sky maps: Feb. 21, 22, 23.
Best of all, Venus and Jupiter are converging. At closest approach on March 1st, Venus and Jupiter will be just 0.5 degrees apart–a beautiful pairing and one of the best astrophoto-ops of 2023.
How’s your Valentine’s Day going?
2023 Forecasts From ten astrologers and a mystic
I would encourage you to not only read what they had to say, but follow up with finding more about them and what they provide. They are among the best of the best. Go to their websites, see what they have to offer, listen to their podcasts and read their books. Please save this and refer to it throughout the year and share with others who would be interested.
We are in the shadow of
Mercury Retrograde
We are now in the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. Astrologers differ in their beliefs about shadow periods, but I think the shadow periods are not as strong as the actual retrograde periods. Recently, shadow periods have been affecting me and others strongly, so I will be paying more attention to them. I will sign contracts in shadow periods but not in retrograde periods. For more information about Mercury Retrograde and Mercury Shadow periods, go to
Watch for forecasts of 2023 from 11 astrologers and a mystic that I will send out in the next few days. I asked well-known and highly respected professionals to write about something that they thought would be important to know to prepare for 2023. Not only will you want to read what everyone said, but you will probably want to find out more information about the various professionals–check out their websites, see what services they offer, and listen to their podcasts and radio shows. I will be sending this soon to help you prepare for 2023.
Two things to watch for that are worth seeing.
1. Watch for the Moon to hide Mars from view on December 7, 2022. This will be visible in most parts of North America and Europe. All of the information you need is here:
2. Watch for astrological forecasts of 2023 from ten world-class astrologers that I highly respect and myself. I will be sending this out this month to help you prepare for 2023.
Total lunar eclipse tonight
TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON TONIGHT: Earth’s shadow is about to engulf the Moon. Tonight, there’s going to be a total lunar eclipse visible across much of North America and the entire Pacific Ocean: visibility map. Maximum eclipse occurs at 2:59 am PST (10:59 UT) on Nov. 8th.
Additional time zones: EST, CST, MST, PST, HST. Image credit: Larry Koehn,
The total phase of the eclipse, when the lunar disk is completely shadowed, lasts 1 hour and 25 minutes. During that time, amateur astronomers are encouraged to monitor the darkened lunar surface for flashes of light–the telltale sign of Taurid meteoroids hitting the Moon. The Taurid Swarm is in the area and it might make contact.
Three major astrological configurations happening November 2022
I wrote about this first planetary happening back in 2021. I copied it from my blog to share here because it is still in effect. And then this month more fuel gets added to the fire. Read down to see what three major astrological configurations are happening this month and then some ideas on how to work with them.
Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Many astrologers think that Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus is the most influential astrological event of the year. This aspect lasted throughout all of 2021 and will last the rest of 2022.
A square aspect between two planets is when the planets are about 90 degrees from each other. This is a challenging aspect, and I sometimes think it is like two cars hitting each other at an intersection. This is an aspect of friction, challenge and tension. It can bring about needed changes because it also supplies drive and energy.
No aspects in astrology are really good or bad, just easier or harder to work with. The negative thing about a square aspect is that it is harder, but not impossible, to work with. The positive thing about a square aspect is that it brings energy and opportunity to work with the different planetary energies.
People around the world are finding it harder than usual to understand and agree with other people’s opinions. Last year and this year have been giving me lots of opportunities to respect other people’s opinions that are not like mine. I have had to remind myself over and over that there is no one I have yet met who shares all of my opinions. Relatives I love but who have radically differing opinions to mine help me realize that I can still love people who are not like I am.
This aspect is probably the hardest configuration for me to write about, and I have been writing about astrology since 1980. The reason it is so hard to write about is because it is full of surprises, unexpected events, and contradictions.
Saturn in Aquarius by itself is full of contradictions. Saturn wants to go slowly and values the old. Saturn is restricting and likes rules. Aquarius wants things now and values the new. Aquarius doesn’t want anybody or anything to tell it what to do. It values freedom.
This placement wants to keep the best of the old while moving forward with the new. Saturn, as the planet of karma, brings us what we earn. Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and Saturn can remind us how long-lasting the choices we make can be.
This can be a good placement if we are disciplined in working toward our goals. This isn’t always easy but can have good, long-lasting results.
Uranus in Taurus by itself is full of contradictions. Uranus is unexpected and exciting and is the planet of change. Taurus is the sign most resistant to change. Taurus is connected with money and the earth. We have changes in land use, banking, how we spend our money, farming and food. We continue in a long-term period of unexpected and drastic climatic disasters and earth changes.
For hints on what may happen, although of all the planets Uranus is the most unpredictable, let’s look at what happened when Uranus was last in Taurus—June 6, 1934 through May 15, 1942. President Franklin Roosevelt, started the New Deal, changing how government interacted in the lives of people. There was regulation of banks, and WPA created buildings, bridges and infrastructure. Social Security began in 1935. Wars, including the beginning of World War II, created changes in the borders of countries. The drought permanently changed how Americans farmed.
I would expect (not always a good word to use with Uranus) major building of our country’s infrastructure, changes in regulation of banking, and major loss of retail stores with people buying over the internet, which happens to be ruled by, or symbolized by Uranus. Farming will have big changes, let’s hope for the benefit of our health, instead of the benefit of large corporations.
Putting Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus together is a mass of contractions. I think during 2022 the sense of what we value will be challenged.
We have a collective sense of responsibility toward others.
People disagree with others about just about everything. If you don’t believe me, talk to the next person you see about abortion, the past presidential election, Trump, vaccination, the corona virus, guns or masks.
Society has big changes in how we view others, how we spend our money and take care of the earth.
Our task is learning to accept others who are not like us and who do not share our views.
We need to be willing to make needed changes to keep up with the times, while keeping our important values.
If you like surprises and unexpected events, you will not be disappointed with 2022.
Important T-square adds fuel to the fire
The Sun, Mercury and Venus move in to oppose (be about 180 degrees from) Uranus and square (be about 90 degrees from) Saturn, forming a T-square in the sky November 1 through November16.
Both the opposition and the square are challenging aspects. T-squares indicate stress and tension. This extra-added planetary energy will add more challenges in our lives, specifically in needing to balance several areas of our lives at the same time. It will also, however, give us extra energy to work on those areas.
Lunar eclipse
I don’t usually pay a whole lot of attention to lunar eclipses, but this one happens to be very close to Uranus, and then opposing the Sun, Mercury and Venus, and square Saturn—the T-square written about above. The eclipse happens on November 7 and 8, 2022, but the whole effect of the eclipse is essentially during the first few weeks of November.
Eclipses often bring hidden things to light and are a good time to set intentions about goals. This eclipse will light up and bring even more energy to the T-square. It is especially going to bring energy to Uranus because it is so close to it. Uranus is the planet of disruption, freedom, unpredictability, extremes and unexpected happenings.
The best way to deal with all of this is to first take good care of yourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally. Then stop a minute and figure out what is most important to do and let the rest go. Since the lunar eclipse happens on the election day of the United States, lots of people are going to be upset, regardless of the election’s outcomes.
One way that has helped me get through life, especially on election nights, is to remember the fifth of the Seven Hermetic Principles, as found in the book The Kybalion (highly recommended) is the Principle of Rhythm. “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides…the pendulum-swing manifests in everything.”
If you would like some astrological help navigating through the next twelve months, email me at, or call me at 785-232-2836.
Dianne Lawson
CanvasRebel Magazine featured me
Meet Dianne Lawson, Astrologer
Dianne, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today. In our experience, overnight success is usually the result of years of hard work laying the foundation for success, but unfortunately, it’s exactly this part of the story that most of the media ignores. So, we’d appreciate if you could open up about your growth story and the nitty, gritty details that went into scaling up.
Being an astrologer in Topeka, Kansas and making a good living at it seems improbable. The reason why I was able to scale up and build my business was because I continually have treated what I do as a business, as well as a service to others. I had worked for many years as a social worker and have degrees in social work and psychology. I knew that I needed to take classes and workshops in business, marketing and public relations. There are lots of people who would love to be professional astrologers, but don’t treat what they are doing like a business. I remember the first e-commerce workshop I went to many years ago. The presenter told me I needed to have a website, an email list, a blog, a Facebook business page, a Facebook business group and a LinkedIn page. None of which I had. I came home from the workshop overwhelmed and dismayed. But, I immediately set out and worked nonstop until I acquired all of them.
The four main reasons I have continued to grow my practice until I have clients from all over the world is, 1. I have continually taken classes and read books to improve all of my abilities to be an astrologer who is also a business owner.
2, I have a large email list of people to whom I send out helpful astrology information. These emails keep me constantly in front of my clients’ minds. I cannot send out any email without clients calling me requesting astrological help from me.
3. I connect with lots of other people who help me attract clients. The number one way other people have helped me is to be on their podcasts and radio shows. If someone has hundreds of thousands of followers and I am on his or her show, I will always attract new clients.
4. My book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, sets me apart as someone who is an expert on helping people with relationships.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
How I found astrology
Many years ago a famous astrologer, Zipporah Dobbins, was coming to my town. I had never been interested in astrology before that, but when I heard myself say, “I have never had that done before,” I knew I would have to give it a try.
Whenever I hear myself say those words, I usually have to try it, as I am insatiably curious. I was blown away with Zipporah Dobbins told me. She knew specific and intimate things about me. I left her and went to my public library and came out with a pile of books to see how she had done it.
Diving into studying books and taking classes, I soon began doing charts for friends and family members. I soon became a professional astrologer and have never looked back. I found my calling. My professional life As a former licensed social worker and current ordained minister, I see my purpose in life is to help others and I feel very blessed that I am able to help people through my work. Living in Topeka, Kansas, I work with people locally, as well as from all over the world, in person, over the telephone, with Skype, FaceTime or Facebook.
I have helped all kinds of people improve their lives from the famous to the infamous. Well-known politicians, including a governor of a U. S. state, state representatives and a city manager have been my clients. A Pulitzer Prize winner, Tony Award winners and several prominent authors and businessmen have also been my clients. More colorful clients have included prostitutes and criminals.
A professional astrologer since 1973, I have studied with a wide variety of teachers, including western and Vedic. A voracious reader, I have an extensive astrology library. I have presented hundreds of classes, workshops and talks, to groups, clubs, organizations, government agencies and churches and over the radio.
Published more than 100 times in national astrology magazines, including in Mountain Astrologer, Dell Horoscope, American Astrology, True Astrology Horoscope, Complete Astrology Forecast and Mercury Hour, I have also been published in other magazines, including Fate, Toastmaster and children’s Christian magazines. I have also been published hundreds of times in newspapers and newsletters.
My book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, was recently published. I am working on a new book, Extraordinary Experiences.
A graduate of Washburn University of Topeka, I earned degrees in psychology and social work. I also did graduate work at the University of Montana in psychology, specifically in behavior modification.
My personal life:
Astrology over the years has helped me personally understand myself and others better, prepare for the future and know my life purpose and path. One of my favorite astrology stories about myself is when my husband came to me as a client. The second his birth chart came off of my printer and I looked at it, I knew I would marry him. The connections between our birth charts was astonishing.
I am married, have two daughters and two sons, and two granddaughters and a grandson. My most recent passion is Geocaching (see I also love traveling, reading, writing, being with family and friends, golf, walking, bird watching and learning new subjects. One of my goals in life is to travel to all seven continents. I love animals, including insects and spiders, and especially penguins and cats. I am a member of Mensa and Intertel (high IQ societies).
Astrology is the study of the correlation between the heavenly bodies and human affairs. I believe it is the most useful tool we have to help us navigate through life. The whole heavens are waiting to help us if we only let them.
First, I usually like for you to start out with your birth chart, as it gives good information about you as a person and your life as a whole. It explains your talents, abilities and purpose in life. We always talk about relationships and career.
Second, I like to talk with you about your yearly forecast. It helps you understand and prepare for the astrological weather of the next twelve months. It helps you work with challenging times and grab opportunities.
Third, at any time, you could call me for astrological guidance. Astrology has a wide variety of techniques to guide you to help you create the life you desire.
Fourth, a chart comparison between your chart and that of someone else’s can be helpful. It helps you appreciate the good things, and navigate through the more challenging aspects of the relationship.
Fifth, you could use horary astrology to answer any important questions. If you have an important question, the heavens are willing to help.
I believe that astrology is the best tool we have to navigate through life. The whole heavens are willing to help us if we only listen to what they have to tell us.
How do you keep in touch with clients and foster brand loyalty?
The number one way I keep in touch with clients is through my email list. I send out infrequent information about astrology that may be interesting or useful to my clients. It keeps me in the forefront of their minds and when they need clarification or help about any area of their lives, they contact me for help. I believe that every business owner needs an email list. I always ask anyone I meet who is interested in astrology if they want to be on my free email list. Anyone who would like to receive emails from me about astrology, can sign up at my website,
Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?
Even though I am constantly learning about astrology and business, probably my number one thing that has had an impact on my thinking and practice of my business is my weekly talks with my son. My son is also a business owner and breeds Old English Bulldogges that he sells to people around the world. He is my accountability partner and someone who is also constantly working on improving his business, too.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Linkedin:
- Other: Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology,
For many years I did this at the exact moment of the equinoxes (the first days of spring and autumn) and I have the firm belief that eggs stand on end more easily during that moment. You might try it yourself September 22, 2022 at 8:03 p.m. Scientists scoff at this belief, but I personally have tried it with success. I would be interested in hearing any results you may have if you wish to share them with me.
Many astrologers look at the exact moment of the equinoxes and the solstices to see what the next three months will bring after them. I looked at the chart for the moment of the autumnal equinox and saw four major astrological events to share with you.
- Saturn square (is about 90 degrees from) Uranus. People disagree with others about just about everything. If you don’t believe me, talk to the next person you see about abortion, the past presidential election, Trump, vaccination, the corona virus, guns or masks. Or watch different news stations to see how differently they are reporting the news. This gives us opportunities to pick our battles instead of fighting over issues that will not change anyone’s mind; and to love people even when they don’t share our beliefs.
- Six planets are retrograde. Retrograde planets happen often and are when planets appear to be moving backward through the signs of the zodiac, based upon the relative positions of them and the earth. What is unusual is to have this many happen at once. This is no cause for alarm. Retrograde planets are just part of the natural order of ebb and flow. They indicate that it is a time for reflection, rather than blindly charging on ahead. This can be used to our advantage.
- Venus opposite (is about 180 degrees from) Neptune. People may not be what they appear and we need to be careful not to be deceived. It can be hard to know what is true. It is a good time to use our artistic and creative abilities.
- Mars trine (is about 120 degrees from) Saturn. Sustained and hard work brings great results. Slow and steady wins the race. Focus on what is most important and do it first.
Of course, this is just a part of what is going on in the sky, but it is helpful information about what the underlying influences are for the next three months.
As above, so below.
Meet the Elite
To hear me on the short podcast Meet the Elite telling you what astrology can do for you.–Economics-Podcasts/Meet-The-Elite-Podcast-p1387437/?topicId=175972356
A Happy Mercury Retrograde Story
Just in Time for Mercury Retrograde Starting September 10, 2022
There is an ebb and flow to all of life. The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The Sun comes up, the Sun goes down. Mercury goes in direct motion, Mercury goes retrograde. Neither one is better than the other. Yet, astrologers (myself included) and people interested in astrology, often make when Mercury is retrograde sound like doom and gloom.
I told you that I would tell a happy Mercury Retrograde story. Here it is. Just in time, as Mercury goes retrograde September 10, 2022.
I applied for a position as an adoption social worker for Catholic Community Services under Mercury Retrograde. I knew when I applied, that Mercury was retrograde. I knew that sometimes when you apply for or start a new job under Mercury Retrograde, the job may change or be short lived. Did I make a mistake applying then?
I worked for Catholic Community Services for three months and was then told that Catholic Community Services for the entire state of Kansas would no longer be handling adoptions. Therefore, all of their adoption social workers would be out of a job.
Six reasons why applying for a position under Mercury Retrograde worked out well for me.
- I had to apply for the position because I could no longer stand where I was working as a foster care social worker. Applying at Catholic Community Services got me out of a horrible situation.
- I loved the few months I worked at Catholic.
- The minute the adoption social workers left the group meeting telling us we would no longer have jobs, a supervisor called me aside. The agency created a job for me working part time with Friendly Visitors and part time writing for the archdiocese in Kansas City. I was honored that I was the only person in the state who they created a special job for.
- I worked for a week with Friendly Visitors and writing for the archdiocese and loved it.
- I then decided that I would follow the kids who were up for adoption as their cases went over to Lutheran Social Services. I applied for the position there and was hired by a former supervisor of mine who liked me. I felt honored that another person wanted me to work for them.
- Even though I quit working at Catholic Community Services, the archdiocese in Kansas City continued to have me write for them for a good amount of money.
Although things sometimes change when they are started under Mercury Retrograde, it is not always a bad thing.
To see how and when Mercury Retrograde may affect you in 2022, go to:
To see the top 20 things to do when Mercury is retrograde, go to:
To see the top 20 things to do when Mercury is direct, go to:
Meet the Elite
Meet the Elite will interview me on a five-minute podcast on 09/07/2022 at 2:15 PM EST
During the live interview, my friends, family and colleagues can click on the studio link below to listen to me live, and thereafter, in two to three days, they will be able to access my interview on Tunein with the second link below.
Meet The Elite TuneIn ( Your Free Show will post within 48 hrs )
A Mercury Retrograde Horror Story
It took us three days to get home from Egypt to Topeka, Kansas. It took my husband John and me all day to travel from the very south of Egypt to Cairo and then to Istanbul. We arrived exhausted in Istanbul at midnight. We then discovered that we had a 14-hour layover. My husband refused to sleep on the terminal floor. I was so tired that I just wanted to lie down on the floor anywhere, put my head on my backpack with my carry-on under my arm and go to sleep.
He wouldn’t leave the airport either and called the airport hotel for a room. Of course, at midnight the airport hotel was full. John found a comfort room (or something, I can’t remember what it was called—just remember I was exhausted) and paid a hefty price. It was a place that you had unlimited drinks and food and comfy seats and couches to relax on. Drinks and food were the last things I wanted. All I wanted was to sleep. The lights were exceedingly bright and there were signs all over that said you had to keep your feet on the floor.
We disregarded the signs and laid down on the couches. The lights were so bright that I couldn’t sleep. My husband gave me his coat to cover my face to block out the lights. (I still owe you one, John.) Periodically someone came over and told us to sit up. We would for a moment and promptly lie back down. Our sleep was not refreshing.
After a very long night we caught our plane to Chicago. And missed our flight to Kansas City. We had to spend the night in Chicago. Thank God, we were able to sleep in a real hotel. We then made it to Kansas City, but had to drive home to Topeka through road construction and heavy rains.
Was this a trip taken during Mercury Retrograde? No. Then why am I telling you this story? Because we booked the trip during a Mercury Retrograde period.
Why didn’t I, as an astrologer, pay more attention to the planning? I had been wanting to go to Egypt for years and John refused to go. He said, “They blow up tourists there.” Our State Department said Egypt was a level 2 country to visit (meaning increased caution.) I told John that we had been to lots of level 2 countries and lots of countries where they blow up tourists. I was so excited that he was finally willing to go that I immediately booked a trip for us. I didn’t even look at the flight schedules. I didn’t care at the time. All I cared about is that I was going to Egypt.
Why am I telling you this story? Because it is a good example of what might happen when Mercury is retrograde. Under Mercury Retrograde, we may not be as thoughtful as we should be. We may not have all the information that we need. Am I telling you never to travel or plan a trip under Mercury Retrograde? No, but Mercury Retrograde can be one planetary happening that says we should slow down, pay attention and think things through.
To see how and when Mercury Retrograde will affect you in 2022, go to:
To see the top 20 things to do when Mercury is retrograde, go to:
To see the top 20 things to do when Mercury is direct, go to:
Mercury Retrograde is not all bad. Watch for a story that will be coming that started under Mercury Retrograde yet turned out really well.
Six simple questions to prove that he or she is not “The One”
These questions are not the final answers but are sure good questions to be asking yourself. Please excuse the use of only the pronoun he as using he or she or they gets unwieldy.
He is not ethical.
This is by far the best reason to know that this person is not the one for you. The most important (and the most overlooked) attributes you want someone to have are to be ethical, honest and principled. I remember when my husband and I started dating, if a wait staff undercharged us, he would always tell the wait staff to correct the bill and he would pay what should have been charged. Little things like that can be quite informative about someone’s character.
Do your friends like him?
This is a great test. If your friends like him, it is a good sign that he might be a match for you. If they are warning you about him, take a step backward and slow things down. They are not going to be wearing the same rose-colored glasses that you are.
Do your family members like him?
Family members usually know you well and know what your needs are. I have clients who have arranged marriages where family members are involved in marriage choices. Those clients think that arranged marriages have a better chance of happiness than marriages where family members are not involved. Arranged marriages are not the same as forced marriages, and the bride and groom are part of the process. Arranged marriages have a much lower divorce rate than love marriages.
Do you feel comfortable being yourself?
Can you let him see who you really are or do you have to pretend to be someone else? Do you have to walk on eggshells around him so he doesn’t get angry? Everyone deserves to be with someone who will accept and love them the way that they are.
How does he treat others?
Is he respectful to wait staff? Does he fly into a rage and scream obscenities at people who cut him off in traffic? How he treats others can be a good indication as how he will treat you when the honeymoon period is over.
How does he speak of exes?
How he speaks of exes will probably show exactly how he might speak about you later. If he tell you about a line of “crazy bitches” in his past, he probably is not taking any responsibility for his part of the relationship. You also have to wonder why he attracted “crazy bitches.”
The above tests are not set in stone but are questions you should be asking about relationships. I am including how to buy my book because it has what I think are the most important things to know regarding astrology and relationships. For more information about my book, go to:
Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Many astrologers think that Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus is the most influential astrological event of the year. This aspect lasted throughout all of 2021 and will last the rest of 2022.
A square aspect between two planets is when the planets are about 90 degrees from each other. This is a challenging aspect, and I sometimes think it is like two cars hitting each other at an intersection. This is an aspect of friction, challenge and tension. It can bring about needed changes because it also supplies drive and energy.
No aspects in astrology are really good or bad, just easier or harder to work with. The negative thing about a square aspect is that it is harder, but not impossible, to work with. The positive thing about a square aspect is that it brings energy and opportunity to work with the different planetary energies.
People around the world are finding it harder than usual to understand and agree with other people’s opinions. Last year and this year have been giving me lots of opportunities to respect other people’s opinions that are not like mine. I have had to remind myself over and over that there is no one I have yet met who shares all of my opinions. Relatives I love but who have radically differing opinions to mine help me realize that I can still love people who are not like I am.
This aspect is probably the hardest configuration for me to write about, and I have been writing about astrology since 1980. The reason it is so hard to write about is because it is full of surprises, unexpected events, and contradictions.
Saturn in Aquarius by itself is full of contradictions. Saturn wants to go slowly and values the old. Saturn is restricting and likes rules. Aquarius wants things now and values the new. Aquarius doesn’t want anybody or anything to tell it what to do. It values freedom.
This placement wants to keep the best of the old while moving forward with the new. Saturn, as the planet of karma, brings us what we earn. Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and Saturn can remind us how long lasting the choices we make can last.
This can be a good placement if we are disciplined in working towards our goals. This isn’t always easy but can have good, long-lasting results.
Uranus in Taurus by itself is full of contradictions. Uranus is unexpected and exciting and is the planet of change. Taurus is the sign most resistant to change. Taurus is connected with money and the earth. We have changes in land use, banking, how we spend our money, farming and food. We continue in a long-term period of unexpected and drastic climatic disasters and earth changes.
For hints on what may happen, although of all the planets Uranus is the most unpredictable, let’s look at what happened when Uranus was last in Taurus—June 6, 1934 through May 15, 1942. President Franklin Roosevelt, started the New Deal, changing how government interacted in the lives of people. There was regulation of banks, and WPA created buildings, bridges and infrastructure. Social Security began in 1935. Wars, including the beginning of World War II, created changes in the borders of countries. The drought permanently changed how Americans farmed.
I would expect (not always a good word to use with Uranus) major building of our country’s infrastructure, changes in regulation of banking, and major loss of retail stores with people buying over the internet, which happens to be ruled by, or symbolized by Uranus. Farming will have big changes, let’s hope for the benefit of our health, instead of the benefit of large corporations.
Putting Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus together is a mass of contractions. I think during 2022 the sense of what we value will be challenged.
We have a collective sense of responsibility towards others.
People disagree with others about just about everything. If you don’t believe me, talk to the next person you see about abortion, the past presidential election, Trump, vaccination, the corona virus, guns or masks.
Society has big changes in how we view others, how we spend our money and take care of the earth.
Our task is learning to accept others who are not like us and who do not share our views.
We need to be willing to make needed changes to keep up with the times, while keeping our important values.
If you like surprises and unexpected events, you will not be disappointed with 2022.
Please share this with others and tell them to sign up for emails from me at
UFO Encounters
They aren’t comic book characters
They’re real
They’re here
Documented true story
Mohave Beach Productions
Esther Luttrell is a good friend of mine and this is her story.
I highly recommend listening to it, as it as it is entertaining and enlightening.
Summer Solstice Astrology Forecast for the next three months
As an astrologer, I have known that many astrologers pay special attention to the astrology charts of the solstices and equinoxes. The solstices are when the Sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky each year, causing the days to be the longest or the shortest of the year. The equinoxes are when the Sun is on the celestial equator, causing days and nights to be equal. Each solstice or equinox chart shows the background astrological weather for the next three months until the next equinox or solstice.
I have never paid much attention to the solstices or the equinoxes because there are always lots of other, and I think, more important things going on in the sky at any time. Two recent events, however, have made me stop and pay more importance to this Summer Solstice, which is today, June 21, 2022. The first is that my daughter Stacy decided to get married on the Summer Solstice. Happy Summer Solstice and happy wedding day today, Stacy and Joseph! They intuitively felt that the Summer Solstice was a special time.
The second is that last month my husband and I went to Ireland and saw Newgrange. Newgrange is the best known Irish passage tomb that dates back to 3,200 BC. It is older than Stonehenge or the Pyramids. At Newgrange a ray of sunlight travels down the 19-meter stone passageway and hits the central chamber only on the Winter Solstice. Newgrange, and many other places around the world we have seen in person, are aligned on the solstices and equinoxes.
My husband John and I have travelled to other places that have also been purposefully aligned with the solstices and equinoxes—The Great Pyramid, The Sphinx, Abu Simbel and The Temple of Karnak in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru, Cahokia Mounds in Illinois, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, to name some off the top of my head.
If so many ancient people all thought these four times of the year were so important as to mark the timing of them in these massive and wonderful constructions, maybe I should pay more attention to them as well.
Today, June 21, 2022 is the Summer Solstice. The astrology chart of this moment shows the background astrological forecast for the next three months until the Autumnal Equinox.
Two things jump out at me when I look at today’s astrology chart. The first is the big number of planets in their own signs. Each planet has a correspondence with one of the signs of the zodiac. When planets are in their own signs, their power is intensified. It is unusual to have five planets in their own signs at the same time–this can help us reach our goals.
Pay attention to the keywords listed below regarding the planets and the signs. Use the planetary energy in ways that will benefit you and others.
Mercury is in Gemini. Mercury and Gemini both correspond with mental processes, communication and short distance trips.
Venus is in Taurus. Both have to do with stability and money.
Mars is in Aries. Both are good at starting new projects and having energy to get things done.
Saturn is in Aquarius. This is a good time to work hard toward our goals and reform and restructure our lives.
Neptune is in Pisces. Both Neptune and Pisces represent unconditional love, music, art, connection to Spirit, psychic gifts, meditation and yoga. Making time to incorporate these into our lives makes our lives more meaningful.
The second thing that jumped out at me was the fact that the Sun squares (is about 90 degrees from) the Moon in this chart. I was talking to my daughter Trish who is also an astrologer, and she thought my conception of this aspect was too negative. I tend to think that squares indicate conflict and challenges. She focuses on the opportunity for growth and accomplishment they can bring.
We both agree that a square can provide needed energy to accomplish tasks, especially because the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Aries are in Cardinal Signs. Cardinal signs are active and initiative. I think this aspect can give us energy to work on our homes and gardens—the Sun in Cancer is home-loving. This aspect also makes us more open to initiating change in ourselves and in our homes.
As always, it is more important to see how what is going on in the sky is affecting your birth chart, but this is the prevailing weather for the next three months. Short trips, writing, communicating, being responsible with money, starting new projects, practicing yoga and meditation and being loving are going with the current flow of the universe.
Favorite Feng Shui Books
When I gave talks at The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library on Feng Shui, the librarian asked me to tell her names of my favorite Feng Shui books. I did, and she made bookmarks with those titles to hand out to people who came to my talks.
Here are the titles of the books I gave her.
Feng Shui for Beginners: Successful Living by Design by Richard Webster
Interior Design with Feng Shui by Sarah Rossbach
The Feng Shui Companion by George Birdsall
Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Placement by Sarah Rossbach
Living Color: Master Lin Yun’s Guide to Feng Shui and the Art of Color by Sarah Rossbach and Lin Yun
The Feng Shui Handbook by Derek Walters
Since I gave those titles to the librarian, I would add the following books.
The Feng Shui Companion a user-friendly guide to the ancient art of placement by George Birdsall
The Everything Feng Shui Book Create harmony and peace in any room by Katina Z. Jones
There are many different schools of Feng Shui. All of the above books follow the Black Hat sect school of Feng Shui. This school does not base placement of anything on the the directions–North, South, East or West–as other schools do. Do not mix up anything you read in other books about directions with what you read in any of my favorite books.
People are affected by their surroundings, and their homes and offices reflect their inner selves. If you change your surroundings, you can change your lives.
The subject of Feng Shui is vast and sometimes overwhelming. We will never be able to have any of our spaces perfect, but it is something we continually work for. I would encourage you to walk through your home or office space periodically and look around to see how it makes you feel. I would also encourage you to have a professional Feng Shui consultant. A consultant will have fresh and experienced eyes to look at your spaces. For more information, go to
Favorite Astrology Books
I have given 14 talks about astrology and Feng Shui at The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library. The librarian who asked me to come and talk about astrology asked me to tell her what my favorite books were. I told her, and she made bookmarks to give to my audience members that had the list of my favorite books on them. At that time, these were the list of books that I told her. In parenthesis, I will tell you why I chose those particular books.
A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator by Llewelyn George. (When I had my birth chart done by Zipporah Dobyns, I was so astonished at how accurate she was, that when I left her, I went immediately to the library to find out how she did what she did. I came out of the library with a pile of books in my arms and this was the first one I read. I was further astonished when I read the book, as I was extremely familiar with it. I not only knew what would come next in the book, but I know what I agreed with and what I did not. This was the first of several old books that I knew what was in them.)
The Compleat Astrologer by Derek and Julia Parker. (I think I am on my third copy of this book and it’s cover is held together by lots of heavy scotch tape. This book is a great book for beginning astrologers, as it covers everything an astrologer would need to know to get started in astrology.)
The Luminaries: the Psychology of the Sun and Moon in the Horoscope by Liz Green. (Liz Green is a good astrologer who is also a good writer.)
The Outer Planets & Their Cycle: the Astrology of the Collective by Liz Green. (This is another of her books that I love and would highly recommend it.)
Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology: the Classic Guide to Modern Astrology by Alan Oken (This is an interesting guide to understanding modern astrology.)
Any books by Robert hand, Stephen Arroyo, Zipporah Pottenger Dobys, Joan Quigley, Ivy Jacobson, Evangeline Adams and Donna Cunningham.
The following books are not on the library’s bookmarks, but I would have to included them with my favorite astrology books.
C. C. Zain, also know as Elbert Benjamine. (I have been given a huge number of astrology books at different times by four different people. In one of these bonanzas, was a bunch of nine books written by C. C. Zain. I use his Horary Astrology book so frequently that the pages are falling apart.
Stephen Forrest has written a lot of books about astrology, all of which are quite good.
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology by Dianne Lawson. (I am including my book because it has what I think are the most important things to know regarding astrology and relationships. For more information about my book, go to:
Rare morning light show
I redid my website to include an articles page that includes subjects that are helpful, informational or both.
Top 20 to do when Mercury is direct
Top 20 things to do when Mercury is retrograde
Mercury Retrograde
Astrology and The Bible
Feng Shui Home
Feng Shui Office
Feng Shui Directions
Hover over the Articles button to see some articles I have written. Please watch this page to see new articles as I put them on this page.
Top 20 things to do when Mercury is direct
As in everything in the world, there is an ebb and flow to Mercury going in forward motion and then in retrograde, or backward, motion (as seen from the Earth. Of course, Mercury never goes backward, but it sometimes seems so, based upon the Earth’s and Mercury’s relative positions. Mercury goes in retrograde motion through the signs of the zodiac about three times every year and then in forward motion through the signs of the zodiac. For more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
Since Mercury has a correspondence with communication, mental processes, health and transportation, it usually seems to function better for us humans when it is going in direct motion. Some of my most-opened emails are when I notify that Mercury is going retrograde, because people want to be prepared about that. Some people sigh in relief when it goes direct again. There are always lots of planetary changes going on at the same time, but Mercury going in direct motion often helps us communicate more effectively, think more clearly and have better experiences while traveling.
Mercury is in direct motion now through September 9, 2022.
Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Direct period
- Have your birth chart done to understand yourself and your life path
- Have your yearly forecast done to prepare for the next twelve months
- Take action
- Start projects
- Tackle huge goals that have seemed overwhelming
- Organize your home and work spaces
- Meet new people and initiate friendships
- Do things you have never done before
- Write
- Sign contracts
- Apply for a new job
- Start a new job
- Schedule meetings
- Go on trips
- Make important decisions
- Have important communications
- Use your mind
- Take classes
- Take care of your health
- Submit your work to new publishers
One ship sails East
I love this poem because it explains how I believe we should use the planetary forecasts. It is helpful to know which way the astrological wind is blowing and how hard it is blowing, so we can use the wind to help us get where we want to go. So here, is the poem.
One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
‘Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
A rare, 5-planet alignment will take over the sky this month
June 2022
(CNN)Don’t forget to look up this weekend to see the start of a rare, five-planet alignment grace the night sky.
The moon joins the party
Mercury goes retrograde May 11, 2022.
Mercury is now in its shadow and will go retrograde May 11, 2022. To see what this means and how it will affect you, go to Be sure and read to the end to see how best to use this energy.
Free Feng Shui advice from several Feng Shui experts from across the country, including me.
Even though this was written for small spaces, it will apply to any size home or office. For information about my Feng Shui services, go to
Transform Your Small Space: How to Feng Shui Your Apartment
If you’re living in a small apartment and feel like your space is always cluttered, feels confined, or the atmosphere just feels off, you’re not alone. Luckily, no matter the size or layout of your apartment, you can easily transform your small space with Feng Shui. And what better time than the spring to declutter and decorate to create a well-balanced, harmonious home?
To help you get started, we’ve reached out to Feng Shui experts across the country for their best advice on transforming a small apartment with Feng Shui. So whether you’re renting a studio apartment in San Francisco or living in Denver, Atlanta, or another city where you can get more bang for your buck, these transformational Feng Shui tips will help you make the most of your small space.
Set the tone for your apartment with the entrance
Half the battle is won through paying extra attention to your home’s entrance or main door. The main door has the utmost importance, along with the kitchen and bedroom, which forms the critical trinity in home Feng Shui. Apartments with good Feng Shui will have a bright and spacious entrance and walkway (called the “Bright Hall”). – Feng Shui Discovery
Small spaces are cozy and comforting. To make the most of it, keep all areas tidy, the bathroom door closed, and move shoes away from the front door. As small as your place may be, keep the front door clear so chi can come into your home to fill it with prosperous energy. If you can, keep two planters on the outside of the front door. When looking out the front door from the inside, the planter on the left side should be larger than the one on the right side to increase your luck and protection. – Kerstin Tracy
Choose colors intentionally to create a soothing home atmosphere
Small spaces may feel even smaller if there’s too much stuff or too many colors everywhere. Give your apartment breathing space by keeping a wall in a light, neutral color and use wall scones that reflect light upwards. Apply soothing colors that you see out in nature, such as aquamarines, sky blues, light sand beach tones, or light shades of grays that inspire a sense of freedom and comfort. This is a simple way to bring nature into your space and give your mind a place to rest. – Zenotica
Utilize mirrors to lighten your space and incorporate plants to bring in the wood element
Mirrors are excellent in small spaces as they encourage good Feng Shui and lighten and brighten throughout. Love plants? Position the mirror to reflect the plant, and you’ll amplify the wood element of Feng Shui. Need a serene grounding energy in your space? Shape is key in Feng Shui, so go with a square or rectangular-shaped mirror. – Pure Living with Lisa Morton
Place furniture and artwork with balance in mind
A small space can be just as beautiful as a large space when you follow the rules of Feng Shui. Make sure you don’t have too much stuff than your space allows for. If you need to declutter, ask yourself, “do I need this” or “do I love this” when looking at each item. If not, consider letting it go. Having a few right-sized pieces of furniture balanced properly in the room makes a huge difference in how a space feels. It’s almost important that you don’t over-accessorize. A few statement pieces and art on the walls with depth or a large mirror can make the room feel more expansive. Keep in mind that every wall doesn’t need art, but it needs to be placed properly, so it’s balanced in the room. – Metro Interiors
Removing clutter from your apartment is essential for positive energy flow
Allow your apartment to feel lighter and brighter by decluttering
Encourage positive energy to enter and flow through your home by removing clutter – which is anything that’s no longer used or doesn’t have a proper home. Clutter drags you down and creates barriers in your life, while decluttering makes a space feel lighter and brighter, boosting energy and making space for new opportunities. Fix or discard broken items and invest in colorful or white stacking boxes to tidy paperwork, sentimental items, important papers, and stationery. Wicker or sisal baskets can be used in the pantry for storage and the bathroom for toiletries. After you’ve cleared your home of clutter, donate items and clothing you don’t need or will no longer use. – Anne Roselt
Only keep your favorite items
With small spaces, it’s crucial to pair down your belongings to your absolute favorites and necessities. You want the right balance of things for the size of your space because a space can only hold so much before the energy flow gets blocked and stagnant. Clutter blocks the energy flow in an environment, inhibiting positive energy flow in your life. – Montero Healing Arts
Always keep functionality in mind
Remember that less is more, so keep it simple, and function should always come first. Ideal for smaller spaces, consider mid-century modern furniture with its pleasing contours and soft, tapered, generally rounded edges. Steer away from furniture with points as the points cast poison arrows at those in front of them. Paint your walls in a single, light color as this creates a sense of expanse. – ZenSpot Institute
Distinguish a beginning and end with your work from home setup
If you have a small apartment or studio with an open floor plan and you’re working from home, place a simple shoji screen in front of your desk to close the door on your work for the day. Use soft lighting in other areas of the apartment to draw attention away from the work area. – Awakened Home
Fill your new apartment with items you love and bring you the most joy
The most important idea to remember in Feng Shui is that you must love and feel comfortable with your surroundings. Love conquers all. The most important rules in Feng Shui are 1) get rid of clutter, 2) only have what you use, need, or want, and 3) surround yourself with what you love, what makes you feel comfortable, and what brings you happiness. – Dianne Lawson
Maintain the balance of Yin and Yang throughout your apartment
Keep the balance of Yin and Yang in the entire apartment rather than in each defined space or room. Yin and Yang must be equally present as they are inseparable forces. Focus on balancing the main rooms as follows: the bedroom is Yin, (passive energy is black) water, and calm. Try incorporating artwork with the water element or blue hues. The kitchen and living room are Yang, (active energy is white) fire, and, energetic. Use bright colors and plants to activate this element. – Landolac Designs
Focus on the layout of your apartment and arrange rooms, so they align with their purpose
When done properly, Feng Shui can transform your life by harnessing the prevailing energies in the physical environment to suit you, your life goals, and your lifestyle. Ideally, a Feng Shui master would assist you in finding the best apartment block for you and then the best available apartment in that block. But if you already live in your apartment or own your home, we can still achieve transformative results. It is all about the layout of your apartment and ensuring the rooms are fit for purpose and set up in the best possible way. A properly qualified Feng Shui master can help you arrange your rooms and align your activities such as work, sleep, exercise, and rest to make the best use of the prevailing energies in your apartment or studio. – Master Boon of Feng Shui with Master Boon
Clean and minimal spaces allow for abundance
When you think of a large and wealthy home, you soon realize that there’s room for abundance, meaning that all surfaces, like drawer tops, tables, etc. only have a few items on them and no shoes or coats are visible in the entryway. So get organized, declutter every horizontal surface, and let the abundance of Chi flow in now that you’ll have the room for it. And don’t forget fresh flowers. – Healing with Heli
Thoughtfully decorate your home
The magic ingredients to making a small apartment look spacious are to place your intention on decluttering and allowing for a vibrant flow of energy to circulate throughout. To achieve that, avoid decorating with small objects spread around and be sure to dedicate areas where functionality blends with themed decor. Leave space between those areas for the Qi to circulate smoothly and choose a wall color that exudes a personal message to your apartment, whether it is serene, minimalistic, or exuberant. Then accessorize your space with non-angular furniture wherever possible and harmonizing colors. – Chez Feng Shui
Use the Bagua Map to Feng Shui your apartment
Lay the Bagua Map at your apartment door, aligning the Career gua to your doorway, to discover where the specific guas are. Next, think about what you’d most like to change in your life. Are you trying to attract love? If yes, enhance the Love & Marriage gua with pairs of things such as matching candleholders, two bird figurines (like lovebirds), or a picture of a couple that captures the love you’d like to manifest. If love and marriage are in your bedroom (and even if it isn’t), remember your bedroom should be a serene sanctuary for rest and romance only. – Feng Shui Made Simple
Seeing the planets of the Solar System aligned in a neat line is one of many awe-inspiring stargazing experiences we can get – and this month you could have a chance to see it with your own eyes.
From the middle of the month, when viewed from the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll be able to see Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter all lined up in an almost-perfect planetary alignment in the pre-dawn sky.
The alignment starts to form from around April 17, but will be at its most viewable on the morning of April 20. To see the alignment from the US, you’ll need to get up before sunrise on the morning of April 20, and look towards the east.
The April 20 alignment. (Stellarium)
There, on the horizon, provided viewing conditions are good, you should be able to make out all four planets aligned in a celestial row, although as some have pointed out, Jupiter’s proximity to the horizon could make it a bit harder to make out.
As keen stargazers likely already know, Saturn, Mars, and Venus have actually been clustering together since late March, but it won’t be until mid-April that Jupiter will join the party.
A few days later – on around April 23 – the alignment is set to become even more spectacular, with the Moon lining up to join the party on the right.
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February 26, 2022
BE ALERT FOR ZODIACAL LIGHT: The season for Zodiacal Light has begun. In dark sky sites around the world, people are noticing a pale triangle of light lancing into the night sky. After centuries of wondering, astronomers have only recently learned that it comes from Mars. Next week will bring of the best displays of the year. Find out more on today’s edition of
Talking ‘bout a revolution!
Three enormously important revolutions about 250 years apart brought radical changes. From 1517 through 1532 brought the Protestant Reformation and increased use of the printing press. From 1775 through 1783 brought the American Revolution. Besides being the birth of democracy, it was also the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We are now in the midst of a third period of great change, the Current Revolution, which will last for the next few years.
We are in an extremely significant time for the USA. The country is undergoing its Pluto Return this year, 2022. Because Pluto moves so slowly, the period of the country’s Pluto Return will take a few years on either side of the exact time. We have been in the return period for a few years, and I am sure that you can tell that major changes are taking place in the USA. Let me break it down into its components and then, at the end of this article, I will explain what it means for us.
A Pluto Return is when Pluto goes through the signs of the zodiac and returns to the exact same degree it was at a country’s birth. When our country was born, Pluto was at 27 degrees of Capricorn. This year, Pluto is again at 27 degrees of Capricorn. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to return to the same place it was before, so this is a rare occurrence.
Astrologers and historians don’t agree on the exact moment of the USA’s birth, but all of the birth charts for July 4 1776 for the country have Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn.
(For the entire decade of the 1980s, I was writing nonstop for astrology magazines. I used the Gemini Rising, July 4, 1776, chart for the USA to make my yearly forecasts for the country. In this chart, Pluto is in the country’s ninth house which corresponds with foreign countries, foreigners, higher education, beliefs and religions.)
Pluto corresponds with birth, death, rebirth, regeneration, power and the people who have power, money, scandals, corruption, destruction, volcanoes and war. Secrets come to light.
Pluto is in the sign Capricorn. Capricorn corresponds with structure, infrastructure, careers, politics and the environment.
What this all means is that we are in a period of radical change, social unrest and restructuring our country. In the two previous revolutions, people demanded more control of their lives. The previous power structures were changed. That is happening again.
People are taking charge of their own finances and many have changed their work during the pandemic. In the Great Resignation, thirty-three million Americans quit their jobs in 2021 and the trend is still going on. People are buying Bitcoin. The ways people are spending their money have drastically changed. Malls close down and people buy online.
Social unrest will continue with people wanting more control over their lives. How the USA will come out of this revolution depends upon how it measures up to the ideals and beliefs that it was founded on in 1776. We need to be taking care of the structures of this country, and that includes principles, as well as infrastructure. We also need to be taking care of our environment.
February 20, 2022
Now through April 5, 2022 is good astrological weather for you to focus and get to work to get what you want in terms of love, relationships, social life, harmony, money, earnings, possessions and beauty.
Astrology is like a weather forecast.
Meteorologists tell us when it might be a good day to go out and play in the sun or when it might be a good day to build a snowman. It is up to us whether we choose to go outside on those days or stay inside curled up with a good book or binge watch TV.
Astrologers tell us about the astrological weather. It is up to us whether we choose to use astrological forecasts or not.
Today, Venus and Mars are in the exact same degree of the zodiac and they will remain close to each other in the sky until April 5, 2022. They are in the sign of Capricorn, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn. When a planet is exalted in a sign, it means it works well in a sign. Mars in Capricorn is focused to reach his goals. This is great planetary timing to use to enhance our relationships, social life, money and possessions.
Venus is connected with love, relationships, social life, harmony, money, earnings, possessions and beauty.
Mars is connected with force, drive, energy and initiative.
Putting Venus and Mars together means it is a good time to take the initiative and use positive, focused energy to get what you want in relationships, money and possessions. It’s also a good time to be creating beauty and harmony in your life, especially if you are an artist.
I was up before dawn today and saw Venus shining brightly and beautifully in the southeastern sky. She can’t miss her. She is the largest object in our sky, after the Sun and the Moon. Mars was nearby. It is worth a trip outside to see.
How to have an extraordinary relationships and great sex! The first and only book that shows you how. It really works!
Extraordinary Relationships
Through Astrology
Survive and thrive in relationships
Do you desire to have a loving, comfortable, sane, equal and extraordinary relationship? A relationship where you are hugged, laugh together and feel happy? Astrology can help you have the kind of relationship you desire. If you want to find, keep and have an extraordinary relationship, then this book was written for you. You will be guided step by step in finding the answers that you want. This book is real astrology and offers real results.
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology is for people who either know about astrology, or who are willing to learn simple bits of astrology that show the way to have a great relationship. This is the book you want if you want to learn about relationship astrology.
As an astrologer since 1973, I have seen so many people suffer because of relationships, either ones they had, or the fact that they wanted one, but didn’t have one. That is why I have written this book, so that people could be helped to find, keep and have extraordinary relationships.
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology can help you have the relationship you want.
Here is a direct link, so you can buy the book:
Magazine Reviews of book
Famed astrologer Michael Munkasey in the prestigious National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc. published a book review in its Winter 2018 issue.
This is a well-done, easy to read, book that focuses on the importance of the fifth and seventh astrological houses and their role in human relationships. Geared for a beginner or novice, or even a student within their early years of studying astrology, Ms. Lawson gently takes the reader through her unique approach to understanding relationships. The book’s nine chapters are laid out in a logical sequence, and with sufficient detail, so that even a person with only a bit of astrological knowledge or study can gain benefit and usefulness from this work.
As Ms. Lawson states in her opening commentary: “The most frequently asked questions to me as an astrologer have always revolved around relationships. How do I find someone? … How can I solve problems in my relationships?”
Mensa Bulletin the Magazine of American Mensa, November/December 2018 issue, and the January 2019 Mension Newsletter that went out to MidAmerica Mensans, published the following book review.
Dianne Y. Lawson, a multi-published author, has been an astrologer since 1973. She gives a quick summary on how astrology works, including how to understand birth charts, the influence of the planets, and the signs of the zodiac.
As you might expect, the ancient art of astrology is fairly complicated, but Lawson assures us that it can help you find a partner, recognize red flags in a relationship, understand your partner, keep love in your marriage, and understand and improve your sex life. Visit
Astrologers Reviews of Book
Debra Ann Clement is a well-known and highly regarded astrologer. I was honored to be on her show. She told me personally that she thought my book was, “one of the best astrology books I have read,” and “it was well organized, very well written, gave sound advice and was extremely helpful.”
Maria DeSimone is a phenomenal astrologer. There is a reason why she has close to 300,000 subscribers in a short time. I loved being on her show talking about my new book, as Maria is knowledgeable, fun, enthusiastic and affirming. I love her for a whole bunch of reasons, including the fact that she read my book, loved it and said reading it literally gave her chills.
Anthony S. Picco is a wonderful astrologer and podcast host. I was on his podcast talking about my book and had a great time. This is the review he gave for my book:
As a professional astrologer, I always look at astrology books on relationships as a way for many people to make a quick buck. Everyone wants to know all about love. But this one is so much more. Dianne Lawson has written a book that takes a deeper look at relationships, and clearly guides the reader through just enough astrology so they can put two and two together and make their own conclusions.
And this isn’t a quick connection book. Ms. Lawson takes us into what makes a relationship tick, and where to look for the indicators of how a relationship could work, where to look for potential difficulties, and how to cope with and process the rough patches we all have.
You don’t need to know any astrology to use this book, because she is an excellent teacher, and offers enough of the basics so a reader can work with astrology easily. However, if you are a student of astrology or even an experienced astrologer, this is also a good book to get a handle on how to examine a natal chart for relationship potentials. As well as I know astrology, there were points and nuances that added more understanding even after all my years of experience.
Well worth reading. I look forward to anything Ms. Lawson writes in the future.
Amazon Reviews of Book
Here is a direct link, so you can buy the book:
Podcasts and radio shows about the book
Debra Ann Clement
How to make your relationships extraordinary
Join Debra Ann Clement and me as we discuss my new book about how to make your relationships extraordinary by using easy-to-understand astrological principles. To listen to the podcast, go to
Debra is a well-known and highly regarded astrologer. I was honored to be on her show. She told me personally that she thought my book was, “one of the best astrology books I have read,” and “it was well organized, very well written, gave sound advice and was extremely helpful.”
Maria DeSimone
Extraordinary Relationships with Dianne Lawson My episode is 42, Extraordinary Relationships with Dianne Lawson.
Maria DeSimone is phenomenal and really good at what she does. There is a reason why she has close to 300,000 subscribers in a short time. I loved being on her show talking about my new book, as Maria is knowledgeable, fun, enthusiastic and affirming. I love her for a whole bunch of reasons, including the fact that she read my book, loved it and said reading it literally gave her chills.
Chris Flisher
Extraordinary Relationships with Dianne Lawson
Chris Flisher and I had a great time talking about extraordinary relationships. Chris is a well-known, popular and knowledgeable astrologer. He has been doing podcasts since 2007, his podcasts go out to a wide variety of places and have been downloaded more than 500,000 times. His listeners have an understanding of astrology, so this podcast is for people who know at least the basics of astrology.
To listen to Chris Flisher and me talk about Extraordinary Relationships, go to :// My episode is April 27, 2018, Extraordinary Relationships with Dianne Lawson.
Janet Hickox
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology
To hear and see me talk about my book, astrology and relationships on Janet Hickox’s podcast, go to: http://wwwand–interview-with-dianne-lawson. Janet is a wonderful, fun, warm, knowledgeable and professional astrologer and I absolutely loved being on her show.
Suzane Northrop
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology
Wikipedia describes Suzane Northrop as an “author, radio and television personality and professional medium. She is best known for her TV show The Afterlife and her book Everything Happens For A Reason.” Listen to her and me talk on her radio show about my book, astrology, relationships and mediumship.–extraordinary-relationships-through-astrology. Suzane is bright, generous and really good at everything she does. We had great fun talking together.
Anthony S. Picco
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology
Maria DeSimone
Your Relationship Story Through Astrology
This is for people who either already have, or are willing to get their individualized birth chart, and know where the seventh house of relationships is in their birth chart. If you don’t have your birth chart, you can easily obtain it free at any of several astrology programs, including You will need to know your date, place and time of birth.
Listen to Your Relationship Story Through Astrology at The Insightful Podcast with Maria DeSimone. Maria is a well-known, fun and knowledgeable astrologer and I had a great time talking with her. The episode is Episode 81, Your Relationship Story Through Astrology.
Adam Sommer
Relationships Astrology
Here is a direct link, so you can buy the book:
Mercury Retrograde
January 15, 2022 — February 4, 2022
December 9, 2021
COMET LEONARD IS APPROACHING EARTH: Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) is approaching Earth for a close encounter on Dec. 12th. So far this week, the comet has nearly tripled in brightness, making it an easy target for small telescopes and digital cameras. Six days after its close approach to Earth, Comet Leonard will have an even closer encounter with Venus. That flyby will be visible in evening skies next week. Sky maps @
December 6, 2021
Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses symbolize endings and new beginnings, changes and transformations. They help us let go of what no longer serves us, release what we have outgrown and start fresh. There is a Solar Eclipse today or tomorrow depending where you live.
It happens at 2:43 a.m. Eastern Time December 4, 2021;
1:43 a.m. Central Time December 4, 2021;
12:43 a.m. Mountain Time December 4, 2021;
11:43 p.m. Pacific Time December 3, 2021.
It can be seen only in Antarctica.
For several days around the time of the eclipse is a great time to release what no longer serves us. It’s also a great time to meditate on what we really want in life and make necessary changes, so that we can achieve them. Many people set their intentions around the time of a New Moon, and a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon on steroids. Astrologers disagree with how long the effects of eclipses last, but I think they start before the eclipse and have an effect for a year after the eclipse.
This eclipse is in Sagittarius, which is optimistic and expansive. It helps us have accelerated growth in our perceptions and beliefs. For the next 12 months, it is a time to be open minded and release old ideas. Watch for opportunities to grab.
If you know your individual birth chart, see where 12 degrees of Sagittarius is. That is the degree of this eclipse. The house that the eclipse lands in will give you more information about where changes will occur in your life. The eclipse is more important to you if it is within five degrees of a planet or other important point in your individual birth chart.
I always include solar eclipses when I talk about your individual yearly forecast. Eclipses are just a small part of what we talk about, but they do have an effect upon you. Yearly charts start the day we talk and go through the next twelve months. You can call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at to schedule your yearly chart.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
Blood Moon Eclipse
An exceptionally long-lasting eclipse happens in the early morning hours of November 19, 2021. It will be visible over the Americas, Northern Europe, Eastern Asia, Australia and Pacific. It will cover 97 percent of the Moon and be visible for three hours, 28 minutes. The eclipse begins 12:02 a.m. Central Time, and ends 6:03 a.m. Central Time. The maximum eclipse is 3:02 a.m. It should be a lovely sight with the Moon turning blood red and is worth waking up early to see.
Eclipses often show us what we need to be looking at and paying attention to in our lives. Things that have been hidden may come to light and have to be dealt with. If something in our lives is not the way we want it, eclipses help us take action to deal with them. Eclipses can indicate endings, turning points and revelations.
Astrologers differ widely as to how long they think the effects of lunar eclipses last, but I think they last about two weeks before and two weeks after the eclipse. Since lunar eclipses always happen at the full moon, they are a time of heightened emotions. Some people have problems sleeping. We can use this time to make needed changes in our lives.
The Leonids are here!
Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period
Mercury Retrograde September 27, 2021
through October 18, 2021
(with ideas stolen, with her permission, from Trish Williams, my daughter who is an extraordinary astrologer. Thanks go to my friend Beth Cooper Meyer, who asked for a list of things to do during Mercury Retrograde.)
- Have your birth chart done to understand yourself and your life path.
- Have your yearly forecast done to prepare for the next twelve months.
- Change habits and thought patterns that no longer serve you.
- Soul search.
- Meditate.
- Tie up loose ends.
- Finish projects.
- Address anything that’s been neglected (communications with people, computers, cars)
- Find lost items.
- Renew.
- Revise.
- Refurbish.
- Rethink.
- Reorganize.
- Reflect.
- Redo.
- Get rid of anything or anyone who no longer serves you.
- Get rid of clutter.
- Resolve old conflicts.
- Fix problems.
Your yearly forecast will help you prepare for the coming twelve months. You’ll learn what is likely to happen and how to take advantage of good times. In addition, you’ll learn how to prepare for or avoid challenging times. The yearly chart is a roadmap on your path in life and a beacon of hope to help you have a better future. Your yearly charts starts the day of your consultation with me and goes for the next twelve months, no matter what time of year we talk. Call me at 785.232.2836 to schedule your yearly forecast.
Mercury Retrograde September 27, 2021
through October 18, 2021
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant, or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use. For information about what Mercury Retrograde is, what not to do during its period and what to do, go to
Mercury Retrograde in Libra and much more.
Will we have to rethink our relationships?
DIANNE LAWSON discusses Libra season & Mercury’s upcoming retrograde in Libra–the sign of harmony, peace, balance, negotiation, & compromise within relationships starting September 26/27!
BUT will we be forced to rethink, renegotiate, revise, etc., our plans and partnerships between now and October 18 when Mercury stations direct again? Join us Thursday, September 23, at 11 a.m. PT, noon MT, 1 p.m. CT & 2 p.m. ET at for this and more Astro News You Can Use, including Mars trine to Saturn September 25, Venus trine Neptune & the Sun’s trine to Saturn September 29.
PLUS, Dianne will discuss what this Mercury retrograde may bring as it transits square to President Joe Biden’s natal 8th House Jupiter in Cancer and rocks ‘n rolls over his 11th H Venus’s Libra-ruled cusp! Tune in live or listen later! See ya Thursday! Namaste…
Listen live or listen later at
#karmicevolution, #karmicevolutionastrology, #astronewsyoucanuse, #astrologersherihornhasan, #astronews, #sunintolibra, #mercuryretrograde, #mercuryretrogradeinlibra, #relationships, #partnerships, #negotiation, #compromise, #joebidenschart, #bidensmercuryretro, #marstrinesaturn, #venustrineneptune, #suntrinesaturn
Why should Mars, Jupiter and Saturn get all the attention?
In astrology, Uranus is the planet that corresponds with the unusual, the unexpected, the maverick, the eccentric, chaos and the weird. In astronomy, Uranus was chaotic in its early history. It is the only planet that is weird and spins on its side. It is also the only planet that has a Greek name. All of the other planets have Roman names.
In astrology, Neptune is the planet that corresponds with mystery, the hidden, confusion and cloudiness. In astronomy, Neptune is the only planet that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is the only one that is hidden to us unless we use telescopes. Neptune is the only planet that has a moon that is confused and goes backwards in relationship to the other moons. And Neptune is covered with clouds.
I found the following from Mensa Weekly Brainwave and especially like the video of the two men talking about the forgotten planets. For those of you have like other science subjects scroll down and read more after the video about the planets.
Copy and paste the following:
Saturn and Neptune are in signs that they rule.
What that means for the world and what that means for you.
A few days earlier I wrote that the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are all in the signs that they rule this month. When planets are in signs that they rule, they are more powerful, feel at home and work well. We can take advantage of the planets being in signs they rule, as we will be going with the flow of the universe.
A few days ago I wrote about what it means that the Sun and Mercury were in signs they rule and how we can take advantage of that. You can read what I wrote about that if you go to and scroll down one post.
Today I will explain what Saturn and Neptune being in their own signs means and how we can use that energy. Because Saturn and Neptune are distant from the Sun and take longer to go through the signs of the zodiac than the inner planets do, their influence appears to work more slowly.
Saturn will be in the sign Aquarius through March 7, 2023. Saturn is hard-working, structured and disciplined. Aquarius has a correspondence with technology. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius, the World Wide Web was invented. Expect new advanced technology that will change the world while Saturn is again in Aquarius.
This planetary placement can help us work hard toward our goals. Saturn in Aquarius can help us have a laser-like focus instead of a shotgun approach to obtaining what we want. This position helps us simplify and prioritize quality over quality.
Neptune went into the sign of Pisces on February 3, 2012 and it will remain there until January 26, 2026. This is a subtle, long-term influence over the world. We will see a greater emphasis on spirituality and art during these years. Children born during this time will be intuitive, psychic, imaginative, creative and very loving.
Neptune and Pisces both are otherworldly and spiritual. This is a great time to pay attention to our intuition, develop psychic abilities, be creative, use our artistic abilities, spend time with nature and develop a stronger connection with God.
When I provide yearly forecasts, I always look at where all the planets are and how they interact in individuals’ charts, plus a whole lot more. Please let me know if you are interested in your individualized yearly forecast.
As always, going with the flow of life is easier than ignoring it. Our lives are built on the choices we make.
RARE NAKED-EYE NOVA: Taking astronomers by surprise, white dwarf star RS Oph exploded two days ago, producing a rare naked-eye nova. The dwarf star is cannibalizing a nearby red giant, using the star’s outer layers as fuel for the blast. You can see it in the southern sky after sunset. FULL STORY.
A PERSEID METEOR AND SPRITES: It’s late summer. Powerful thunderstorms are crawling across the US-Mexico border. At the same time, specks of dust from Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle are peppering Earth’s atmosphere. The stage is set for close encounters like this:
Astronomer Stephen Hummel took the picture from the McDonald Observatory in Texas. “I was photographing sprites on Aug. 8th when this Perseid meteor appeared,” he says. “The southern border has been very stormy this past week. In the past two nights alone I’ve photographed more than 50 TLEs. This capture stood out because of the Perseid.”
This won’t be the last time a Perseid photobombs a bunch of sprites. The meteor shower is expected to peak on the nights of Aug. 11th through 13th as Earth passes the core of Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle’s debris zone. Meanwhile, the weather forecast calls for more storms in the hot desert southwest. Photographers, point your cameras just above the cloudtops.
Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are in signs they rule
The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are all in the signs that they rule this month. When planets are in signs that they rule it means that they are more powerful, feel at home, work well and have a correspondence to the sign. We should take advantage of the planets being in the signs they rule, as we can use the energies that they symbolize to achieve more of what we want in life.
Today I will talk about the Sun and Mercury. Watch in a few days and I will discuss Saturn and Neptune.
The Sun is in the sign of the zodiac Leo and will be there until August 22, 2021. Both the Sun and Leo have to do with confidence, fun, entertainment, children and creativity. Now is the time to do things that require confidence. It is also a great time to have fun and be entertained. The Sun is always in Leo at this time of year and it is most often the time of year that people go on vacation. Get out in the sun and have fun with children. Creative folks should plan on using this time creating.
Mercury will move into the sign of the zodiac Virgo on August 11, 2021 where it will remain until August 30, 2021. Both Mercury and Virgo have to do with work, health and daily routine. We can work more efficiently, especially with detailed work. Now is a great time to focus on all health matters, especially diet and exercise. Planning our daily routines now can help us have the fun that the Sun wants, as well as do the work that Mercury wants.
Whether playing or working, it is helpful to coordinate with the flow of the universe. It helps to flow with the tide, rather than to try to swim against it.
Six planets retrograde the summer of 2021!
Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde now through the summer and early fall. Uranus joins them and becomes retrograde August 20 and will continue to be retrograde until January 17, 2022.
Retrograde planets happen often and are when planets appear to be moving backward through the signs of the zodiac, based upon the relative positions of them and the earth. What is unusual is to have this many happen at once.
This is no cause for alarm. Retrograde planets are just part of the natural order of ebb and flow. They indicate that it is a time for reflection and can be used for our advantage.
A retrograde Jupiter means it is a time to be thoughtful and think about what our core beliefs are and if we are living in ways that reflect them. This is not a time to be foolhardy or take unnecessary risks.
A retrograde Saturn is a good time to take time to have structures and plans in place to help us get the most out of life. Are we just haphazardly going through life, being pushed and pulled every which way, or are our lives disciplined in ways that help us reach our goals?
A retrograde Chiron is good for healing old hurts. Chiron teaches us that our greatest hurts can be used to make us stronger and to be able to heal ourselves and others. (This is what Wikipedia says about Chiron: “Today it is classified as both a minor planet and a comet.” Chiron does not display typical attributes of a planet or a comet and its classification has changed several times.)
A retrograde Neptune means we need to see people the way they really are and not the way we want them to be. Neptune can indicate fuzzy thinking and looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. It may be a good time to pay attention to what people do, not what they say. It is a good time to ask other people–—your family members, friends and astrologer their opinions. They may be able to help you see what is really going on.
A retrograde Pluto is great for healing, transformation, being in therapies for body, mind and emotions, releasing resentments and being willing to forgive self and others.
A retrograde Uranus helps us look at situations and change them if they are not meeting our needs. The more we are able to adapt and accept changes, the better our lives will be.
Extraordinary Relationships
If you want to have extraordinary relationships and already know or are willing to learn the basics of real astrology that goes beyond simple Sun Sign astrology, then this book was written for you. If you don’t know anything about astrology, this book teaches you in an easy, step-by-step way to be able to learn the basics of astrology and how to apply them to have extraordinary relationships. If you already know astrology, this book gives you new insights in how to have extraordinary relationships.
Spirit, Stars and the Supernatural
Podcast Excursions guest, Cheryl Schroeder, remembers choosing to be born to a Native American couple never realizing the father would be an alcoholic, the mother a dysfunctional and indifferent parent, and her grandfather a cruel and physically abusive child molester. Despite abject poverty and mistreatment, Cheryl tells of her deep connection to a God she knows as pure Love. Not the death of her grandchild nor the murder of her beloved younger sister has caused that faith to waiver.
Co-hosts, Mojave Beach Productions producer, Esther Luttrell, and astrologer-author Dianne Lawson, join Cheryl in a discussion on the ways in which Spirit ties into planets, stars and the supernatural.
To listen, go to
Check out the rest of this streaming entertainment network. It has theaters for mysteries, westerns, inspirations, comedy, children and more.
May 25, 2021
Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Many astrologers think that Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus is the most influential astrological event of the year. It lasts throughout all of 2021.
It is probably the hardest configuration for me to write about, and I have been writing about astrology since 1980. The reason it is so hard to write about is because it is full of surprises, unexpected events, and contradictions.
Saturn in Aquarius by itself is full of contradictions. Saturn wants to go slowly and values the old. Saturn is restricting and likes rules. Aquarius wants things now and values the new. Aquarius doesn’t want anybody or anything to tell it what to do. It values freedom.
This placement wants to keep the best of the old while moving forward with the new. Saturn, as the planet of karma, brings us what we earn. Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and Saturn can remind us how long lasting the choices we make can last.
This can be a good placement if we are disciplined in working towards our goals. This isn’t always easy but can have good, long-lasting results.
Uranus in Taurus by itself is full of contradictions. Uranus is unexpected and exciting and is the planet of change. Taurus is the sign most resistant to change. Taurus is connected with money and the earth. We have changes in land use, banking, how we spend our money, farming and food. We continue in a long-term period of unexpected and drastic climatic disasters and earth changes.
For hints on what may happen, although of all the planets Uranus is the most unpredictable, let’s look at what happened when Uranus was last in Taurus—June 6, 1934 through May 15, 1942. President Franklin Roosevelt, started the New Deal, changing how government interacted in the lives of people. There was regulation of banks, and WPA created buildings, bridges and infrastructure. Social Security began in 1935. Wars, including the beginning of World War II, created changes in the borders of countries. The drought permanently changed how Americans farmed.
I would expect (not always a good word to use with Uranus) major building of our country’s infrastructure, changes in regulation of banking, and major loss of retail stores with people buying over the internet, which happens to be ruled by, or symbolized by Uranus. Farming will have big changes, let’s hope for the benefit of our health, instead of the benefit of large corporations.
The square aspect (when planets are about 90 degrees from each other) is an aspect of friction, challenge and tension. It can bring about needed changes because it also supplies drive and energy.
Putting Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus together is a mass of contractions. I think during 2021 the sense of what we value is being challenged.
We have a collective sense of responsibility towards others.
People disagree with others about just about everything. If you don’t believe me, talk to the next person you see about abortion, the past presidential election, Trump, vaccination, the corona virus, guns or masks.
Society has big changes in how we view others, how we spend our money and take care of the earth.
Our tasks are learning to accept others who are not like us and who do not share our views.
We need to be willing to make needed changes to keep up with the times, while keeping our important values.
If you like surprises and unexpected events, you will not be disappointed with 2021.
Please share this with others and tell them to sign up for emails from me at
Sheri Horn Hasan and I discuss Mercury’s retrograde—its effects & meaning in Aquarius until February 20 & the remaining Mercury retrograde cycle through the air element during 2021, Thursday, February 18, at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET @! Join us then for more Astro News You Can Use including the first of three Saturn squares to Uranus February 17, the Sun’s move into empathic, spiritual, psychic Pisces February 18, Venus square Mars February 19, & Mars trine Pluto February 24! Join us live or listen later! See you then! Namaste…
February 2021
Can you feel the shift in the world? 2020 had a heavy Capricorn influence and during 2021 we have more of an Aquarian influence. The shift started in December 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn left Capricorn and entered Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign and air corresponds with communication, relationships and information. People may be feeling more light-hearted and expansive than they did when Jupiter and Saturn were in the earth sign Capricorn.
From February 1 to February 17, 2021, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and the asteroid Pallas are all in Aquarius. And, on February 10 and 11, 2021, the Moon is in Aquarius, also. The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and Venus moves into Pisces on the 20th, but we will still have Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. This is a huge number of the lights and planets in one sign during this month.
Aquarius is all about freedom, equalitarianism, unpredictability, disruptions and independence. It is free-spirited, humanitarian and innovative. It is also progressive and idealistic.
Astrology is about birth or new beginnings of things. This month of February 2021, we have a tremendous amount of astrological influence in the sign of Aquarius, signifying the birth of many Aquarian principles. We won’t see it starting on any certain day, but looking back later, we can see the beginnings of Aquarian ways of being.
We saw the effects of what happened last year when so many planets were all in one sign, the sign of Capricorn. The world started having major changes. I wrote about it in my blog last year, and if you want to read what I wrote, you can go to and scroll back to see.
Be sure and watch for more communication from me soon, as I will be explaining a planetary configuration this year that most astrologers think is of even more importance than all these lights and planets in Aquarius—Saturn square Uranus.
How and when will Mercury Retrograde affect you in 2021?
Is the bad reputation of Mercury Retrograde deserved? That may depend on where your car breaks down, how badly your travel plans are disrupted, how long you wait at the wrong restaurant or how much you need your computer. With a little preparation, you can help alleviate possible problems and even put these periods to good use. For information about what Mercury Retrograde is, what not to do during its period and what to do, go to
January 17, 2021
January 2021
Mars corresponds with anger, violence, and aggression, Uranus corresponds with unpredictability, and Eris corresponds with chaos, discord and disorder. These three are close to each other in the sky called a conjunction. This conjunction intensifies the effects of the points close together.
Saturn corresponds with karma and lessons to be learned, and Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. These two planets are in a challenging and stressful square to Mars, Uranus and Eris. If you have been watching the news or your Facebook feed, you have already seen the results of this hard planetary configuration.
This is a simplistic view of January 2021 as other planets are continually moving around, but these are the most important planetary movements of January 2021. We need to keep ourselves safe and stay away from troublesome situations and people. I am trying to not get caught up in arguing. That does not mean that I have not called my senators and representative and expressed my views.
One of my sisters-in-law sent us a handmade Thanksgiving card. On the cover part of what she wrote included these words…”I want to celebrate with all people…” and “Let’s be thankful for our world and all people—like us or not!” I am keeping this card on the top of my desk where I can see it every day to remind myself of one of my core beliefs–to love one another.
These days it is easy to get caught up in anger. I am trying to learn to respond to others with tolerance and to channel all this energy into getting important goals completed.
The Great Conjunction in Aquarius is finally here!
I hope you have been watching the southwestern sky immediately after sunset for the last few nights. Jupiter and Saturn are extremely close together in the sign Aquarius and will be at their closest on December 21, 2020. Some sites have erroneously said that the two planets will look as one. That is not true, but what is true is that I have never seen planets that close together and I have been looking at things in the sky for most of my life. After December 21 they will slowly move apart. I will still be watching as this happens.
Astrologers have been waiting for this conjunction as it will bring a shift in energies to the earth. Many astrologers have been saying that this is the most important planetary configuration of not only the year, but for hundreds of years to come.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions happen about every 20 years. The conjunctions of these two planets tend to stay in each of the elements of the zodiac—fire, earth, air and water—for about 200 years.
For about the last 200 years since 1802 (with a stay in air in 1980 and 1981) this conjunction has been in earth signs. Earth signs are materialistic, money-making, building and security conscious. This 200-year period included the industrial revolution and using the materials of the earth-trees, land, oil, gas and metals–without much regard for the consequences.
The December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs in an air sign, where these conjunctions will continue to occur until 2219, with one stay in water in 2159. Air symbolizes education, communication, travel, mental processes, relationships and information. All of these will become more and more important and will be dramatically changing from what they are today. Air is more light-hearted and expansive than earth.
The air element connects with our environment and our neighborhoods. It connects us to each other in relationships. It connects us to humanity as a whole.
This, of course, is not going to happen overnight, but we can feel the shift of people caring more about people than things.
Jupiter and Saturn, along with Pluto, have been in Capricorn for most of 2020. Capricorn can be many things, but can be lonely, isolationist, and depressed. It also is restrictive and helps us pare down to the essentials. Aquarius is more free-spirited, humanitarian, unrestricted and innovative. Many astrologers have eagerly looked forward to this conjunction, as the big Capricorn conjunction I have written so much about this year—Pluto, as well as Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn– is now gone. If you want to be reminded about what I have been writing about the Capricorn conjunction, you may want to scroll back and read my blog,
People with Aquarius strongly in their charts, such as Aquarius Sun, Moon or Ascendant may feel easier and more comfortable with this new energy than they did with the Capricorn big conjunction during most of 2020. All of us may feel freer to be ourselves.
December 14, 2020
Be sure and watch the sky right after sunset on December 16. Jupiter is very close to Saturn and will be getting closer and closer to each other until December 21. What makes December 16 special is that the crescent Moon will be just below the two planets, making a beautiful sight.
December 13, 2020
December 12, 2020
GEMINID METEOR SHOWER: The Geminid meteor shower is about to peak. On Sunday night-Monday morning (Dec. 13/14), debris from “rock comet” 3200 Phaethon will fly out of the constellation Gemini, producing what many forecasters believe will be the best meteor display of 2020. Visit today’s edition of for sky maps and observing tips.
Have you had any extraordinary experiences???
I started writing a book about extraordinary coincidences. Many people told me about extraordinary coincidences in their own lives, but they also told me about other amazing happenings. They told me of communications with people at the exact moment of people’s deaths or communications with people who had already passed. People also told me of encounters with ghosts, angels and other otherworldly beings. Two people told me of their astro-twins (people born close to when they were born who have had uncanny similarities and coincidences in their lives.) Lots of people told me of psychic abilities, especially young children’s. I am astonished at how frequent these events happen to people, but in our society we don’t talk about them much.
My book morphed into Extraordinary Experiences and if you have had any of the above experiences or any other how-in-the-heck-did-that-happen? or what-in-the-heck-was-that? or any experience that you consider extraordinary, inexplicable or just plain weird, please let me know.
You can write it up yourself or call me and dictate it to me over the phone. Thanks. Dianne 785-232-2836.
PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: The full Moon will lose some of its luster on early Monday morning, Nov. 30th, when a shadow sweeps across the lunar disk. It’s a penumbral lunar eclipse, Best seen from North American and the Pacific Ocean (including Hawaii)
A penumbral eclipse happens when the Moon passes through the pale outskirts of Earth’s shadow (the “penumbra”). It is much less dramatic than a total lunar eclipse. In fact, when observers are not alerted beforehand, they sometimes do not realize an eclipse is underway.
Eclipse expert Fred Espenak, formerly of NASA, offers these observing tips: “The beginning and end of a penumbral eclipse are not visible to the eye. No shading can be detected until about 2/3 of the Moon’s disk is immersed in the penumbra. This would place the period of eclipse visibility within +/- 30 minutes of greatest eclipse (from about 09:10 to 10:10 UT or 1:10 am to 2:10 am PST).”
At maximum eclipse (9:43 UT or 1:43 am PST) there will be a clear gradient of light and shadow across the lunar disk. From
November 28, 2020 is a good time for serious or important conversations, studying and working hard to accomplish long-lasting goals. Use this day to transform areas of your life to create what you want. Hard work on yourself or in your life can bring you good results. This day is also great for getting rid of what you no longer need, be it objects, clutter, negative people or bad habits. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles (is about 60 degrees from) Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
November 29 and 30, 2020 is a good time for communication, study, obtaining knowledge and expanding your horizons. Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn.
December 1, 2020 is a good time to work hard and achieve good results. This is a good day to study and have serious conversations with people. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn.
Through November 28, 2020
Mercury Quincunx Mars Through November 28, 2020. Guard against impulsive words and deeds. Don’t be like my family going after geocaches high up in trees and in other difficult terrain. I didn’t know if I was going to make it home literally in one piece yesterday.
November 11, 2020 through November 20, 2020
Avoid confrontation and avoid talking about touchy subjects November 11, 2020 through November 20, 2020. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in a stressful opposition (about 180 degrees from) Uranus, the erratic planet of unpredictability. We may say what we consider to be factual statements but will be blindsided by how others take what we said. We may have a hard time understanding or accepting others viewpoints and they may not accept our viewpoints, either. This is a good time for us to learn to find commonalities with others instead of differences.
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money and possessions is in a challenging square (about 90 degrees from) Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto November 11, 2020 through November 20, 2020. Jupiter enlarges, Saturn restricts and Pluto intensifies. What this can mean is that we feel lonely and cut off from others. If we feel lonely, we can assess our relationships and make necessary changes to have the kind of relationships we want. This is not a good time to spend lots of money or buy objects that we will be happy with. If we have to buy items, just take the time to make sure you will be happy with the purchase.
October 21, 2020
My forecast for the rest of 2020 into 2021
Because people keep asking me the same questions over and over, I am sending this to you. I have talked about all of these before and you can find what I have said previously on my Blog,, or on my Astrology Podcasts and More page,, on my website. I started talking about the huge Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunction early in the year. I called my financial planner at the end of 2019 to make changes in my IRAs and Roth IRA. I have already talked about the astrology of what I see, so will just talk about the forecast without any astrology jargon.
*The corona virus gets worse over the winter and will last much longer than we would like.
*The world enters a world-wide depression.
*Biden wins the presidency.
*Trump loses the presidency but does something unexpected that I cannot figure out.
*Fires in the west continuing.
*Disagreements and discord between different factions intensify.
*The world enters a new period of being more just and more inclusive.
Watch for what I will be writing in a few days about Jupiter and Saturn leaving Capricorn and being in the same degree of Aquarius in December. Many astrologers think it is the most important aspect of next year and for many years to come. Many see it as the beginning of a long-term period of being less concerned about material matters and more concerned about people–the beginning of a new and more humanitarian age.
October 20, 2020
THE ORIONIDS HAVE ARRIVED: Earth has entered a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. In recent nights, sky watchers have noted an uptick in meteors flying out of the constellation Orion. Orionid meteor counts are highest just before dawn. Forecasters expect this year’s Orionid shower to peak on Wednesday morning, Oct 21st, with as many as 20 meteors per hour. Set your alarm for dawn and enjoy the show. From
October 14, 2020
October 8, 2020
Brandaleen, the Spiritual Awakening Babe, will be sharing a written feature about me with three very short videos of me on Friday (October 9th, at 9 a.m. PST). It will be posted at that time, but you can catch it later.
This will be shared on Brandaleen’s IG (InstaGram) page & stories (@thespirituaawakeingbabe) and her facebook group,
October 2, 2020
MOON-MARS CONJUNCTION TONIGHT: Don’t miss this. Tonight, the Harvest Moon and Mars are in conjunction, less than 1 degree apart for some observers. The Moon is nearly full and red Mars is only days away from its closest approach to Earth, making the conjunction extra bright and beautiful. Check for sky maps and observing tips.
October 2, 2020
In the midst of all the bad news this year is a very nice planetary configuration that gives us opportunities to have heightened intuition, expanded creativity, forgiveness, kindness, justice, generosity and wisdom.
Now through October 30, 2020, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, opportunity, good fortune, generosity and religion, and Neptune, the planet of intuition, connection to God, the spirit world, spirituality and creativity are in an easy, nice sextile (about 60 degrees) to each other. Sextiles are positive, but we must take the opportunities offered.
The best ways to work with this aspect is to connect with God and nature, listen to your intuition and express yourself creatively.
Guard against being overly optimistic and looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Even with a good aspect, Jupiter can be lawless, self-indulgent and extreme. Neptune can be deceiving, including self-deceiving.
The astrology of October 2020
There were reasons why I called my financial planner at the end of 2019 and talked to him about what I saw as a strong need to protest my assets during 2020 and 2021. There were reasons why I harassed over and over again my son and my daughter who are also astrologers about what they thought 2020 would bring to the world and to me.
I have been writing and talking for a long time about what I saw was happening astrologically during 2020. If you want to go back and see what I have been writing, you can go to the blog on my website,, and scroll down through the entries.
For a very brief synopsis of what I have written about this period:
1.) Mars, the planet of war, fires, energy, aggression, anger, initiative and impulsivity is right on top of Eris, the dwarf planet of discord and chaos.
2.) Mars and Eris square (are about 90 degrees from) Pluto, the God of the underworld, elimination, big business, banking, stocks and bonds, real estate, governments, volcanoes, earthquakes, weapons of mass destruction, disasters, birth, death, transformation and healing.
3.) Mars and Eris square Saturn. Mars wants what it wants now. Saturn wants to be conservative and wait. Add all that together and we have chaos, discord and disorder.
Unfortunately, I do not see this intensity letting up during the month of October, only getting worse, in part, because the Sun will be in a stressful opposition (about 180 degrees to) Mars and Eris and in a challenging square (about 90 degrees to) Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.
We are in stressful times right now and I would be lying if I said anything else. However, some people are thriving this year and I want you to thrive, also. That is why I wrote Top 5 tips to navigate harsh astrological conditions of the rest of the year. Go to my blog,, and scroll down to August 28, 2020 and you can read these helpful tips.
Always remember that everything in astrology can be used positively or negatively. And remember that there are also always positive astrology configurations going on at any one time.
September 8, 2020
I love Bob Proctor and I love his free book, You were Born Rich. I highly recommend that you click on this link and get his free book.
August 28, 2020
Top 5 tips to navigate harsh astrological conditions of the rest of the year
I have been writing about the astrological signatures of 2020 since September 2019. I have also been worried about 2020 for longer than that. Well, 2020 has arrived and it has been challenging. I have written about the strength of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto close to each other in Capricorn
As, I am sure you can feel, Mars and dwarf planet Eris have been in Aries and have been and will continue to be squaring (about 90 degrees from) those planets in Capricorn through the rest of the year. This is a huge amount of planetary energy. A square can be challenging even among easy planets and Mars and Eris are not easy to deal with.
Mars and Eris square Jupiter can enlarge anger, aggression, impulsiveness and rebelliousness.
Mars and Eris square Saturn can be wanting to push forward, but feeling like something holds you back. It is often procrastination. It can feel difficult to achieve objectives.
Mars and Eris square Pluto can be explosive anger, aggression and extreme weather—hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and firestorms.
Everything, even challenging astrological alignments, can be used for good, if we consciously use that planetary energy towards achieving our goals.
As you know, 2020 and 2021 are years of a transition period when problems will come to the surface. This applies to the world as a whole, but also to individuals.
Call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at this email address if you would like to hear your individualized astrology forecast for the next twelve months.
Top 5 tips to navigate the rest of 2020
- Since Pluto has a correspondence with elimination, and Mars is energy, get rid of what no longer serves you, be it possessions, people, jobs you hate or habits that are holding you back. Nature abhors a vacuum. Getting rid of negative energy of all kinds opens up room for good to enter.
- Create habits so that you daily work towards achieving your goals. Any planetary aspect is better than no aspect, and Mars (energy) and Saturn (discipline) in aspect to each other can achieve great success. Stay productive.
- Focus on what is most important and do that first. Long lists of tasks to be completed can scatter your energy. Capricorn restricts, which can help with organization, structure and focus. Don’t waste your energy on trivial matters. Limit screen time, watching news. Structure your day and keep to a schedule. Minimize spending to only essentials.
- Use Mars energy to be active. Exercise and do hard physical work. It helps alleviate stress. Mars energy can energize you if you channel it wisely. It can also be impulsive and angry. Stay away from people and situations that could erupt into anger.
- The planetary antidote for Mars is the soft, emotional Moon. Under stressful Mars aspects we need to nurture ourselves, as well as others. We also need to be gentle with and accepting of others. Support yourself and others. Recognize that just about everyone is having a hard time this year and do what you can to be kind.
Even though this year is hard, many will thrive during it. Remember that unprecedented crises can be unprecedented opportunities. The lotus grows through the mud.
Call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at if you would like to hear your individualized astrology forecast for the next twelve months.
August 27, 2020
Three challenging astrological alignments
through the rest of the year
Dry lightning storms, fires, a derecho (a land hurricane), hurricanes, pandemic, political unrest, protests and more. Sheez, will 2020 ever end? Several of my relatives who live in California (and I used to live there) had never heard of dry lightning storms before. My brother and my sister were mandatorily evacuated from their homes because of fires, and my daughter whose town is surrounded by fires said that ash is falling on her town, she can’t breathe outside and it looks like Armageddon there. I certainly had never heard of a derecho before. A newspaper headline called it, “A disaster we have never seen.”
What the heck is going on astrologically? It is not pretty, but everything in astrology, as in life, can be used for good or for bad. Be sure and watch for tomorrow’s Top 5 tips to navigate harsh astrological conditions of the rest of the year.
Mars conjoining Eris
Mars, the planet of war, fires, energy, aggression, anger, initiative and impulsivity is right on top of Eris, the dwarf planet of discord and chaos. That pretty much explains it, but those two planets are also squaring Pluto and Saturn.
Mars and Eris square Pluto
The dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos, squares (is about 90 degrees from) the dwarf planet Pluto, the God of the underworld, during 2020 and 2021. Squares between planets are energetic, urging us toward action, and are often challenging. Although this period can be tough to go through, it gives us opportunities to bring issues to the surface to be healed and transformed. Issues come to a head and the tension is released, one way or the other. We have a choice to be uplifted and inspired by possible change or to be stuck in ways that don’t work.
Pluto has a correspondence with elimination, big business, banking, stocks and bonds, real estate, governments, volcanoes, earthquakes, weapons of mass destruction, disasters, birth, death, transformation and healing. When I think of Pluto, I think of a volcano. A volcano erupts, brings to the surface that which was hidden and then the surface is more fertile than it was before. It is a good metaphor for Pluto. It often brings things to the surface that are better brought to light than hidden below. The eruption can be startling but can also be a process for ultimate good.
Ways that are no longer working need to be eliminated. I am expecting, because of this aspect and others that I have already written about, for the world to be in a worldwide deep recession, if not depression. Our country has not been taking care of the most vulnerable citizens and this pandemic is bringing to light the disparities between the wealthiest and the rest of us.
Squares can be challenging, but any aspect between two planets (or dwarf planets) is better than no aspect because then at least we have the opportunity to use that energy to make necessary improvements.
Eris is in Aries, an energetic, assertive and sometimes aggressive sign. Aries wants what it wants now. Pluto is in Capricorn, a sign that has to do with career, structure, discipline. It also has to do with businesses, the economy and governments. Capricorn is patient and cautious. These two signs, Aries and Capricorn, often butt heads.
Mars and Eris square Saturn.
Mars wants what it wants now. Saturn wants to be conservative and wait. Eris is discord and chaos. Add all that into the mix.
If you would like help in navigating through the next twelve months and would like for me to discuss with you your individual astrological forecast, call me at 785-232-2836 or email me at
Be sure and watch for tomorrow’s Top Five tips to navigate harsh astrological conditions of the rest of the year.
You may want to write down or cut and paste the following keywords so you can have them during the podcast.
bull, earth, stubborn, fruit, tree, ground serpent, nakedness
ram, fire, head, weapons, firstborns, blood side of body, laws
ram, fire, head, weapons, firstborns, blood side of body, laws
fish, water, feet, top of head, wine, perfume, oils, virgin, bread
healing, martyr, savior, union with God
August 8, 2020
PERSEID METEOR ALERT: Earth is entering a stream of debris from giant comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although the display is not expected to peak until August 11-13, sky watchers are already seeing some of the most beautiful fireballs of the year. Plan your Perseid watch with sky maps and observing tips on today’s edition of of (From
Good News Friday
July 31, 2020
Venus, the planet of love, relationships, social life, harmony and beauty conjoins (is about 0 degrees from) the North Node of the Moon, the point of destiny, life lessons and opportunities of soul growth, now through August 7, 2020.
This gives us opportunities to improve our relationships with others and with ourselves. It also gives us opportunities to create beauty and harmony around us.
Because this conjunction takes place in Gemini, it is a good time to work on how we communicate with others.
The North Node of the Moon is the point where the path of the Moon intersects the point of the Sun, moving in a northern direction.
This gives us opportunities to enhance these areas of our lives, it is up to us to take advantage of them.
Good News Friday
July 24, 2020
Mercury corresponds with all kinds of communicating, including writing, speaking, teaching, marketing and advertising. It also corresponds with short distance traveling, using your hands and healing.
Neptune corresponds with things hidden from us, including the subconscious. It also corresponds with unconditional love, connection with God and contemplation.
From July 26, 2020 through August 2, 2020, these two planets will be in a beneficial, trine aspect. Trines can be helpful to a person with a strong character and if these planetary energies are used. I see trines as wonderful opportunities, but it is up to us to use them. Don’t let this beneficial time go by.
Combining these two planetary energies could include being creative with words, taking time to connect with Spirit, using your hands to make artistic creations and taking care of your health, including psychological health.
We can let people who are important to know that we love them. Short trips to be out in nature can refresh all of us who are cooped up. This world needs more love than usual right now. In negative times, it can help if we focus on positive planetary aspects.
Good News Friday
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, is the largest of all of the planets. It has a correspondence with expansion, advanced knowledge, religion and good fortune. It is optimistic, generous and has a sense of compassion.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, intuition and artistic creativity, has a correspondence with meditation, yoga, nature, dreams, the unconscious, the spirit world and events and people from the past. Neptune is the planet of unity—unity with God and unity with others. It is also the planet of unconditional love.
Now through October 30, 2020, these two planets with be in a harmonious sextile aspect (about 60 degrees from each other.) When planets are sextile each other, there are opportunities for the two of them to work well together. Sextiles usually mean that there are opportunities for us, but we have to grab the opportunities or create the opportunities.
We can use this planetary energy by connecting to God, meditating, doing yoga, paying attention to our dreams, listening to our intuition, being open to receiving inspired creativity, being in nature, and healing events or relationships that still hurt from the past.
It is a time to be compassionate with ourselves and others. There are other harsh planetary aspects happening this year. Now is the time to come together in unity.
July 12, 2020
Horary astrology is so effective and in such high demand that price is going up.
The magical and ancient art of Horary Astrology answers specific questions for any important matter, or general questions about what your future holds. When you ask me a question, I push a button on my computer astrology program and the computer program draws a map of the heavens for that exact moment. The planetary positions of that moment tell me the answer to your question. I do not need anyone’s birth information to do this reading; it is entirely based upon the time of your question. Each reading lasts about 10 to 15 minutes currently only $30 but will change on July 15, 2020 to $50. Or you could schedule an hour appointment with me for $125 and ask as many questions as will fit into an hour.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or Act quickly, because the price goes up on July 15, 2020.
July 11, 2020
The astronomy of Comet Neowise
THE SUPER-SIZED NUCLEUS OF COMET NEOWISE: Now we know why Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) is so bright. It has an unusually large nucleus. Infrared data from NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft suggest that the comet’s core of ice and dust is 5 km wide. This bodes well for the comet’s visibility in the weeks ahead. Visit for the full story and observing tips. From This comet will be visible around the world through mid-August.
As a long-time skywatcher, I have seen a lot of astronomical events—three total solar eclipses, many total lunar eclipses, Venus going across the face of the Sun and many others. I have only seen three comets. Visible ones are rare. When we have an opportunity to see one, we should take advantage of it.
The astrology of comets
Comets are said to bring with them natural disasters, hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, riots, wars, accidents, changes, and deaths and abdications of rulers or monarchs.
The Chinese called comets “broom stars.” Sweeping away can be negative or positive. I choose to focus on what I can sweep away from my life—what is not serving my highest good and what I don’t want to have in my life.
July 10, 2020
Of all of the information I send out, one that people seem to like the most is my information about whether or not Mercury is in retrograde motion or direct motion. When Mercury is in retrograde motion (apparent backward motion as seen from earth, based upon our relative positions), we have to spend more time being thoughtful, especially connected to communication and travel. If you want more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
On July 12, 2020 at 3:26 a.m. Central Time USA Mercury goes in direct motion. Many breathe a sigh of relief because it is now easier to communicate, travel, make decisions, start new jobs and buy machines. Mercury Direct is only one of many, many astrological influences happening at one time, but it does have an influence.
Your own worst enemy
As an astrologer, I believe in the ancient Hermetic principle, “As above, so below, as within, so without.” I was excited when this very successful leader understands that what is within us, creates what is without us. I love this video and hope that you will , too.
July 4, 2020 Lunar Eclipse
The astronomy of the lunar eclipse
Spoiler alert: This is a minor eclipse. On the night of July 4th, the full Moon will pass through the pale outskirts of Earth’s shadow, producing a penumbral lunar eclipse. The northern half of the full Moon will be only slightly darkened during the 3 hour event, which begins just after 11 pm EDT (8 pm PDT). Most people won’t notice, but if you know the eclipse is happening, you can see it. Happy 4th of July! From
The astrology of the lunar eclipse
Just as the Moon becomes brighter after she has been eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow, we can become brighter by letting go of the dark of the past. Pay attention to what we think, say and do and make it a habit to be positive instead of dark. If our stories of the past are dark, it is time for us to focus on and create new, bright stories.
July 3, 2020
Good News Friday
Opportunities for increased love and money
Venus, the planet of love, social life, connection, money and possessions is sextile Mars, the planet of energy, drive and initiative now through July 22, 2020. A sextile is when planets are about 60 degrees from each other, and a sextile brings opportunities. Opportunities are there, but we need to take advantage of them.
This is good news during this time when it often feels as if we are isolated. Venus is in Gemini, the sign of communication. Mars is in Aries, which is pioneering and great for starting new projects. Take the initiative to communicate with others.
This is good news as many are feeling fear regarding money. This is a good time to energetically work on our budgets, buy needed items and create new sources of income. I know that for many, it is a time of uncertainty regarding finances, but there are opportunities out there if we look for them and are willing to try new ways of dealing with money.
We can create the kind of lives we want, and astrology can help.
Your astrologer, who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
Five! Planets retrograde
With five planets in retrograde motion (apparent backward motion as seen from the earth), it is a time for us to review and, if necessary, revise our lives. Planets in retrograde motion can make us feel that our lives are harder than they need to be, it is harder to get what we want or things just take longer than usual. If things are not going well, we need to figure out what we need to do differently and continually work to get what we want.
These are the planets that are retrograde this month and into the fall:
Mercury June 17 through July 12
Jupiter May 14 through September 12
Saturn May 10 through September 28
Neptune June 22 through November 28
Pluto April 24 through October 3
I have already talked about all of the planets above that are retrograde except for Neptune, so I will discuss Neptune now. To read about the other retrograde planets, scroll down on my blog at
Neptune is the planet that corresponds with spirituality, dreams, psychic abilities, confusion, the unconscious and the past. Even though, Neptune is not quite retrograde, the retrograde effects are already noticeable to sensitive people. With Neptune retrograde, many will be more emotional and sensitive than usual. Pay attention to your dreams as they may be trying to give you guidance.
This is a good time to be in therapy, have NLP sessions, talk to an astrologer or at least be willing to see how our pasts are still having a negative effect on our present lives, and will be willing to let our negative tapes go. If we are still telling negative stories about our pasts, it’s a great time to get new positive stories to focus on and tell.
I know so many people who are confused about what path to take right now. Since Neptune also has a correspondence with unconditional love, that is usually the answer to what path to take. It often means to love ourselves and to do what is best for ourselves.
If I can help you navigate through this time, call me at 785-232-2836.
Good News Fridays.
June 16, 2020
Self Care Through Letting Go Retreat
Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 9 AM – 4 PM Central Time, USA
Zoom link (easy—just click on it)
To join us, sign up at
8 presenters will share their wisdom and gifts to nourish your body and soul.
You will receive a goodie box or bag in the mail with everything you will need for your day of retreat!
Registration will be $49 and if registered by June 13 you will get early bird discount and pay $44.
Registration link is provided where it says “ticket”
Presenters include:
Amber Wadley, Certified Reiki Master and Teacher and Cranial Sacral Practitioner
Kyra Peterson, Crystal Healer & Metaphysical Shop Owner
Shelley Sutton, Solle Naturals Specialist
Dianne Lawson, Astrologer (I plan on talking 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Central Time, USA)
Deanna Estenson, Certified Master Transformational Health and Life Coach
Tanya Sieber, Intuitive Tarot card reader
Julie Ray, Holistic Health & Biofeedback Practitioner, Health & Nutrition Coach
Abbie Will Jones, Certified Clinical Herbalist
Alba Blocker, Alternative Therapies Practitioner
To sign up or get more information about the workshop or the presenters, go to
I hope to see you there. It should be great fun! And helpful.
June 4, 2020
4 Best ways to deal with Eris square Pluto
Two days ago, my local paper had a front page story about a violent confrontation between police and protesters in my city. The striking photo showed a highway patrolman surrounded by a huge amount of tear gas. Today, my local paper had a front page story about the police taking time to dialogue and answer questions with protesters. The inspiring accompanying photo was of a row of policemen shaking hands with protesters.
Two days ago, I wrote about Eris and what she means astrologically. Yesterday, I wrote about what Pluto means, and what Eris square Pluto means for the world. If you missed those, or if you want a refresher, you can go to
I see two planets being about 90 degrees from each other, called a square aspect, to be like two cars coming to an intersection at the same time. They could crash, especially if neither is paying attention to the other. Or, if they respect each other and each pays attention to the other, they can easily pass each other in the intersection without crashing. Planets in square aspect are at least moving and have a desire to get where they want to go.
With Eris squaring Pluto during 2020 and 2021, this may not be an easy time for us, but this planetary configuration can give us the drive to go for what we want in life. It is not a time to be complacent. It is a time to see how we can get to where we want to go, while at the same time to help others get where they want to go, too.
What are the best ways for us to deal with Eris square Pluto during 2020 and 2021?
- Don’t fight after Eris’s Apple of Discord. Respect others, as well as yourself. Try to see others’ points of views. We all need to work together instead of fighting. Watch out for jealousy, anger and aggression.
- Get rid of what no longer serves you, be it clutter, negative people who sap your energy, or bad habits. Spend your time, energy and money on what serves your higher good and your goals. Focus on what is important to you.
- Be financially prudent. Many astrologers see lean times ahead. Not everyone will have lean times, but it is time to budget and plan ahead about financially matters.
- Take stock of your life. If it is not working out the way you want it to, figure out what you want your life to look like and then start taking the steps to get where you want to be. I believe that our lives are the choices we make. I don’t believe that the stars or the planets cause us to do anything.
This can be a transformative and healing time if we are willing to do the work. I love what Tony Robbins says about how to achieve whatever you want in life. He says it takes, “Massive, sustained action.” We have two planets (yes, I know they are dwarf planets, but they are powerful) that will help us have energy, drive and determination if we are willing to do the work.
Please contact me if I can help you navigate through this time, you can call at 785-232-2836, email me at or visit my website at
June 3, 2020
The Goddess of Discord and Chaos and the God of the Underworld
The dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos, squares (is about 90 degrees from) the dwarf planet Pluto, the God of the underworld, during 2020 and 2021. Squares between planets are energetic, urging us toward action, and are often challenging. Although this period can be tough to go through, it gives us opportunities to bring issues to the surface to be healed and transformed. Issues come to a head and the tension is released, one way or the other. We have a choice to be uplifted and inspired by possible change or to be stuck in ways that don’t work.
We can already see the discord around the world, in our own communities and among people we know. We can see that the heavens mirror what is happening on Earth when we see the huge number, including in many small communities in Kansas, of protesters who rally for racial justice and sometimes turn to violence or draw violent responses from law enforcement. It was pretty stunning for me to see the front page of my local paper showing a member of the highway patrol using tear gas on protesters last night in my town, Topeka, Kansas. It brought home to me some of the anger, aggression and confrontation in my town that Eris and Pluto can indicate. The recent protests are bringing up just one of many issues dividing people that will be brought up this year.
Yesterday I wrote about the meaning of Eris, so you can go back and read what I wrote as well as all of the posts I have written about the extraordinary astrology of 2020 at
Pluto has a correspondence with elimination, big business, banking, stocks and bonds, real estate, governments, volcanoes, earthquakes, weapons of mass destruction, disasters, birth, death, transformation and healing. When I think of Pluto, I think of a volcano. A volcano erupts, brings to the surface that which was hidden and then the surface is more fertile than it was before. It is a good metaphor for Pluto. If often brings things to the surface that are better brought to light than hidden below. The eruption can be startling but can also be a process for ultimate good.
Ways that are no longer working need to be eliminated. I am expecting, because of this aspect and others that I have already written about, for the world to be in a worldwide deep recession, if not depression. Our country has not been taking care of the most vulnerable citizens and this pandemic is bringing to light the disparities between the wealthiest and the rest of us.
Squares can be challenging, but any aspect between two planets (or dwarf planets) is better than no aspect because then at least we have the opportunity to use that energy to make necessary improvements.
Eris is in Aries, an energetic, assertive and sometimes aggressive sign. Aries wants what it wants now. Pluto is in Capricorn, a sign that has to do with career, structure, discipline. It also has to do with businesses, the economy and governments. Capricorn is patient and cautious. These two signs, Aries and Capricorn, often butt heads.
Tomorrow I will explain how this planetary energy may affect you and will give you tips on how to use this planetary energy to help you create the life you want. Everything in astrology has a positive and a negative potential. Knowing what to expect can be helpful in creating the life you want. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Watch for an email from me tomorrow. Share this with anyone you think may be interested.
June 2, 2020
Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos
In ancient Greece, the other Goddesses were invited to a party, but Eris was not invited because she was a troublemaker. She was jealous and tossed the Apple of Discord into the party. The apples was inscribed, “To the fairest.” Each of the Goddesses thought the apple should belong to her. They picked poor Paris, Prince of Troy, to decide who among them should receive the apple. Each of the Goddesses offered him bribes if Paris would pick her. Paris picked Aphrodite, as she promised him the most beautiful woman in the world if he would pick her. Unfortunately the most beautiful woman was already married—Helen was married to Menelaus of Sparta. This started the Trojan War, which ended up destroying Paris’s city.
In 2005, the astronomical body Eris was discovered, causing the International Astronomical Union to define the term planet for the first time. The group decided that Eris was a dwarf planet, along with Pluto, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake. Eris is the reason that Pluto was downgraded from being considered a planet to now being considered a dwarf planet. There was a tremendous discord and disagreement, not only among astronomers, but also among astrologers and other people who grew up thinking of Pluto as a planet and didn’t like him being demoted.
(An interesting aside about Ceres: in the 1800s it was considered a planet, then later it was downgraded to be considered an asteroid. In 2005, it was upgraded to the position of dwarf planet.)
The dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos, squares (is about 90 degrees from) Pluto, the God of the underworld, during 2020 and 2021. Squares between planets are energetic, urging us toward action, and are often challenging. We can already see the discord around the world, in our own communities and among people we know. We can see that the heavens mirror what is happening on Earth when we see the huge number, including in many small communities in Kansas, of protesters who rally for racial justice and sometimes turn to violence or draw violent responses from law enforcement.
As always, I put these messages on the blog on my website, so you can always go back and read what I have written. You may want to go to see all of the posts I have written about the extraordinary astrology of 2020 at
In the next two days, I will explain what Eris square Pluto means for the world and for you. I will also give you tips on how to use this planetary energy to help you create the life you want. Everything in astrology has a positive and a negative potential. Knowing what is expect can be helpful in creating the life you want. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Watch for emails from me the next two days.
May 25, 2020
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is retrograde!!!
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, expansion, expanding horizons, travel, knowledge, higher education and optimism. On May 14, 2020, Jupiter went retrograde and will be there until September 13, 2020.
When planets are in retrograde motion it means that they appear to go backward through the signs of the zodiac based upon the relative positions of them and Earth. Most people understand what Mercury Retrograde means, but fewer understand what it means when the other planets go retrograde.
When planets are in retrograde motion it means that it is harder for them to express themselves easily. This is just one of many, many things astrologers look at, but it does make a difference.
With Jupiter in retrograde motion, does it mean that we no longer have good fortune, expansion, expanding horizons, travel, knowledge, higher education and optimism? No. It just means that we have to work at those things a little harder. We have to rely on ourselves to supply us with all of the above, rather on rely on others to supply us with them.
This is the fourth day explaining what the current four planets in retrograde motion mean for us. If you missed any of it, or you want to see what else I have had to say about this astrologically significant year, scroll down this page.
Please contact me at 785.232.2836 or, if you would like help in navigating through the challenging astrological flow of life right now.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
May 24, 2020
Saturn, the planet of karma, is retrograde
Saturn, the planet of karma, career, responsibilities, self-discipline, restrictions and limitations went retrograde May 11, 2020, where it will be until September 29, 2020. When planets are retrograde, they appear to go backward through the signs of zodiac, based upon the relative positions of the planets and Earth.
Planetary energies are not expressed as easily when they are in retrograde motion. Their energies tend to be turned inward. One of the Universal Laws—as within, so without–explains that we can look within ourselves to help us get what we want outside ourselves.
With Saturn, the planet of karma, retrograde, it is a good time to look back at our past behavior. If it hasn’t been something you are proud of, it is time to make corrections. This can be a time to learn important life lessons. Karma is really about cause and effect. Saturn brings you what you have earned. Saturn rewards taking responsibility for our lives, being self-disciplined
This is a good time to see how our careers are going. If not going the way we want them to, what do we need to do to change the course of our career path? Do we need to learn new skills?
We can see the restrictions we have now because of the virus. We need to live within boundaries that keep us safe, but that doesn’t mean we need to be lonely. We may just need to connect in ways differently than we have in the past.
The word limitation sometimes has a negative connotation, but it doesn’t have to. Limiting ourselves to stay within our budgets, limiting the amount of clutter we have in our homes and limiting our lives to people who support us and don’t suck our energy can be very good things.
Saturn often has a bad rap. Retrograde planets often have a bad rap. If we work with Saturn and we work with Retrograde planets, we can accomplish much. Working with, instead of against, Saturn energies can earn us great rewards. Saturn rewards hard work, self-discipline, good habits and massive sustained effort. Hard-working people often truly love Saturn. It can teach us lessons that sustain us throughout life.
To see more information that I have written about the astrology of 2020, go to
Watch for tomorrow’s explanation of how to work with The Great Benefic Jupiter’s Retrograde period.
May 23, 2020
Venus, the planet of love and money, is retrograde
Ah, Venus! The planet of love, marriage, relationships, harmony, security, money and possessions. Also, self-worth, self-esteem and values. What does it mean when Venus goes retrograde? From time to time, each of the planets appear to go in backward motion through the signs of the zodiac. This is dependent upon the relative position of that planet and the earth. Astrologically, when Venus is retrograde it means it is a time to review, reevaluate, reestablish and rebalance how we do relationships, how we handle money and possessions and how we value ourselves.
Are we spending enough time with people we really care about? Are we spending too much time with people who do not help us reach our goals?
I love what my daughter Trish, who is an excellent astrologer, said about a retrograde Venus. “Venus retrograde is a time to explore your own landscape regarding relationships,” she said.
I believe that the most important choices we make in our lives are the ones we make regarding relationships. Who we marry, who are friends are have major impacts in our lives.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” Jim Rohn said. That average includes how much money you make, how your relationships are and how your health is.
Venus retrograde is a good time to budget and put our finances in order. It’s a great time to declutter and make our environments comfortable and pleasing. It is not a good time to buy high-dollar items unless we need them.
Many people have been re-evaluating their perceptions of themselves. Do our lives mirror what is most important to us? Are we valuing ourselves enough and making sure others treat us as we should be treated?
We can take this time while Venus is retrograde to slow down, look at our lives and take responsibility for how our lives are going. The symbol for Venus is a circle on top of a cross. It looks like a mirror, reminding us that our lives mirror what we have inside ourselves.
Because Venus is in the sign of Gemini, the sign of communication among other things, it is a good time to pay attention to how we communicate with others. I have noticed in my own life, as well as in the lives of others, it seems harder to communicate now than it usually is. Or, at least, communication issues are coming to the surface.
We may feel as if it is harder than usual to have the relationships and money that we want. We need to just keep of working to achieve what we want. There is an ebb and a flow in the universe.
Venus retrograde is just one of many, many planetary configurations going on right now. You may want to go back and look at my blog on my website to see what else I have written about the astrology of 2020. You may also want me to provide you with a yearly astrology chart to help you navigate through the next twelve months.
Watch tomorrow for the second in the series of planets in retrograde motion. Saturn, the planet of karma!
April 22, 2020
Four planets retrograde!!!
If you are feeling that it is harder to you to accomplish what you want to, it may be because four planets are in retrograde motion now. If you’re feeling irritable with others, it may not just be the virus. If you’re more concerned about love and money now than usual, astrology may be of help.
When planets are in retrograde motion it means that it is harder for them to express themselves easily. This is just one of many, many things astrologers look at, but it does make a difference.
When planets are in retrograde motion it means that they appear to go backward through the signs of the zodiac based upon the relative position of them and Earth. Most people understand what Mercury Retrograde means, but fewer understand what it means when the other planets go retrograde.
Three planets went retrograde in three days and will continue to be there for a while.
On May 11, Saturn went retrograde and will be there until September 29, 2020.
On May 13, 2020, Venus went retrograde and will be there until June 25, 2020.
On May 14, 2020, Jupiter went retrograde and will be there until September 13, 2020.
Since Pluto already went retrograde on April 25, 2020 and will remain there until October 4, 2020, that means four planets will in apparent backward motion at the same time.
And Neptune and Mercury will also go retrograde next month. But that is another story that I will share with you next month.
The most significant piece of this is that Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will continue to do their dances close to each other. I have talked about this on my blog before and hope you go back and look at what I wrote about it on April 3, 2020 and April 15, 2020:
During the next three days, I will share with you what Saturn, Venus and Jupiter being retrograde means. We will start with Venus, maybe because Sheri Horn Hasan and talked about this yesterday, (you can hear our discussion at and maybe because so many of my clients seem right now to be reassessing their relationships and how they deal with money.
Venus deals with money, relationships, money and possessions and I will tell you how Venus in retrograde can affect the world and you tomorrow. In preparation in talking about Venus and relationships, I give you this quote by Zig Ziglar. “If you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys.”
Watch this blog for the next three days while I explain to you how you can most help yourself deal with the current astrological weather while these planets are going in apparent backward motion.
Please go to my website,, or contact me at 785.232.2837 or, if you would like help in navigating through the challenging astrological flow of life right now.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
Love, Venus Retrograde, astrology news you can use and more
Join us at
Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time, Noon Mountain Time, 1 p.m. Central Time,
2 p.m. Eastern Time, USA
Sheri Horn Hasan of the Astrologically Speaking Radio Show asked me to speak with her on love, Venus Retrograde and more, while we are all experiencing the effects of Venus Retrograde. Venus has a correspondence with love, relationships and social life and most of us are experiencing challenges in these areas of our lives now.
Sheri will tell you her “Astro News You Can Use!” first, and then she will then will introduce me and we will go from there.
Join us at
Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time, Noon Mountain Time, 1 p.m. Central Time,
2 p.m. Eastern Time, USA
Listen live or after the fact at the link above!
How and when to watch the Lyrid meteor shower
April may not have been the best month on record, but the upcoming Lyrid meteor shower promises to be a bright spot — literally. The 2020 edition of the annual astronomical event is set to be especially majestic, as the relatively dim light of the new moon will allow those of us looking up at the night sky to see 10 to 20 shooting stars per hour without drowning out the show.
The shower takes place between the 16th and 25th of April each year, and the Lyrid’s radiant (read: where it appears to emanate from) is the Lyra constellation — also known as the harp constellation. This year’s shower will peak in the early hours of Wednesday the 22nd. The Lyrids have been observed since at least 687 BCE, making them one of the oldest-known meteor showers; they’re fast, too, traveling up to 30 miles per second.
The best way to take part in this spectacle is simple: go outside in the predawn hours of April 22, preferably as far from light pollution as possible (while still being mindful of social distancing, of course), and find a comfortable spot to lie flat on your back. Don’t use a telescope, as the Lyrids are best observed via the naked eye. Bring a blanket for comfort, point your feet eastward, and allow some time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness — that’s when you’ll really start seeing the meteors, which last until dawn.
Huge Astrology Message For 2020-2021
Brandaleen Johnson and I discuss the huge astrology message for 2020-2021, including the economy and the corona virus.
To see our conversation, go to
Brandaleen helps people awaken to their spiritual potential and gives free trainings on her Facebook page. Her followers adore her.
Corona Virus and Astrology
As above, so below.
Astrology is all about timing and cycles.
As always, there are many planetary configurations happening at the same time. The following illustrates that the heavens above mirror the earth below.
We have been through epidemics and pandemics before and we can do this again. Now we have better understanding of what is going on and what to do about it. We also have a better understanding how to keep ourselves healthy and better medicine than we have had in the past. Each of these health crises of the past has helped people learn more about how to keep themselves healthy.
Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions
(Conjunctions are when two planets are in the same degree of the same sign of the zodiac) Jupiter expands and enlarges whatever it touches. Pluto represents death, birth, rebirth and transformation. Planets in conjunction have added strength and power.
Black Death, the most fatal pandemic in history 1347
Russian Plague 1771
Spanish Flu Pandemic, wiped out one quarter of the world’s population 1918
Hong Kong Flu 1969 (I don’t even remember this.)
HIV Pandemic 1981
Swine Flu 2007 (I don’t remember this, either.)
Corona Virus 2020
Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions
Saturn teaches us what we need to learn. Pluto represents death, birth, rebirth and transformation. Planets in conjunction have added strength and power.
Polio Epidemic 1947
HIV Pandemic 1981
Corona Virus 2020
April 7, 2020
I rarely recommend other people unless I knew that they are good. Tess James, a relationship coach, is caring, competent, good at what she does and can help you have the relationship you desire. I highly recommend her! She lives in New Zealand, but can talk to people around the world through audio or both audio and visual. She offers a free chat. You can contact her at or through her website The following is from Tess James.
I have throughout my life been passionately interested in people’s well-being.
> After training as a nurse and enjoying working many years in that area I was searching for something more holistic and interested in helping clients work through transitions.
> After training in Hellerwork ( mind/ body work) which I loved and practiced for 20years I then went on to Certify in EFT ( known also as tapping) which is a noninvasive therapy that switches off the flight and fight response in our brain.
> Emotions are healthy – but only when we let them move freely. Are you holding onto feelings of anxiousness, sadness, guilt, shame, fear or anger?
> I’ve been there and have had so much success resolving old limiting beliefs and scars from the past by releasing these.
> Learn to tap on specific meridian points to let all those old triggers go.
> By releasing negative feelings we make space for clarity & have the ability to gain a different perspective.
> My most recent training in Relationship Coaching is my absolute passion.
> If you are feeling overwhelmed, defeated or you want to get that spark back, I know the feeling, I’ve been there before too.
> There is so much harmony in my household now and I do not miss all the arguments and misunderstanding as I have the 6 intimacy skills to overcome any challenge and keep building the intimacy in my marriage.
> I coach women in the secrets to regaining intimacy and I promise you your relationship is worth saving. It doesn’t matter what stage or age your marriage/ relationship is at, it is not too late to have the relationship of your dreams.
> Never has there been a more challenging time where we need skills to help release stress and build better relationships.
> Let me help you on that journey where you deserve all you desire which lies within you right now.
> Make today that day.
> Warmest wishes
> Tess James
> Relationship Coach
April 6, 2020
People are freaking out #5 of 5
You already know that 2020 is going to be a noteworthy year. We can’t control what is going on in the outside world, but we can control what is going on in our inside world. Often people get really rich during times of depression because of their mindsets and their adapting to the situation.
The astrological event that a lot of astrologers are looking forward to happens on December 21, 2020. That does not mean that we have to wait until then for good things to happen. It also does not mean that exactly on that date good stuff starts to happen. It means it is the beginning of a new era. Just like the first day of spring doesn’t mean the weather will be nice, the first day of spring does indicate that seasons are changing and it will start getting warmer.
We have The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on December 21, 2020. Aquarius is an air sign and this conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn has been in earth signs since 1802. This shift will be significant, but will only become more and more noticeable as times go by. What we can do is prepare ourselves to be ready for this shift. We can start now to change our ways of relating to others and our ways of being open to change. Jupiter and Saturn will have conjunctions in air signs from 2020 until 2159. This is a long-term effect and will be momentous.
Earth signs are about the material world, money, earnings, banking, security and practicality. Air signs are about the realm of intelligence and social life. Aquarius in particular is about equality, humanitarianism, technology, inventions and innovation. The world will be more egalitarian and humanitarian. Technology, inventions and innovation will take off in ways we are not even able to envision now.
Things you can do
- Guard your health, do what the CDC recommends and build up your immune system
- Plan for your financial present, as well as your future
- Know that we are all in this together
- Upgrade your knowledge and skills, especially technology
- Share this with others and tell them to sign up for emails from me at
- Contact me if you would like more information about how astrology can help you navigate through the rest of 2020 and prepare yourself for 2021 and beyond.
Dianne Lawson
I have two books that talk about the economics of 2020. The first one, Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas, is a large astrology book that deals with the cycles of the planets. The second book, Zero Hour, by Harry. S. Dent is an economics book that deals with economic cycles and never mentions astrology. The cycles in the two books are the same.
A big thank you goes to my friend Joe Cowdin who gave me the book, Zero Hour, after he mentioned to me the periodic cycles mentioned in the book and I immediately knew that they were astrological cycles.
Both books talked about a major worldwide economic downturn in 2020. Dent called this period the greatest political and financial upheaval in modern history. They both said we would get through this. Many political and economic things need to change and this upheaval will help us make necessary changes.
I would not have predicted a pandemic in 2020, but I knew that major changes would happen worldwide in 2020. With the huge number and the actual planets in Capricorn, I knew that major shifts in governments and countries would occur. Since Capricorn is an earth sign, I wonder about earth changes (volcanoes, earthquakes). With Mars and Pluto involved, I thought a war might occur, not guessing that it would be a war against a virus. I also knew that people who have points in their birth charts in the last third of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn would be the most affected.
Astrologers often say that character is destiny. I often say that life is primarily about the choices we make. What we are and what we do is more important than what happens to us. We need to get to work and create the lives we want in spite of times being chaotic on the outside.
Watch for the final #5 in this series tomorrow. It will be about the positive planetary aspect coming up this year.
Call me at 785.232.2836 if you want some help getting through this changing world.
Your astrologer who wants only the best for you.
Dianne Lawson
It is not all doom and gloom in the world now, as today through the rest of 2020, Jupiter will be conjoining Pluto. It is exact today, and will retrograde (go in apparent backward motion as seen from the earth) over the same point on June 30, 2020 and then go back forward over it November 12, 2020. The exact days are not that important—the entire period will have the influence of these two together in the sky.
This aspect can enlarge existing problems, but it can also be optimistic, with opportunities to heal, regenerate and transform existing structures and government policies.
Jupiter is optimistic and generous and we will see more of those qualities this year. People will realize that we are all in this together and that what affects our neighbor also affects us. We can help transform the world when we remain optimistic and generous and are working to transform our lives and the lives of others.
Call me now at 785-232-2836 if you would like help in navigating these changing astrological times. Yearly charts can be especially helpful, so you can prepare for what’s ahead during the next twelve months. Horary astrology can answer any question you may have.
Your astrologer who wants to help you create the kind of life you want.
April 3, 2020
People are freaking out #2 of 5
Please read to the end of this to see what we can create positively, both worldwide and individually. You already know that this is a challenging time; also know that all planetary energy can be channeled for good. Don’t forget that on #5 of this series, I will share what many astrologers are looking forward to this year.
The reason I have been freaking out about the astrology of 2020 is the huge number and the particular astrological points that have been dancing around in Capricorn. I have been asking my son Josh and my daughter Trish, who are both astrologers, over and over what they think this will mean for us. I have asked so many times, that they refuse to talk to me about it, telling me they have already told me what they think.
To make a very complicated and complex dance simple, it started out in 2019 when Pluto and Saturn were together in the sky in Capricorn. In January 2020, the Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the South Node were all in Capricorn. In February Mars joined them. This is a huge amount of planetary energy all very close together. That in and of itself is not foreboding, but Pluto, Saturn and Mars are considered malefics and karmic.
Saturn moved out of Capricorn and went into Aquarius in March 2020, and then because it retrogrades, it will go back into Capricorn in July 2020, where it remains until December 2020. I do not have the time or space to talk about all of the movements of the planets; these are what I consider to be the most important. I will only further discuss the planets that will be in Capricorn in December 2020.
Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, symbolizes death, birth, elimination, destruction, intensity, weapons of mass destruction, earth upheavals, severe and damaging weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and transformation.
Saturn is the great teacher and helps us learn important life lessons. It deals with limitation, isolation and responsibility. We must do the daily work, but once the lessons are learned, they can be useful the rest of our lives.
Years ago, I read that the Pluto-Saturn conjunction is called The Magician’s Aspect. Since Pluto is intensity, transformation, and extreme energy, and Saturn is hard work, discipline and perseverance, having these two together can achieve huge accomplishments.
The sign Capricorn has a correspondence with career, standing in the world, structures and government. I have been talking about how this planetary configuration applies to individuals, but you can see that governments around the world are in turmoil, chaos and transformation. We need to be taking care of our infrastructure or we will suffer the consequences. Saturn doesn’t let anyone of us, including politicians, get away with anything over the long haul. Saturn can be very slow and methodical, but it eventually gives its students grades.
Capricorn and Saturn correspond with isolation, restriction, responsibility, discipline and daily work. People have been asking me when this social isolation will be over. No one knows for sure. It will depend upon when people pay attention to being responsible and disciplined. Saturn does reward effort.
What we can do.
- It is a time for us to work hard on the careers we have or the careers we want in our future.
- It is also the time for us to daily do what we know we need to do.
- Be as loving as we can toward others, and to ourselves. Take good care of yourself and all of the rest of us.
- Social distance
- Keep in contact with those you love via Skype, FaceTime, Facebook, Zoom, phone or email
- Get rid of what no longer serves you
- Don’t waste this time with trivial matters
- Focus on what is most important to you
- Learn new skills
We will get through this. There is hope. Regardless of what we think about the Chinese government, China has done a masterful job of isolating its citizens and stopping the crisis in its country. We can do that, too.
Keep watching for #3 through #5. You will feel more hopeful when you read #5.
April 2, 2020
People are freaking out, #1 of 5
2020 and 2021 are momentous years astrologically, worldwide and for you. Be sure to see the whole picture and watch all five segments over today and the next four days.
Tomorrow I will share with you what astrological configuration of 2020 freaks me out the most. On day five, I will share what astrological configuration of 2020 many astrologers are looking forward to.
Today, I am sharing what I wrote on June 10, 2018. It is still on my blog and I sent it out to people on my email list and my Facebook page. I am resending it today as it is a very important piece of what is going on astrologically now. Please read all the way to the bottom to see what you can do for yourself under this chaotic time.
June 10, 2018
Uranus in Taurus
The most important astrological change this year?
When the slow-moving outer planets enter new signs, they show massive changes on a global level. Uranus, the planet of change, the unexpected, and breaking with the past entered Taurus, the sign most resistant to change on May 15, 2018. It will retrograde back into Aries on November 6, 2018, reenter Taurus on March 6, where it will stay until April 26, 2026. During this time, essentially 2018 through 2026, we will see largescale changes in building, land use, banking, how we spend our money, farming and food.
For hints on what may happen, although of all the planets Uranus is the most unpredictable, let’s look at what happened when Uranus was last in Taurus—June 6, 1934 through May 15, 1942. President Franklin Roosevelt, started the New Deal, changing how government interacted in the lives of people. There was regulation of banks and WPA creating buildings, bridges and intra-structure. Social Security began in 1935. Wars, including the beginning of World War II, created changes in the borders of countries. Many Americans took up farming, having Victory Gardens. The drought permanently changed how Americans farmed.
During this current eight-year period of Uranus in Taurus, I would expect (not always a good word to use with Uranus) major building of our country’s intra-structure, changes in regulation of banking, and major loss of retail stores with people buying over the internet, which happens to be ruled, or symbolized by Uranus. Farming will have big changes, let’s hope for the benefit of our health, instead of the benefit of large corporations.
This planetary transit will affect each of us differently, depending upon our individual birth charts, but we can become more independent and willing to adapt to new ways of doing things. Uranus in Taurus can be very stubborn and lead to having strong and fixed ideas. Being open to others’ viewpoints is important, but will be hard for many. Many of us will spend money differently, perhaps with Bitcoins or bartering.
The planets are in constant motion, constantly giving us opportunities for new ways of being and growing. By 2026, the world, our country and we will have made major changes. We can make our lives better, as our lives are created by the choices we make.
What you can do
- Consult your financial planner
- Budget
- Pay attention to your stocks
- Plan for your financial present, as well as your future
- Know that we are all in this together
- Upgrade your knowledge and skills, especially technology
- Call your astrologer
- Watch People are freaking out # 2 through 5
- Share this with others and tell them to sign up for emails from me at
I rarely recommend anyone, but I highly recommend Deborah Corak as a light worker, energy worker, teacher, reader, healer and more!!! I recommend that you call her and see why everybody loves her! She can be reached at, or 406-475-3737.
About Deborah Corak
It seems from the current vantage point of my long life that everything that I’ve been through {much of it traumatic} has impelled me into situations that gave me a choice… either throw myself into the arms of God out of sheer desperation, or choose overwhelming fear that would have assuredly ended me in madness. As things worked out I swan dived into the light, and landed somewhere in the eccentric strata of humanity, with a dash of psychic ability, and a pinch of batty artist thrown into the mix. At this time in my life I feel I’ve been called to be the best light worker I can be. I receive images in the form of symbols that are interpreted for the person I’m balancing. I also clear any extraneous energies off the client, and clean and realign the chakras. This process gives the client a fresh, unsullied view of themselves and the opportunity to experience feeling considerably lighter. We “reboot” the self – much like turning on light switches. I do this with the help of what appears to be a nearly endless supply of non-corporeal beings that are in alignment with harmony and balance, and work in support of humanity. A twenty minute period of time to rest after the reading is over is suggested to allow the newer vibrations to settle. Except in rare circumstances, I generally am advised not to do another reading for a person for approximately 3 months .The client is also advised not to get other energy work done for a minimum of 5 days. Let’s let it cook!
I live in the Mountain Time Zone, and work almost exclusively in the afternoons, generally 1:00 to 4:00. You may contact me by phone or web site, and I will get back to you as soon as possible to set your appointment time. I am Deborah Corak, and have been reading professionally for nearly 15 years. All readings are by phone, and the sessions are an hour or so. Each session is $115.00. I am able to be reached at, or 406-475-3737. Blessings!
The outer planets are often viewed with fright, and seen as challenging and frustrating. They can help us transform ourselves, learn from our mistakes and become the people we are meant to be. They help us learn our important life lessons. Anthony Picco is a great astrologer and is wonderful to talk with. I hope you can join us this Monday–go to and listen in. If you miss the broadcast, you can hear it in the archives later.
February 25, 2020
Yes, I know that Mercury is Retrograde and we need to be more careful with communication and transportation, but I also know that all of the planets are bunched up between the signs of Taurus and Capricorn and the lead planet (the first planet that leads that bunch of planets) is Mars. Mars is the planet of drive, force and energy and it is in the sign of its exaltation in Capricorn. Mars works well in Capricorn because Capricorn can laser-like focus that Mars energy. And in addition to Mars being in Capricorn, so are Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn until March 21, 2020, when Saturn leaves Capricorn and goes into Aquarius. Being responsible, reliable, industrious, and doing what is most important brings good results. Be like a laser, not a shotgun. Scattering your energy will not bring you the most important things that you want.
This is not for everyone.
This is for people who have fears, frustrations or challenges regarding relationships.
This is for people who are wanting to improve their relationships.
This is for people who either already have, or are willing to get their individualized birth chart, and know where the seventh house of relationships is in their birth chart. If you don’t have your birth chart, you can easily obtain it free at any of several astrology programs, including You will need to know your date, place and time of birth.
Listen to Your Relationship Story Through Astrology at The Insightful Podcast with Maria DeSimone. Maria is a well-known, fun and knowledgeable astrologer and I had a great time talking with her. The episode is Episode 81, Your Relationship Story Through Astrology.
While there, you may also want to scroll down to Episode 42, Extraordinary Relationships with Dianne Lawson, where Maria and I talk about my book, and Episode 57, The Progressed Horoscope: How Your Life Unfolds. Your progressed horoscope is one of the tools that I and other good astrologers use for forecasting trends in your life. This episode is for people who are serious about learning astrology.
There are lots of universal laws, but I thought of three that describe the universe and that are good to remember under a Mercury Retrograde period. These are three universal laws: The Law of Constant Motion, The Law of Ebb and Flow, and The Law of Action.
The Law of Constant Motion states that everything changes and nothing stays the same. No matter what is at the moment, “This, too, will pass.” This is good to remember always. If you are happy and things, are going well, “This, too, will pass.” Treasure the good moments and never let the opportunity to pass to be grateful, and to let people in your life know how important they are to you. In negative or challenging moments, remember that “This, too, will pass.” Remembering that, how can we be worried, stressed or unhappy? What is happening now will be gone and the flow of life will go on.
The Law of Ebb and Flow states that everything follows the rhythm of life. What goes in, goes out. This law is important to remember during times when life is not going the way you want it to. The pendulum swings. Remember this after infuriating political elections. Remember this when life seems to be going in the opposite way that you want it to. When things are going well, we should enjoy life and the people in it.
The Law of Action states that when if you act, you will have results. Pay attention to how things are going in your life and you will see that they are the result of actions you have taken. Life is the choices we have made. People who have what they want in life know this law and use it to bring in what they want.
Astrology, like everything else, follows these laws. Planets are in constant motion, bringing us opportunities and challenges. Planets ebb and flow: they go in forward motion, then turn and go in apparent backward motion (retrograde motion.) If we act, we will have results. The results may not bring what we want as quickly as we want it, but if we want results, we have to work to get the results we want.
Today, February 16, 2020 marks the day that Mercury goes in Retrograde motion, where it stays until March 10, 2020. It is a time to guard against miscommunication and transportation mishaps and keep our machines in good working order. I have learned under Mercury Retrograde periods to pay attention to all of our flight layovers, so I won’t ever again be looking at a 14-hour layover that starts at midnight in the Istanbul airport. I have also learned to unplug my computer overnight when a thunderstorm might happen. We should always pay attention to things like this, but under Mercury Retrograde, we may not be as careful mentally.
For more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
Did you know that on Christmas Day, the heavens actually are telling the story of the birth of Jesus? In astrology, the Sun has a correspondence with children (son.)
In the Northern Hemisphere in the fall, the Sun in the sky goes farther and farther south after the Summer Solstice. On December 21 each year, the Sun quits going south. It stays in the same place for three days, and on December 25, the Sun starts coming back north. It is the birth of the Sun, which corresponds to the birth of the Son.
On Christmas Day, the heavens symbolize the birth of Jesus. You probably know that Jesus wasn’t really born on Christmas as the shepherds would not be out in their fields on that date.
Did you know that now is the perfect time for astrological help? Help your New Year be as good as it can be with astrology. Is your Yearly Astrological Forecast up to date? Do you have any questions you would like Horary Astrology to answer? If I can be of help to you, please email me at or call me at 785.232.2836.
As an astrologer since 1973, I have seen so many people suffer because of relationships, either ones they had, or the fact that they wanted one, but didn’t have one. That is why I have written this book, so that people could be helped to find, keep and have extraordinary relationships. Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, can help you have the relationship you want.
December 11, 2019
VENUS AND SATURN MEET IN THE SUNSET SKY: Tonight, when the sun goes down, step outside and look southwest. Venus and Saturn are having a beautiful close encounter in the sunset sky. If you have a small telescope, you can see the rings of Saturn and the gibbous form of Venus–or just enjoy the pairing with the naked eye. Visit for sky maps and observing tips.
Venus symbolizes love, social life, money and possession. Saturn symbolizes karma, restriction, limitation, discipline and hard work. Venus and Saturn are exactly in the same degree of the zodiac today and will stay within a conjunction for the next eight days. We can choose how these two planets will interact with each other. Pluto is very nearby, adding a depth of intensity and transformation. Pay attention to how your life is going, and if it is not going the way you want it to, use this powerful planetary energy to transform your life. In any case, work hard to get what you want during these powerful days.
Good luck happens to those who work hard. These are words that describe Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter, the largest of the planets, is the planet of good luck and opportunities. Capricorn is the sign that symbolizes hard and sustained work, public standing and career. Put Jupiter and Capricorn together, we have opportunities to achieve success, if we do what is needed on a daily basis. Capricorn tends to give us what we earn.
Jupiter entered Capricorn December 2, 2019 and will be in Capricorn until December 19, 2020. Now is the time to grab opportunities, work hard to achieve goals and focus on what is most important. It is not the time to fritter our time away on nonessentials.
If you know what house transiting Jupiter is going through in your individual birth chart, that house can be fortunate for you, if you put in the effort. I include Jupiter in my yearly forecasts, if you want to know how Jupiter will be helping you in the next twelve months.
November 26, 2019
Mercury Retrograde horror story
November 19, 2019
Grab opportunities to be with people you love, go to parties, make money and buy presents for yourself and others, now through December 2, 2019 while Venus and Jupiter are close together in the sky. Venus is the planet of love, social life, money and possessions. Jupiter is the planet of luck, opportunity and expansion. Take advantage of this fortunate time. If you know which area (house) these two planets fall in your birth chart, that area of life is fortunate for you now. These planets will be traveling between 22 degrees of Sagittarius and eight degrees of Capricorn.
Mars, the planet of force, drive, anger and aggression is opposite Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and change now through December 2, 2019. Guard against your own and other people’s anger and erratic behavior. It may be tough to see someone else’s point of view, but try to remember that no one else on earth sees things exactly like you do. Don’t let yourself get sucked into someone else’s erratic behavior. If you have any points in your birth chart between zero and eight degrees of Taurus and Scorpio this may especially apply to you.
Mercury Retrograde
October 31, 2019
Meteors from Halley’s Comet
October 21 and 22, 2019
THE ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Last night, NASA cameras detected half a dozen Orionid fireballs over the USA–numbers that will increase as the shower reaches its peak on Oct. 21-22. Orionid meteoroids hit Earth’s atmosphere at a sizzling 148,000 mph, faster than almost every other annual shower. This gives them an extra *pop* that’s worth waking up early to see. Visit for the full story.
October 20, 2019
Today through October 25 is grand for love, social life, money possessions, career, artistic endeavors, getting rid of what you don’t need and spiritual and psychological growth. Take opportunities to enhance your life in the above areas. The timing is right.
For those of you who want to know why I said that, Venus in Scorpio is sextile Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and trine Neptune, creating a Grand Sextile. Grand sextiles provide grand opportunities. It is up to us to use the planetary energy wisely.
Big news years!!! For Trump, the world and for you!
Extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020
Monday, October 14, 2019
10 p.m. Eastern Time, 9 p.m. Central Time, 8 p.m. Mountain Time, 7 p.m. Pacific Time
Dave the Mystic radio show
Click on to join us and listen to Dave the Mystic and Dianne Lawson talk about the extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020. If you miss us live, you can later listen to us in the archives.
We will talk about what this time period brings for Trump and the big astrological event of 2019: Pluto, Saturn and the Moon’s South Node all very close together in Capricorn. All three of these astrological points are very karmic and bring to us what we have earned, what we deserve and what need to learn. They help us get rid of what no longer serves our highest good, be it excess weight, negative people or situations, or clutter in our lives or homes.
Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, symbolizes death, birth, elimination, destruction, intensity, weapons of mass destruction, earth upheavals, severe and damaging weather, earthquakes and tornadoes, and transformation. Pluto was in Capricorn during the American and French Revolutions and during the Protestant Reformation!!! Pluto brings huge changes.
Saturn is the great teacher and helps us learn important life lessons. We must do the daily work, but once the lessons are learned, they can be useful the rest of our lives.
The Moon’s South Node is the point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun) going from north to south. It is seen as where we need to let go of the past and grow into our future.
Years ago, I read what some astrologer called the Pluto-Saturn conjunction: The Magician’s Aspect. Since Pluto is intensity, transformation, and extreme energy, and Saturn is hard work, discipline and perseverance, having these two together can achieve huge accomplishments.
The sign Capricorn has a correspondence with career, standing in the world, structures and government. I have been talking about how this planetary configuration applies to individuals, but you can see that governments around the world are in turmoil, chaos and transformation. We need to be taking care of our infrastructure or we will suffer the consequences. Saturn doesn’t let anyone of us, including politicians, get away with anything over the long haul. Saturn can be very slow and methodical, but it eventually gives its students grades.
Click on to join us and listen to Dave the Mystic and Dianne Lawson talk about the extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020. If you miss us live, you can later listen to us in the archives.
Extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020
Monday, September 30, 2019
10 p.m. Eastern Time, 9 p.m. Central Time, 8 p.m. Mountain Time, 7 p.m. Pacific Time
Dave the Mystic radio show
Click on to join us and listen to Dave the Mystic and Dianne Lawson talk about the extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020. If you miss us live, you can later listen to us in the archives.
#438 Astrologer and Author Dianne Lawson
Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, September 30th, at 8PM MT with guest Dianne Lawson. A professional astrologer since 1973, Dianne has presented hundreds of classes and has been on numerous radio shows and podcasts. She has had more than 100 articles published in astrology magazines. Dianne provides a wide variety of astrological services and has had extensive experience in helping people understand themselves and others better, including how to improve relationships. She wrote her book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, as she has seen so many people suffer because of relationships. We will be talking about the extraordinary astrological influences of 2019 and 2020. For more information or to reach Dianne, go to her website, Thanks for listening! Blessings Dave
BRIGHT MOON + JUPITER CONJUNCTION: When the sun goes down tonight, August 9, step outside and look south. The waxing gibbous Moon is approaching Jupiter for a beautiful conjunction alongside the red giant star Antares.
BE ALERT FOR PERSEID FIREBALLS: Earth is entering a stream of debris from giant Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Forecasters say the shower won’t peak until Aug. 12-13, but already NASA cameras are catching Perseid fireballs streaking over the USA. The Perseids produce more fireballs than any other annual shower–largely due to the size of the parent comet–so your chances of seeing one are good. From
Brandaleen Johnson has a devoted following, as she helps people to consciously awaken. Listen to Brandaleen Johnson and me talk about relationships and astrology, a tad bit about the infamous mercury retrograde and so much more!! You may want to listen to more and subscribe to her podcasts.
This Weekend
What can astrology do for you?
Astrologer Dianne Lawson will discuss what real astrology is and what a real astrologer does.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hughes Room
Second Floor .
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
1515 SW Tenth Avenue, Topeka, KS
Dianne will autograph copies of her book Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology.
Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology
Astrologer Dianne Lawson will discuss how astrology can help you have extraordinary relationships.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Anton Room
Second Floor
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
1515 SW Tenth Avenue, Topeka, KS
Dianne will autograph copies of her book Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology.
ON THE NEXT JUPITER RISING SHOW: Doug Johnston and Eileen Grimes are happy to be welcoming astrologer Dianne Lawson to the show! She’s going to be talking to us about finding extraordinary relationships through astrology! Listen to our show this Saturday at 11:00am Pacific time, on!!
Be sure to tune in on Thursday, July 11th at 9am Central time to hear me talk about Extraordinary Relationships through Astrology. It will be also be available in the archives in B-NOW RADIO after the show! This will be exciting.

July 8, 2019
July 1, 2019
Lunar eclipse July 16, 2019
The effects of lunar eclipses last about a month and a half before and a month and a half after the actual date of the eclipse, so this one will be in effect for the months of June, July and August 2019. The eclipse will be visible over most of the earth, but not over North America.
The Moon during this eclipse is at 24 degrees of Capricorn, the sign of career and public standing. This is a good time to tackle big projects to move us forward in our careers. The Sun is at 24 degrees of Cancer, the sign of home and family. Family matters can be transformed. If you are not happy with the balance you have in your life regarding the amount of time you are spending on your career and with your family, now is a good time to make corrections.
Everything in life can be seen as an opportunity and as a challenge. We have opportunities these three months to work towards making our careers and family relationships what we want. Challenges because, everything comes with a price, be it time, money or choosing one thing over another. Lunar eclipses are no exception. These three months are good for paying attention to what areas of our lives need changing and then taking action.
The lunar eclipse of July 16, 2019 indicates intense emotions, power struggles and possible jealousy because the Moon is very close in the sky to dwarf planet Pluto. Intense emotions aren’t necessarily bad if they can be channeled to conquer tough projects, instead of obsessing over matters. Pluto so close to this Moon while the Moon is being eclipsed can expose secrets, especially of family members. It can also make us aware of our own and others’ shadow sides.
Pluto is the planet of elimination, transformation and rebirth. These three months are good for letting go of what no longer serves us, be it clutter, bad habits, or negative people.
Another dwarf planet, Eris, is in a stressful square aspect (about 90 degrees) to the Moon and the Sun during this eclipse indicating the possibility of chaos, turmoil and conflict. I believe that any aspect in astrology, even the challenging ones are better than no aspects, as we can use the energy to change what we don’t like in our lives. We need to face our problems head on and make corrections.
If you have points in your birth chart from 19 to 29 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer, you may feel the effect of this eclipse more than other people.
June 28, 2019
The solar eclipse of July 2, 2019 puts an emphasis on home and family, since it is in the sign of Cancer. It will especially affect people who have points in their birth charts from five to 15 degrees of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries. Even though this eclipse will not be seen except in the South Pacific and South America, it will have opportunities for everyone.
Astrologers radically differ in how long they think Solar Eclipses last. Based upon my more than 45 years of experience working with clients, I think they last for a few months before to a year after the actual Solar Eclipse. Therefore, this eclipse has already been affecting us for a few months and will continue until July 2020.
Because this eclipse has a nice sextile (is about sixty degrees from) Uranus, this is a good time to try new things, make a fresh start and make your dreams come true. During the eclipse Saturn will be sextile Neptune, indicating your patient hard work will have results you like.
Crises, changes, endings, new beginnings and transformations are words connected to eclipses. Many of us have been experiencing changes in our homes and families during the last few months and many will have turnings points and transformations during the next twelve months.
Changes in the home can mean actual moving, remodeling, redecorating, getting rid of clutter and working in the yard. I know that I have been working in the yard much more than usual because of the excessive rain. I am having a hard time keeping up with weeds and rapid plant growth. For the first time in many years, I hired help to try to keep up with the yard.
Changes in family can mean many things, but this is certainly the time to spend time with family. Work to create the kind of family relationships that you want. Many will discover family secrets or facts that have been hidden.
If our vitality seems low in the days around any Solar Eclipse, it may be because of emotional reasons. The Sun corresponds with vitality, the Moon corresponds with emotions. The Sun being eclipsed by the Moon can mean low energy.
Each of us will experience the eclipses differently, depending upon our individual birth charts and how we choose to use the astrological energy. We always have choices in what life throws at us, and our lives are based upon the choices we have made.
If you know your individual birth chart, see where 10 degrees of Cancer is. That is the degree of this eclipse. The house that the eclipse lands in will give you more information about where changes will occur in your life.
I always include solar eclipses when I talk about your individual yearly chart. Eclipses are just a small part of what we talk about, but they do have an effect upon you. Yearly charts start the day we talk and go through the next twelve months. You can call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at to schedule your yearly chart.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
June 19, 2019
Play nice!
June 8, 2019
I did it! I did it! You can, too! I saw Jupiter’s Moons looking through my binoculars. Jupiter is relatively close to the Earth, so you can see Jupiter’s four largest moons with binoculars. If you have a small telescope, you can see Jupiter’s cloud belts.
Once a year Jupiter makes its closest approach to the earth and this year it will be on June 12th. Look for Jupiter and its moons during the first two weeks of June.
You should easily be able to find Jupiter in the sky as it will be very bright, about four times brighter than Sirius, the brightest of the stars.
Jupiter is opposite from the Sun in the sky right now. That means you can see Jupiter rising in the East after the Sun goes down. Jupiter will be high in the sky at midnight and going down in the West just before dawn.
The astrology of June, 2019
Wow, June is all about Neptune! Neptune is the planet that has a correspondence with spirituality, non-physical realms, psychic phenomena, dreams, inspiration and idealism. It also has a connection to confusion, drugs, alcohol, medication and deception. It inspires art and creativity. Neptune has several astrological configurations affecting it in June 2019. We can use this Neptunian energy to help us create the kind of lives we want. We can use Neptunian energy positively and avoid possible negative qualities of Neptune.
Jupiter is in a stressful 90 degree aspect with Neptune this month. Neptune enlarges whatever it touches, so you need to guard against deception, both from other people and from yourself. Don’t be over-optimistic or foolhardy. This is true all month, but especially so on June 16, when the Moon is close to Jupiter in the sky.
Saturn is in a pleasant 60 degree aspect with Neptune this month, helping you make your dreams a reality if you do the necessary work. Be true to yourself. This is a good time to make money through artistic endeavors. We can have our intuition be useful.
Mars is in a great 120 degree aspect to Neptune, adding more planetary force and energy to our being able to make goals into reality.
Neptune stations before it turns retrograde this month, adding to its power and influence. Planets appear to slow down and then quit moving through the signs of the zodiac before they start going in apparent backward motion through the signs of the zodiac. Of course, planets don’t really slow down, stop or go backward, but they look as if they do, based upon our relative positions.
The Moon’s North Node is in a fortunate 120 degree aspect to Neptune this month. This is terrific for artists, writers and all creative people. The North Node pulls us towards our future. Some people think the North Node is karmic. Often the North Node symbolizes someone who is helpful to our psychological growth.
This is a good time for prayer, meditation, paying attention to your nighttime dreams and being creative. Be careful of alcohol and drugs, including doctor prescribed drugs. Forewarned is forearmed.
Please share this with anyone you know who may be interested.
June 6, 2019
I talked to two women last week who have been my clients for more than ten years and neither one of them knew I provide horary astrology readings. They have had me do their birth charts and their yearly charts, but not horary astrology charts. I guess I haven’t been getting the word out about horary astrology as much as I should have been.
Horary astrology is great for answering any question. If you have a question about anything, call me. Horary astrology can help. When you ask me a question, I push a button on my computer that says, “Now” and my computer draws a map of the heavens for the exact moment I understood the question. I do not need your birth information, as horary is based entirely upon the time the astrologer understands your question.
Each horary readings lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and is $30. This is usually done over the phone. If you have any question, call me at 785.232.2836 to get the guidance or answers you need.
June 5, 2019
The big astrological event of 2019 is having Pluto, Saturn and the Moon’s South Node all very close together in Capricorn. All three of these astrological points are very karmic and bring to us what we have earned, what we deserve and what need to learn. They help us get rid of what no longer serves our highest good, be it excess weight, negative people or situations, or clutter in our lives or homes.
Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, symbolizes death, birth, elimination, destruction, intensity, weapons of mass destruction, earth upheavals, severe and damaging weather, earthquakes and tornadoes, and transformation.
Saturn is the great teacher and helps us learn important life lessons. We must do the daily work, but once the lessons are learned, they can be useful the rest of our lives.
The Moon’s South Node is the point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun) going from north to south. It is seen as where we need to let go of the past and grow into our future.
All three of these points have been considered malefics, but everything can be used for good or bad. We need challenges, or we would never grow. Having all three of these close together indicates challenges. In order to accomplish anything of importance in life, we need to apply massive, sustained effort. Having these three points helps us to have the energy to use massive, sustained effort to accomplish our goals.
Years ago, I read what some astrologer, I don’t remember who, called the Pluto-Saturn conjunction. He called it The Magician’s Aspect. He meant that since Pluto is intensity, transformation, and extreme energy, and Saturn is hard work, discipline and perseverance, having these two together can achieve huge accomplishments.
The sign Capricorn has a correspondence with career, standing in the world, structures and government. I have been talking about how this planetary configuration applies to individuals, but you can see that governments around the world are in turmoil, chaos and transformation. We need to be taking care of our infrastructure or we will suffer the consequences. Saturn doesn’t let anyone of us, including politicians, get away with anything over the long haul. Saturn can be very slow and methodical, but it eventually gives its students grades.
If we use this planetary energy wisely we can grow and create the kind of lives we want. It is not a time for any of us to slack off.
The Meridian Line was commissioned by Pope Clement XI and was completed in 1702.
Mercury quit going retrograde and started going in forward motion this morning. Planets are retrograde when it seems from our perspective that they are going in backward motion through the signs of the zodiac. Of course, planets never go in backward motion, but it appears so sometimes, based upon our relative positions.
It should be easier to communicate, travel and have machines work now that Mercury is direct. For more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
Mars will enter Gemini early in the morning of March 31, 2019, where it will be until May 15, 2019. Mars in Gemini is a good time to initiate new projects, travel, study, use your intellect and work with your hands. Gemini can be a little scattered, so concentrate on getting the most important tasks done.
Now through April 12, 2019, Mercury, the planet of thought, communication and transportation, is very close in the sky to Neptune, the planet of artistic inspiration, spirituality and intuition. This is nice for creativity, artistic pursuits, meditation and being out in nature.
Neptune can be confusing and otherworldly. Situations and people may not be what they seem to be. Don’t take people at face value. Pay more attention to what people do than what they say. Focus while communicating and traveling so that you don’t make any mistakes.
During these days it can be hard to get down to business and focus on what is important. Many people will have unusual dreams and sleep problems. Some will feel they are especially intuitive and are receiving signs from the universe.
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money and possessions, moves into Pisces on March 26, 2019, where she will stay until April 20, 2019. The ancients said that Venus was exalted in Pisces, which means that of all the signs of the zodiac, Venus worked best here.
This is a good time to be with loved ones and schedule social events. It is also a good time to buy clothing and beautiful items. Artistic endeavors can create beautiful items.
Venus in Pisces certainly can be unconditional love. But, I have seen that people often see others through rose-colored glasses during this time. Try to see people as they really are, rather than how you want them to be.
Watch in the next few days for me to send you information about Mercury going direct on March 28, 2019 and Mars going into Gemini on March 31, 2019.
Here are the dates and times that you will want to save so you can tune in LIVE inside our group Your Spiritual Awakening Community. You WILL get access to the replay AND a freebie from each presenter via an email IF you can’t make the live.
March 1st through the 11th. All times are EST.
Day 1 – Brandaleen Johnson on the Spiritual Awakening at 1 PM
Day 2 – Deann Jenson on Mindfulness at 1PM
Day 3 – Kaycie on Yoga at 5PM
Day 4 – Holly on Akashic Records at 6PM
Day 5 – Johnine Barlow on Soul Alignment at 7 PM
Day 6 – Ron Schaefer on Miracle Mindset at 2 PM
Day 7 – Dianne Lawson on Astrology at 7PM
Day 8 – Marla Martenson on Mystical Matchmaking at 4PM
Day 9 – Josephine on Tarot at 11 AM
Day 10 Lisa on Hypnosis 7PM
Day 11 – Tina Nicola on Shadow Work and Wealth at 11 AM
Spirit Mind Body Fair
‼️11 days ‼️11 spiritual leaders ‼️ 11 trainings
March 1 through March 11
1. Go NOW to and join Your Spiritual Awakening Community. You have to be a member of the group in order to see the training live or the replay.
2. Register NOW at, so that you can get reminder emails and an email after the presentation with freebies and links of the presenter.
3. Go to at the times and dates you want to see the presenters. There will also be replays.
I will be the seventh presenter on the seventh at 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
I hope to see you then.
Are you excited to get your spiritual learn on?
Here are the dates and times that you will want to save so you can tune in LIVE inside our group Your Spiritual Awakening Community. You WILL get access to the replay AND a freebie from each presenter via an email IF you can’t make the live.
March 1st through the 11th. All times are EST.
Day 1 – Brandaleen Johnson on the Spiritual Awakening at 1 PM
Day 2 – Deann Jenson on Mindfulness at 1PM
Day 3 – Kaycie on Yoga at 5PM
Day 4 – Holly on Akashic Records at 6PM
Day 5 – Johnine Barlow on Soul Alignment at 7 PM
Day 6 – Ron Schaefer on Miracle Mindset at 2 PM
Day 7 – Dianne Lawson on Astrology at 7PM
Day 8 – Marla Martenson on Mystical Matchmaking at 4PM
Day 9 – Josephine on Tarot at 11 AM
Day 10 Lisa on Hypnosis 7PM
Day 11 – Tina Nicola on Shadow Work and Wealth at 11 AM
We are so excited to share our expertise with you all. Make sure to invite your friends!
After complaining about my struggles with technology yesterday, my husband asked me if Mercury was retrograde. I told him no, but that Mercury was in its shadow.
Spirit Mind Body Fair
March 2 and 3, 2019
Saturday 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Expo Center Agricultural Hall, west of Topeka Avenue on 17th St., Topeka
I will be giving astrology, card and palm readings at reduced fair prices. My astrology readings include mini birth charts, horary (any question answered) and NEW relationship charts, based upon techniques in my book. I will also have autographs copies of my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, for sale. Come by and grab some chocolate and 2019 Mercury Retrograde cards.
There will be lots of readers and vendors there who I like, but I want to recommend Alba Blocker who will be providing Myokinesthetic Therapy and reflexology at the fair. Alba has worked on me, my husband, my son, my daughter-in-love, several of my friends and clients, and I know she is good at what she does.
MYOKINESTHETIC THERAPY “The Myokinesthetic System is a method to quickly and easily reset the body to … *Alleviate (and eliminate) pain *Restore range of motion *Improve posture. |
The fair has readers, vendors, food and presentations. For more information about the fair see website:
National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.
Published a book review of my book in its Winter 2019 issue
Extraordinary Relationships through Astrology
By Dianne Y. Lawson
This is a well-done, easy to read, book that focuses on the importance of the fifth and seventh astrological houses and their role in human relationships. Geared for a beginner or novice, or even a student within their early years of studying astrology, Ms. Lawson gently takes the reader through her unique approach to understanding relationships. The book’s nine chapters are laid out in a logical sequence, and with sufficient detail, so that even a person with only a bit of astrological knowledge or study can gain benefit and usefulness from this work.
As Ms. Lawson states in her opening commentary: “The most frequently asked questions to me as an astrologer have always revolved around relationships. How do I find someone? … How can I solve problems in my relationships?”
This book is Ms. Lawson’s attempt to explain the process that she goes through as an astrologer, with over 45 years of experience, to answer such questions. The first task for her is to explain what an astrological chart is, and how to find an accurate personal chart for addressing relationships. She does this well, even though the process itself can involve some effort. She emphasizes the use of an accurate astrological chart correctly cast for date, time and place of the native. But even if none is available she offers the use of a solar chart (one done for sunrise on the day of birth) as a fallback.
The focus herein is not on the interpretation of a natal chart, but on the qualities of the fifth and seventh houses as they work in relationships. As she explains, the fifth house is the house of love affairs, and the seventh house is the house of partners, especially marriage partners. Reading through an astrological chart and emphasizing the role of the fifth and seventh houses provides insight and answers about the nature and role of relationships in one’s life.
Astronomy for January 30 and 31, 2019
SET YOUR ALARM FOR DAWN: Awake before sunrise? Step outside and look southeast. The crescent Moon and Venus are converging for a beautiful conjunction on Thursday morning, Jan. 31st–little more than 1o apart. Jupiter and the red giant star Antares are nearby as well. It’s a great way to begin the day. To see a sky map and photos, go They still look pretty close together on January 30 and are worth a look.
Astrology for January 30 and 31, 2019
Jupiter symbolizes abundance, generosity, good fortune, opportunity, optimism, expansion, higher education and travel. Venus represents harmony, love, social life, money, earnings, possessions and the arts. The Moon represents emotions, home and family.
Put Jupiter, Venus and the Moon together and what do you get? Of course, like always, it depends on many other factors and how they react to your individual birth chart, and what you choose to do, but this is a good time to do things to make you happy. Give or go to classes, be with people you care about, take a trip, enhance your earning capability, go shopping, enjoy the arts, work on your house and contact family members. This can be a feel-good time, so we should make the best of it and grab opportunities for happiness.
It also tells about how you can help me write the new book by letting me know about your extraordinary coincidences. I am looking for coincidences in people’s lives that are head-scratching, how-in-the-heck-did-that-happen?, or just plain strange.
To see this article, go to Kaw Valley Senior Monthly Feb 2019.
Super Moon-Blood Moon Eclipse January 20-21, 2019
This Sunday evening North and South America will be treated to a Super Moon-Blood Moon Eclipse. A Super Moon means that the Moon is closer to Earth than usual and therefore it looks larger. A Blood Moon means that the Moon will turn reddish during the eclipse.
Astrologically the Moon has a correlation with feelings, home and family. Eclipses often signify changes. There are disagreements among astrologers about how long lunar eclipses last, but many feel that they have an effect just before the eclipse until the next lunar eclipse. The next lunar eclipse will be July 16-17, 2019.
Around the time of this eclipse people may be feeling more emotional, nervous and edgy. It is not a time when people should overreact emotionally.
Since this eclipse happens when the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo, during the next few months it will serve us well to pay attention to how we are balancing our emotional needs for distance and for closeness to others. Are we creating our lives so that both of those competing needs are getting met? Or are we off balance, one way or the other? If so, what do we need to fix? Aquarius needs freedom and Leo wants closeness.
Lunar Eclipses remind us that we should pay attention to our feelings. Our feelings are an excellent barometer as to how well we are navigating through our lives.
We can have extraordinary lives. Our lives mirror the choices we have made. If we are not happy with anything in our lives, we can make new choices.
The following is from Topeka is on Central Time.
When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide — Timeline
Lunar eclipses can be visible from everywhere on the night side of the Earth, if the sky is clear. From some places, the entire eclipse will be visible, while in other areas the Moon will rise or set during the eclipse.
Event | UTC Time | Time in Topeka* | Visible in Topeka |
Penumbral Eclipse begins | Jan 21 at 02:36:29 | Jan 20 at 8:36:29 pm | Yes |
Partial Eclipse begins | Jan 21 at 03:33:54 | Jan 20 at 9:33:54 pm | Yes |
Full Eclipse begins | Jan 21 at 04:41:17 | Jan 20 at 10:41:17 pm | Yes |
Maximum Eclipse | Jan 21 at 05:12:14 | Jan 20 at 11:12:14 pm | Yes |
Full Eclipse ends | Jan 21 at 05:43:15 | Jan 20 at 11:43:15 pm | Yes |
Partial Eclipse ends | Jan 21 at 06:50:39 | Jan 21 at 12:50:39 am | Yes |
Penumbral Eclipse ends | Jan 21 at 07:48:02 | Jan 21 at 1:48:02 am | Yes |
* The Moon is above the horizon during this eclipse, so with good weather conditions in Topeka, the entire eclipse is visible.
I hope you have a chance to watch this. It should be spectacular.
Your astrologer,
Dianne Lawson
If you are awake just before dawn, you may see two bright planets shining close to each other in the southeastern sky. They are the Greater Benefic Jupiter and the Lesser Benefic Venus. They are beautiful to look at and will get closer and closer together until January 22, 2019. Then Venus will move faster than Jupiter and move on through the sky.
Astrologically, having the two beneficial planets close together gives us opportunities that we should take. From January 13, 2018 until January 22, 2018, when these two planets conjoin in the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, it is a good time to start or do anything that expands our horizons. This includes traveling, studying, taking classes, teaching classes, exploring different cultures and working on writing a book. It is a good time to explore, both physically and mentally, and to decide to be happy, regardless of what is going on around us. Pay attention to and grab opportunities.
1. Sign contracts
Mercury symbolizes communication, travel and machines. Mercury has been retrograde from November 16, 2018 until December 5, 2018.
We often hear what to watch out for under Mercury Retrograde, such as the following:
It’s time to take extra care in communicating with others, make sure you do everything you can to make travel uneventful and do what you can to keep your machines in tip-top condition.
Here are the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period:
(with ideas stolen, with her permission, from Trish Williams, my daughter who is an extraordinary astrologer. Thanks go to my friend Beth Cooper Meyer, who asked for a list of things to do during Mercury Retrograde.)
For more information about Mercury retrograde, go to
Extraordinary Relationships
Through Astrology
Ep. 20 – Shortcut to the Soul Podcast, November 15, 2018.
Join Debra and me as we discuss my new book about how to make your relationships extraordinary by using easy to understand astrological principles. To listen to the podcast, go to
Debra told me personally that she thought my book was, “one of the best astrology books I have read,” and “it was well organized, very well written, gave sound advice and was extremely helpful.”
I was honored to be on her show as she is a well-known, well-regarded and knowledgeable astrologer and medium. For more information about Debra, you might want to go to her website and look around. She has Freebies about Mercury Retrograde and an astrology newsletter. The following is how she views astrology.
“Every person your soul
promised to meet,
every circumstance it agreed to
experience and every lesson
it came here to learn is written
in a celestial record.
You know it as the horoscope.
I know it as the shortcut to the soul.”
October 19, 2018
METEORS FROM HALLEY’S COMET: Right now, specks of dust from Halley’s comet are disintegrating in Earth’s atmosphere, kicking off the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak this weekend with 20+ meteors per hour emerging from the constellation Orion. The nearly full Moon could reduce visibility, but it is possible to avoid the glare if you look at the right time. Visit today’s edition of for sky maps and observing tips.
The Sacred Feminine Radio Show with Karen Tate
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
8 p.m. Central Time
You can listen live or listen later.
I will be on Karen Tate’s radio show talking about a wide variety of topics—maybe astrology, relationships, my book, ExtraordinaryRelationships Through Astrology, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, our country and nuclear war. I am not sure how we will get through all of those topics, but they are the ones that Karen and I discussed that we might talk about.
Karen Tate was named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality. As she says, she “talks about all the stuff Mom taught you to NEVER discuss at the dinner table- sex, religion, power and politics.”
Listen this Wednesday at 8 p.m. Central Time at If you can’t listen then, you can listen later.
The Progressed Horoscope: How Your Life Unfolds
Your progressed horoscope is one of the tools that I and other good astrologers use for forecasting trends in your life. Maria DeSimone and I talked about the progressed horoscope on her podcast, Episode 57: The Progressed Horoscope: How Your Life Unfolds, This is not for everyone as the concepts we talk about are hard to grasp unless you know the basics of astrology. This podcast is geared for intermediate and advanced astrology students. Maria is a great astrologer and we had a marvelous time talking about this subject. If you want to understand progressions better, this podcast is for you. I explain what progressions are and we talk about how to use them, giving examples and also helping two women with current issues in their lives.
You can still listen to Maria and me talking about relationships and my book in Episode 42: Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology.
You can find these episodes on
October 3, 2018
Venus symbolizes love, social life, money, possessions, values, self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.
Retrograde planets are planets that appear to us on earth to moving backwards through the signs of the zodiac, based upon our relative positions. When planets are in retrograde motion they do not work as directly as they do in forward motion. They give us an opportunity to review and revise matters of the planet involved.
Venus moves into retrograde motion October 5, 2018, and it remains in retrograde motion until November 16, 2018. The effects of this retrograde started September 3, 2018 and will last until December 17, 2018. Venus is in retrograde motion less frequently than any other planet because it is the closest planet to Earth.
So what does Venus Retrograde mean for us? A traditional saying is that an old love will return. Fortunately for most of us, that is probably not going to happen. It is not a good time to become married or engaged. Astrology is all about beginnings, remember.
It is a good time to reevaluate the people we have in our lives and to spend time with people who have stood the test of time and are adding benefit to our lives. It’s a great time to take some time to make sure that our time and money are spent on things, events and people that reflect our true values.
It is a good time to go over our finances and see if we are spending money wisely. It is also a good time to see how we are attracting money to us. It is not a good time to buy expensive possessions unless we have to and unless we have carefully checked out if they are a good value and we have the money to buy them. It is a good time to remodel and to get rid of what is cluttering up our surroundings.
It is a good time to reflect on our feelings of self-esteem and self-worth and see that we are not harboring old feelings from the past that do not reflect who we truly are. If we are not seeing ourselves as wonderful, it is probably because of old tapes from the past that should be discarded now. Many of us are still carrying around very old baggage of what our parents, relatives or classmates said about us years ago.
As always, there are many, many, many other planetary happenings during this time which also will be affecting the planetary weather. This is just one piece that may help us navigate through our lives to make them extraordinary.
Saturday, September 29, 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday, September 30, 11 am to 5 pm
Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2120 Harper St., Lawrence, Kansas
I love this fair! I will be there providing astrology, card and palm readings for a reduced fair price. I will also have my new book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, there and will autograph a copy just for you. Scroll down to the end to get information as to how to get a coupon to get in the fair for $5.
Check out over 55 Artists, Energy Practitioners working multiple modalities including massage, reiki, CranioSacral, Quantum Touch, Trauma Release, Divine BluePrint Work, Intuitive Readers, Akashic Records, Numerology, Reflexology, Astrology, Graphology, Tarot, Past Life Readings, Pet Psychic, Spiritual Counseling, Fairy Homes, Essential Oils, Candles, Soaps, Gemstones, Jewelry, Crystals, Heart Math, Egyptian items, CBD oil, and so much more!
●GREAT FOOD ●PRIZES every 1/2 Hr.
SAVE $3; PAY ONLY $5 AT THE DOOR. Your DISCOUNT COUPON for the LAWRENCE METAPHYSICAL FAIR EVENT September 29th and 30th at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Lawrence. To get coupon go to:
This fair is great! I hope to see you there.
Mars Direct, Money Frogs and a Heads Up
1. Mars has completed its retrograde motion and now is going forward through the signs of the zodiac. It will remain in forward motion until September 2020. Mars has a correspondence with energy, drive, force, aggression, assertiveness, anger, initiative, action and selfishness. It should be easier to take action and see results. Now is the time to
Take action
Be brave
Be energetic
Take up new sports or exercises
Be assertive
Start new projects
Guard against being foolhardy
Guard against anger, yours, as well as other people’s
Guard against being selfish
2. Now through the end of this month if you schedule or have an appointment with me for a birth or a yearly chart, I will give you a free money frog with instructions on how to use it.
3. Heads up! You may want to put on your calendar that the Lawrence Metaphysical Fair will be
Saturday, September 29, 2018 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, September 30, 2018 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2120 Harper St., Douglas County Fairgrounds
Lawrence, Kansas
This is a great fair with wonderful readers and vendors. I will be there providing astrology, card and palm readings and will have copies of my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology to autograph for you.
This weekend has four temporary, but strong, astrological configurations. It is up to us how we plan to use the planetary weather forecast.
- Full Moon in Pisces means we might be extra emotional. One of my mantras during times like this is, “This, too, shall pass,” and I try not to pay too much attention to my fleeting emotions.
- Mercury squaring (about 90 degrees from) Jupiter could mean verbal squabbles and not quite being able to meet our obligations. We can be extra careful while communicating and trying harder to do what we plan to do.
- Venus, the planet of relationships, squaring Pluto, a planet of intensity, brings possible jealousy, manipulation and power struggles. We need to learn moderation and try to get to the root of issues. If relationships are hard, we can do our part to not add to the intensity.
- A Grand Trine in Earth signs—the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. A Grand Trine is when three planets are each about 120 degrees from two others, forming a triangle. Grand Trines equal opportunities, but it is up to us whether or not we grab the opportunities. Earth signs are practical and deal well with the physical world. I, for one, plan on cleaning up my house, working on my career and balancing my checkbooks.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
August 13, 2018
3 pieces of good news
- There are 360 degrees in the zodiac. For one planet to be at or about 120 degrees from another is called a trine and is considered to be easy and fortunate. Today, Jupiter, the Great Benefic, the largest of the planets and the planet considered to be the luckiest, the planet of expansion, growth and the search for knowledge, is exactly, to the degree, 120 degrees from Neptune, the planet of spirituality, artistic pursuits and service. It will remain in this aspect until September 22, 2018. Now it is the time to work on your spiritual and psychological growth, art and service to others. Watch for opportunities in these areas.
- Saturn is trine Uranus, exactly that fortunate 120 degrees, and will be in this aspect until November 10, 2018. Saturn is the planet of discipline and karma. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, technology and unconventionality. Joining these two energies together by working hard in ways you haven’t done before can reap big results.
- To thank you and to let you know you are important to me, I will give you a free money frog with instructions on how to use it, if you schedule or have a one-hour consultation with me for a birth chart or a yearly chart before August 31, 2018. By the way, you can never have too many money frogs; my house has four.
Birth chart
Realize your full potential!
Your birth chart helps you understand yourself and live your life to its fullest. It indicates your potentials in all areas of your life, including:
Money matters
Career choices
Abilities and talents
Your life purpose
Your life path
The birth chart is a computer-generated map of the heavens based upon your exact place, date and time of birth. It is more than just the Sun Sign and includes the Sun, Moon, planets and much more. You are the only person on earth with your exact birth chart. I will explain what your birth chart means for you.
Appointments typically take about one hour. Consultations can be done in person, over the telephone or by mail. You will receive a paper copy of your birth chart and a CD of our conversation. Birth chart–$120 and $5 ($15 Australian) for S & H, if not in person.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Yearly chart
Discover the trends in your life for your next twelve months! Along with your birth chart, your yearly chart will help you prepare for the coming twelve months. You’ll learn what is likely to happen, how to take advantage of good times and how to prepare for or avoid challenging times. The yearly chart is a roadmap on your path in life and a beacon of hope to help you have a better future. Your yearly charts starts the day of your consultation with me and goes for the next twelve months, no matter what time of year we talk.
For those of you who have some understanding of real astrology, I use transits, progressions and eclipses to paint a picture of what your future holds. For those you of who have no idea what those terms mean, I will not use astrological jargon that you will not understand. I will just tell you what your individual astrological weather forecast is.
Appointments typically take about one hour and can be done in person, over the telephone or by mail. You will receive a CD of our consultation. Yearly chart–$120 and $5 ($15 Australian) S & H, if not in person.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
August 10, 2018
Six!!! planets retrograde now through August 18, 2018! This rare event has not happened in more than a decade. Planets are retrograde when they appear to be moving backward through the signs of the zodiac, based upon their relative position to earth.
There is an ebb and flow to life and retrograde planets are ebbing. We need ebb just as much as we need flow. We need a time to rethink, readjust and make plans. Everything can be used for good. Sometimes it seems that when planets are retrograde it takes longer to get what we want. We need to keep on living our lives and making adjustments to make our lives better. Retrogrades are not to be feared. They are needed, and we can improve our lives to make them more like we want under retrograde times.
Mercury Retrograde is a time to rethink, plan and be thoughtful. For more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
Mars Retrograde is good for planning, finishing tasks and not acting impulsively.
Saturn Retrograde is a good time to review how we spend our time. Are we using our time wisely and on things that really matter to us?
Uranus Retrograde is a time to make necessary changes in our lives to have our lives mirror our ideals. Are we being with people who are helpful to us or detrimental? Are we working towards our most cherished goals?
Neptune Retrograde is an excellent time for self-evaluation. Are we being kind and living up to our spiritual ideals?
Pluto Retrograde is good for assessing how we deal with our personal power and transformation.
As always, remember that our lives are the result of choices we have made. Retrograde times help us reevaluate our lives and see if the choices we are making are good for us.
Do you desire to have a loving, comfortable, sane, equal and extraordinary relationship? A relationship where you are hugged, laugh together and feel happy? Astrology can help you have the kind of relationship you desire. If you want to find, keep and have an extraordinary relationship, then this book was written for you. You will be guided step by step in finding the answers that you want. This book is real astrology and offers real results. This book is for people who either know about astrology, or who are willing to learn simple bits of astrology that show the way to have a great relationship.
As an astrologer since 1973, I have seen so many people suffer because of relationships, either ones they had, or the fact that they wanted one, but didn’t have one. That is why I have written this book, so that people could be helped to find, keep and have extraordinary relationships. Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology can help you have the relationship you want.
Here is the direct link, so you can buy the book.
August 8, 2018
There is a Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 in Leo, the sign that corresponds with love, creativity and generosity. We are given opportunities to become more loving of self, as well as others. If your life lacks zing, it may be because you are not being loving enough, or that you are not using your creative gifts. Many will be aware of what they think is a lack of love in their lives. Our lives are made up of choices we have made, and we always have chances to make better choices. If we do not have enough love in our lives, we need to look at what we can do to improve our lives. Becoming more generous to ourselves and to others enhances our lives. What goes around, comes around.
Astrologers radically differ in how long they think Solar Eclipses last. Based upon my more than 45 years of experience talking with clients, I think they last for a few months before to a year after the actual Solar Eclipse.
Crises, changes, endings, new beginnings and transformations are words connected to eclipses. Many of us have been experiencing changes during the last few months and many will have turnings points and transformations during the next twelve months.
If our vitality seems low in the days around any Solar Eclipse, it may be because of emotional reasons. The Sun corresponds with vitality, the Moon corresponds with emotions. The Sun being eclipsed by the Moon can mean low energy.
The July 12, 2018 Solar Eclipse still has an effect on us. It was in the sign of Cancer, the sign of home, family, security and emotions. This eclipse was opposite Pluto, the planet of intensity, explosions, mass destruction and earth changes. We need to try to keep the intensity in our lives down, especially in our emotions and in our relationships with others. Having Pluto opposite the eclipse can mean that others may not be able to hear your point of view. Sometimes it is better just to keep quiet, as emotions can be high.
There was a Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018. Lunar Eclipses intensify emotions and intuitions for about a month before and a month after the eclipse. Try to keep your emotions in check. Pay attention to your intuition.
During Lunar Eclipses we are more aware of shadow selves, both of ourselves and of others. You may become aware of hidden parts of yourself that come to the surface of awareness. You may also become aware of negative parts of yourself and others.
This Lunar Eclipse was in the sign Aquarius, making us aware of our need for independence, freedom and individuality. It is not a good time to try to get others to change their minds, and you certainly don’t want anyone to tell you what to do or how to think.
Lunar Eclipses affect different people differently according to which part of their charts the eclipse is in. Astrologers differ in how long they think eclipses last. I think Lunar Eclipses last for about a month before and a month after the eclipse.
Each of us will experience the eclipses differently, depending upon our individual birth charts and how we choose to use the astrological energy. We always have choices in what life throws at us, and our lives are based upon the choices we have made.
I always include eclipses when I talk about your individual yearly chart. Eclipses are just a small part of what we talk about, but they do have an effect upon you. Yearly charts start the day we talk and go through the next twelve months. You can call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at to schedule your yearly chart.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
August 7, 2018
Chiron entered Aries this year, bringing in a feeling of revolution, emancipation and healing of wounds. Aries is a sign that desires freedom, hates restriction and is pioneering. We want the right to be ourselves. Chiron, called the wounded healer, wants to help us heal our wounds, both collectively and individually.
The best predictor of the future is often the past. It can help us to understand how Chiron will affect us by looking at the last two times Chiron was in Aries. From 1968 through 1977, we had the sexual revolution, women’s liberation, black power movement and great uproar about changes needed in how different groups of people were treated.
From 1918 through 1927, we had the roaring twenties, the suffragette movement and women over 30 won the right to vote. It was shocking when women started showing bare arms and legs and smoked in public, especially after a very short time before, they were not allowed to show ankles.
Now we have the Me Too movement and the awareness of needing gender equality. It will be interesting to watch to see how people will be demanding to be treated without the restrictions of the past.
Individually, we will hate to be restricted or controlled by other people or their expectations. We will want to heal our past wounds. It is a good time to be in therapy or talk to an astrologer about understanding our past wounds. Our wounds need to be understood and recognized before they can be healed.
Chiron is considered both to be a minor planet and a comet, having the characteristics of each. It orbits between Saturn and Uranus. In Greek mythology it was the wisest of all of the centaurs and was a master of healing and astrology.
Chiron entered Aries April 17, 2018. It will retrograde into Pisces on September 25, 2018 and then enter Aries again February 18, 2019, where it will remain until 2027. I think that this entire period of 2018 through 2027 will have the influence of Chiron in Aries and it will not abruptly change as the signs change. Chiron is slow moving and the initial change into Aries creates the Age of Chiron in Aries. Now is the time to express our individuality and truly be ourselves.
August 6, 2018
PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from giant comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, parent of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although the shower is not expected to peak until next weekend, NASA all-sky cameras are already detecting dozens of Perseid fireballs every night over the USA. This early activity may be a good omen for the nights ahead, especially Aug. 11th-13th when Earth is expected to pass through the densest part of the comet’s debris zone. Visit for more information and observing tips.
Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period
The following has two posts from Facebook, a paragraph from my website, and then the Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period. If you want more information about Mercury Retrograde, go to
From Facebook:
Beth Cooper Meyer to Dianne Lawson
Dianne, do you have a top 10 list of important things to do during Mercury retrograde? I don’t mean a list of things to avoid, but things that would be beneficial and life changing?
Trish Williams You can be more in tune with subconscious mind, so good time to develop intuition, be creative, change habits and thought patterns, do soul searching and meditation, etc. Also the focus should be more on tying up loose ends and finishing projects rather than starting new, be sure to address anything that’s been neglected (communications with people, computers, cars, etc.). That’s all I got lol, is that 10? Also heard it’s a good time to find lost items.
Beth is a friend of mine who keeps me on my toes. Trish is my daughter who is an exceptional astrologer and gave me permission to steal her ideas for my Top 10 things to do during Mercury Retrograde.
From my website,
When Mercury is retrograde, it is a good time to renew, revise, refurbish, rethink, reorganize, reflect, redo and get rid of anything that no longer serves you. As a Feng Shui consultant, I am always happy when the planets are helping us get rid of clutter. When Mercury is retrograde, it is also a good time to complete long overdue tasks. Many people have a heightened sense of inner awareness. This is a great time to resolve old conflicts, re-evaluate your thought patterns and fix problems that have been hanging on for a while.
Top 20 things to do during a Mercury Retrograde period
(with ideas stolen from Trish Williams, with her permission)
- Develop and listen to your intuition.
- Be creative
- Change habits and thought patterns that no longer serve you.
- Soul search.
- Meditate.
- Tie up loose ends.
- Finish projects.
- Address anything that’s been neglected (communications with people, computers, cars)
- Find lost items.
- Renew.
- Revise.
- Refurbish.
- Rethink.
- Reorganize.
- Reflect.
- Redo.
- Get rid of anything or anyone who no longer serves you.
- Get rid of clutter.
- Resolve old conflicts.
- Fix problems.
Lunar Eclipse today, July 27, 2018
Even though people in the United States will not be able to see the eclipse, it is still astrologically significant to everyone on earth, whether or not they can see it. Lunar Eclipses intensify emotions and intuitions for about a month before and a month after the eclipse. Try to keep your emotions in check. Pay attention to your intuition.
During Lunar Eclipses we are more aware of shadow selves, both of ourselves and of others. You may become aware of hidden parts of yourself that come to the surface of awareness. You may also become aware of negative parts of yourself and others. This can be helpful to us for personal growth and to make needed and healthy changes in our lives.
This Lunar Eclipse is in the sign Aquarius, making us aware of our need for independence, freedom and individuality. It is not a good time to try to get others to change their minds, and you certainly don’t want anyone to tell you what to do or how to think. It is a good time to be true to ourselves.
This Lunar Eclipse is very close to Mars, intensifying anger, conflict and aggression. It is also squaring (about 90 degrees from) Uranus, the planet that is erratic and unpredictable. Of course, the Sun has to be opposite the Moon for an eclipse to happen, so these points form a T-square in the sky, indicating that people may be emotional, angry and erratic. Guard against accidents of all kinds and don’t take unnecessary or foolish risks. Don’t overreact. With the North Node on the Sun and the South Node on the Moon, many astrologers think that this eclipse is karmic and brings lessons to be learned. (The Nodes are the point of the zodiac where the Moon crosses out of south latitude into north latitude and vice versa.) Lessons are great as they can help us improve and create extraordinary lives.
Lunar Eclipses affect different people differently according to which part of their charts the eclipse is in. I include this eclipse when I talk to clients about their yearly charts. This eclipse will especially have an effect upon people who have points in their birth charts between 7 and 17 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. As it is part of the general astrological pattern, even if it doesn’t have a big effect on us personally, it will be affecting the world as a whole.
With eclipses, as with everything in astrology, it is up to us what we do with them. I can quickly think of times when the clouds and winds were pouring buckets of rain every which way at us at Stonehenge, or when it was 108 degrees in Egypt when my husband and I were having absolutely fantastic times. He was prepared and gave me a rain poncho and bought me an umbrella and we were absolutely delighted with everything, including the English weather because of where we were. In Egypt, the high temperature was just part of the experience and we were exploring temples in the Valley of the Kings. I had a cold shirt and linen pants and lots of sun screen and bottled water.
Weather forecasts help us be prepared and so do astrological forecasts. We can have great times in lots of kinds of weather, both meteorological and astrological. Preparation and positive attitudes help.
July 25, 2018
Mercury goes retrograde today. Of all of the informational emails I send out, if I send out an email about Mercury Retrograde, it always gets opened a lot. Like everything in astrology, it is neither good nor bad, but is part of an astrological weather forecast. For more information about how this might affect you, go to
Mercury Retrograde is important, but is just a very small part of how astrology may be affecting you. Your yearly chart includes so much more that it takes me about an hour to tell you all about it. If you want a yearly chart from me, telling you how YOUR astrology will affect you for the next twelve months, let me know by calling me at 785-232-2836 or emailing me at
July 24, 2018
The page on my website about astrology and the Bible has been having a lot of people looking at it for the last several months. I am not sure why there has been such a big increase in people looking at it, but since there has been, I thought that people who receive my emails might like to see what the interest is all about. Here is the link to read what I previously had published in HOROSCOPE magazine about Unlocking the Bible’s Secret Astrological Code.
July 21, 2018
Sky watchers delight!
All of the visible planets are above the horizon in the evening sky about 9:45 p.m., tonight through August 8, 2018. If you want to see them, it is best to go to a high place, so you can see the horizon. The darker the sky, the father you can get away from city lights, the easier to see the planets. Planets look different from stars, as stars twinkle and planets do not. Planets, like the Moon, shine because of reflected light from the sun.
Mars, the red planet is rising on the eastern horizon. This month it is the brightest it will be for the next 17 years. Low in the southeast is Saturn. Jupiter is just a little west of your right if you are facing south. Venus is next, low in the west. Mercury is above the western horizon early in the evening, but is lost in the Sun’s glare. Because Mercury is never more than 48 degrees from the south it is usually obscured by the Sun’s rays and is seldom seen.
July 15, 2018
VENUS-MOON CONJUNCTION: When the sun goes down tonight, July 15th, step outside and look west. The crescent Moon is passing by Venus, forming a tight conjunction in the sunset sky. Visit today’s edition of for observing tips, sky maps, and photos.
Astrologically, this conjunction is good for being around friends and loved ones and enjoying art, music and nature. Because this conjunction is in the sign of Virgo, this is good time to work on art projects and making your surroundings more beautiful and orderly.
Solar Eclipse July 12, 2018!
A Lunar Eclipse and another Solar Eclipse coming!
Crises, changes, endings, new beginnings and transformations are words connected to eclipses. Many of us have been experiencing changes during the last few months and many will have turnings points and transformations during the next twelve months.
If our vitality seems low in the days around any Solar Eclipse, it may be because of emotional reasons. The Sun corresponds with vitality, the Moon corresponds with emotions. The Sun being eclipsed by the Moon can mean low energy.
Today’s Solar Eclipse is in the sign of Cancer, the sign of home, family, security and emotions. This eclipse is opposite Pluto, the planet of intensity, explosions, mass destruction and earth changes. We need to try to keep the intensity in our lives down, especially in our emotions and in our relationships with others. Having Pluto opposite the eclipse can mean that others may not be able to hear your point of view. Sometimes it is better just to keep quiet, as emotions can be high.
Astrologers radically differ in how long they think Solar Eclipses last. Based upon my more than 45 years of experience talking with clients, I think they last for a few months before to a year after the actual Solar Eclipse.
There is a Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018. Lunar Eclipses intensify emotions and intuitions for about a month before and a month after the eclipse. Try to keep your emotions in check. Pay attention to your intuition.
During Lunar Eclipses we are more aware of shadow selves, both of ourselves and of others. You may become aware of hidden parts of yourself that come to the surface of awareness. You may also become aware of negative parts of yourself and others.
This Lunar Eclipse is in the sign Aquarius, making us aware of our need for independence, freedom and individuality. It is not a good time to try to get others to change their minds, and you certainly don’t want anyone to tell you what to do or how to think.
Lunar Eclipses affect different people differently according to which part of their charts the eclipse is in. Astrologers differ in how long they think eclipses last. I think Lunar Eclipses last for about a month before and a month after the eclipse.
There is another Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 in Leo, the sign that corresponds with love, creativity and generosity. We are given opportunities to become more loving of self, as well as others. If your life lacks zing, it may be because you are not being loving enough, or that you are not using your creative gifts. Once again, I think Solar Eclipses last for a few months before to a year after the Solar Eclipse.
Each of us will experience the eclipses differently, depending upon our individual birth charts and how we choose to use the astrological energy. We always have choices in what life throws at us, and our lives are based upon the choices we have made.
I always include eclipses when I talk about your individual yearly chart. Eclipses are just a small part of what we talk about, but they do have an effect upon you. Yearly charts start the day we talk and go through the next twelve months. You can call me at 785.232.2836 or email me at to schedule your yearly chart for $120.
Your astrologer who wants you to have an extraordinary life,
We have been in the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde since July 7, 2018, and will be in the retrograde period starting July 25, 2018. For more information about this, go to
A lot of astrologers, myself included, have talked pretty negatively about the shadow period and Mercury Retrograde. Yes, there may be more challenges in certain areas of our lives during these times, but there can also be positive benefits. So, I have a positive story to tell you about what happened to me under a Mercury Retrograde period.
I applied for a job while Mercury was going retrograde, was hired, but then in three months, the position was done away with. This sounds like something that might happen under this astrological phenomemem. Did this turn out badly for me? No, it turned out great.
I knew I needed to get out of a place that was a horrible place to work and I didn’t care if Mercury Retrograde was in effect when I applied for a new job. I also knew that the timing in my individual yearly chart was positive for me in career matters.
The new job was as an adoption worker for Catholic Community Services. It was a great job that I loved for three months. After three months, Catholic Charities quit providing adoption services throughout the entire state of Kansas, so all of the adoption social workers no longer had jobs. Immediately after I was told that we no longer had jobs, I was told that I, of all the adoption social workers in the state, was offered a new job that was created just for me. It was a great job and including my writing for the Kansas City Archdiocese. Within a week of the new job, I found out that my former children who were up for adoption were moving to Lutheran Social Services. I applied for that position, was hired by a former boss who liked me. So within about three months I was offered and given three new jobs, making me feel good about myself. All three new jobs were fun and wonderful. That first job that was started under a Mercury Retrograde got me out of a horrible work situation, gave me a new job I loved, and started the process of having three separate bosses tell me they wanted me to work for them. It was a great time for me and really stroked my ego. Mercury Retrograde indicated a possible change, but not necessarily a bad change.
Yes, Mercury Retrograde matters, but keep in mind that this period is just one of many things that astrologers look at. We pay attention to the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Moon’s Nodes and Eclipses. Not only do we look at whether these objects are retrograde or in direct motion, but we look what sign of the zodiac they are in, and what angular positions they are in relation to each other. And that is just some of what we look at when we talk to people about their yearly charts.
So don’t worry about a Mercury Retrograde, but do plan for it. And remember, that I have had many challenging trips under a Mercury Retrograde, but I have always been glad I took those trips. And the last trip my husband and I took was to Egypt, and it took us three days to get home to Topeka, Kansas from Aswan, Egypt. And Mercury was in direct motion, not retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde is important but is just a very small part of how astrology may be affecting you. Your yearly chart includes so much more that it takes me about an hour to tell you all about it. If you want a yearly chart from me, telling you how YOUR astrology will affect you for the next twelve months, let me know by calling me at 785-232-2836 or emailing me at
On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, at 1 p.m. Central Time, I will be talking about what I do as an astrologer on a live interview on a business radio show. I hope to inspire others while telling my story and I hope you can listen in.
The interview will be brief and will be on and and can be heard live the day of the show, and then later on their website.
Don’t confuse this show with me being on Suzane Northrop’s radio show on Monday, July 9, 2018 at 5 p.m.Central Time, or stream it from the archives after the show airs. We will be talking about relationships, my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, astrology and whatever else comes up.
If you miss these shows, I plan on adding them to the other shows I have been on at the media button on my website.
I am very excited because I will be on Suzane Northrop’s radio show on Monday, July 9, 2018, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time. You can hear us live by clicking on or stream it from the archives after the show airs. We will be talking about relationships, my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, astrology and whatever else comes up.
If you don’t know who she is, the following is from Wikipedia. She is an interesting person who knows about many spiritual matters, including astrology.
Suzane Northrop (born in 1948) in Corning, New York, is an author, radio and television personality and professional medium. She is best known for her TV show The Afterlife and her book “Everything Happens For A Reason.”
The daughter of an Irish-English-Native American farming family in upstate New York, Northrop claims to have first discovered her ability to connect with those in the spirit world when she was 5, but was most powerfully moved when her deceased grandmother visited her at the age of 13 after passing from colon cancer.
Northrop purports that our consciousness, soul, and spirit continues on beyond the physical realm when we die. She also states that those who have passed over to the spirit world do not continue to experience the psychical, mental or emotional pain we perceive in the physical realm. Those memories or experiences do not exist in the soul process.
Northrop participated in an experiment performed by Gary Schwartz called “The Afterlife Experiments.” In the experiments, she scored highest in accuracy among all participants. The experiments were the subject of a HBO special of the same name and Schwartz’s book, The Afterlife Experiments.
June 30, 2018
THE MOON VISITS MARS: Tonight, the gibbous Moon is passing by Mars, forming a heavenly duo in the constellation Capricornus. With Mars approaching Earth for a 15-year close encounter in late July, the Red Planet has become one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Its distinctive rusty hue is easy to see even in bright moonlight. Visit for sky maps and observing tips.
June 26, 2018
MARS!!! Hot summer!
June 10, 2018
Uranus in Taurus
The most important astrological change this year?
When the slow-moving outer planets enter new signs, they show massive changes on a global level. Uranus, the planet of change, the unexpected, and breaking with the past entered Taurus, the sign most resistant to change on May 15, 2018. It will retrograde back into Aries on November 6, 2018, reenter Taurus on March 6, where it will stay until April 26, 2026. During this time, essentially 2018 through 2026, we will see largescale changes in building, land use, banking, how we spend our money, farming and food.
For hints on what may happen, although of all the planets Uranus is the most unpredictable, let’s look at what happened when Uranus was last in Taurus—June 6, 1934 through May 15, 1942. President Franklin Roosevelt, started the New Deal, changing how government interacted in the lives of people. There was regulation of banks and WPA creating buildings, bridges and intra-structure. Social Security began in 1935. Wars, including the beginning of World War II, created changes in the borders of countries. Many Americans took up farming, having Victory Gardens. The drought permanently changed how Americans farmed.
During this current eight-year period of Uranus in Taurus, I would expect (not always a good word to use with Uranus) major building of our country’s intra-structure, changes in regulation of banking, and major loss of retail stores with people buying over the internet, which happens to be ruled, or symbolized by Uranus. Farming will have big changes, let’s hope for the benefit of our health, instead of the benefit of large corporations.
This planetary transit will affect each of us differently, depending upon our individual birth charts, but we can become more independent and willing to adapt to new ways of doing things. Uranus in Taurus can be very stubborn and lead to having strong and fixed ideas. Being open to others’ viewpoints is important, but will be hard for many. Many of us will spend money differently, perhaps with Bitcoins or bartering.
The planets are in constant motion, constantly giving us opportunities for new ways of being and growing. By 2026, the world, our country and we will have made major changes. We can make our lives better, as our lives are created by the choices we make.
June 8, 2018
MARS OUTSHINES SIRIUS: Mars is approaching Earth for an almost once-in-a-generation close encounter in late July. This week, the brightness of Mars surpassed that of Sirius, making the Red Planet brighter than any star in the sky. If you wake up before dawn, you can’t help noticing Mars burning through the morning twilight with a distinctive orange glow–and the show is about to get much better, indeed. Visit today’s edition of for the full story.
June 3, 2018
See the wonderful astrologer Janet Hickox and me talk about astrology, relationships, and my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, at–interview-with-dianne-lawson.
June 1, 2018
Wonderful opportunities until June 7, 2018 for healing emotions, confronting and transforming hurts, getting rid of clutter (things and people), using intuition, being with people you care about, and creating beauty. It is a good time to enhance your money and possessions. Now until June 7, 2018, a beautiful Grand Trine in water signs is in the sky. A Grand Trine is when one planet is about 120 degrees from another planet, that second planet is about 120 degrees from a third planet, and the third planet is about 120 degrees from the first planet. This is, of course, as seen from Earth. Trines are opportunities and ease. A Grand Trine really intensifies pleasant opportunities. Water signs deal with emotions and intuitions.
The planets involved in this wonderful Grand Trine are Venus, the planet of beauty, love, social life, money and possessions; Neptune, the planet of unconditional love and romance; and Jupiter, the planet of opportunities and blessings. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches. The signs of the zodiac those planets are in are Cancer (home and family), Scorpio (transformation) and Pisces (unconditional love.) Grand Trines indicate opportunities; it is up to us to grab them. Take advantage of any opportunities you have in any of the areas I mentioned above.
And then, another planetary configuration lasts until June 10, 2018, making relationships intense and maybe even filled with drama. Venus, the planet of love, relationships, money and possessions is opposite, about 180 degrees from, Pluto, the planet of intensity, transformation and healing. When planets are opposite each other, there is a lot of planetary energy and the potential for not being able to see others’ points of views. We can use this energy positively, if we choose. We can direct our energies into demanding pursuits. We can also be open to the fact that our ways of looking at something may not be the only valid way of looking.
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 31, 2018, at 11 a.m. EDT, 10 a.m. CDT, 9 a.m. MDT and 8 a.m. PDT, I will be on Janet Hickox’s show, talking about astrology and relationships.
To join the live broadcast while we talk about astrology and relationships go to Once you get to the page, scroll down a ways until you see the broadcast. It’s pretty easy 🙂
When the interview is over, Janet will produce the video into a YouTube video and post it in all the major social media spots. She will also upload the recording to BlogTalk Radio where it will broadcast at 11:00 am PDT that same day. She will provide me with all the links so that people who miss the live broadcast will be able to see it later. Also, Facebook archives the video immediately on her Living Astrology FB page, so anyone going to that page will see the interview there as well.
Janet Hickox is the host of Living Astrology Radio as well as the host of the Facebook Live morning astrology show, The MetaCafe, where she teaches listeners about the intricacies of Astrology, Human. Design and other wisdom traditions. You can find out more about Janet on her website .
Hope you join us live tomorrow. If you can’t make it then, hope you catch us later.
May 26, 2018
My husband, John, and I had a spectacular trip to Egypt this month. One of my favorite parts of the trip was that we went inside The Great Pyramid to the King’s Chamber. We saw huge numbers of monuments, temples and tombs, spent a day and a night floating down the Nile on a felucca, rode camels, spent the night in a sleeper railroad car and much, much more. Great time! This was our fifth continent in which we have traveled together.
I haven’t posted for awhile because of the trip, and since I’ve been back, I have been slammed with requests for charts. When I get caught up, I will again be posting.
April 27, 2018
Chris Flisher and I had a great time talking about extraordinary relationships. Chris is a well-known, popular and knowledgeable astrologer. He has been doing podcasts since 2007, his podcasts go out to a wide variety of places and have been downloaded more than 500,000 times. His listeners have an understanding of astrology, so this podcast is for people who know at least the basics of astrology.
To listen to Chris Flisher and me talk about Extraordinary Relationships, go to ://
As an astrologer since 1973, I have seen so many people suffer because of relationships, either ones they had, or the fact that they wanted one, but didn’t have one. If only people could know what astrology has to say to them. That is why I have spent decades, editing, editing and reediting this book, so that people could be helped to have extraordinary relationships. And the book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, has been published!
I want people to know that the whole heavens are wanting to help them. If you want to find, keep and have an extraordinary relationship, then this book was written for you. You will be guided step by step in finding the answers that you want. This book is real astrology and offers real results.
Here is a direct link, so you can buy the book:
Or you can buy an autographed copy from me for $22, plus $3 S & H. Please tell me to whom you want me to address the message or if you just want me to sign my name .
To listen to me and Maria DeSimone talk about my book, go to Listen to Episode 42, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology.
It will be a little easier now to get things done for the next several weeks, now that Mercury is no longer going retrograde.
and share with others your intention for your future. (paperback)
It gave her chills!
April 13, 2018
The podcast with a great host about my new book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, is now at
Maria is phenomenal and really good at what she does. While you are at her website, you may want to listen to her other podcasts on interesting and varied topics. There is a reason why she has close to 300,000 subscribers in a short time.
I loved being on her show talking about my new book, as Maria is knowledgeable, fun, enthusiastic and affirming. I love her for a whole bunch of reasons, including the fact that she read my book, loved it and said reading it literally gave her chills.
I hope you listen to the podcast about Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, Episode 42, and hope you benefit listening to two experienced astrologers sharing bits if wisdom.
Here it is:
Your astrologer who wants the best for you,
March 22, 2018
Mercury goes retrograde today at 7:18 p.m. Central Daylight Time. It will continue to go in retrograde motion until April 15, 2018 at 4:20 a.m. Central Daylight Time. For help in navigating this, go to
When the Sun is going down this evening, go outside where you can see the western horizon. Venus, Mercury and the Moon will be close together, looking stunning in the evening sky. It is rare to see Mercury and this will be a good time to see it. Venus, of course, is the brightest object in the sky, after the Sun and the Moon. You can tell Mercury because it, like all planets, but not stars, does not twinkle. For more information about this and other celestial occurrences, you can go to
March 17, 2018
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
With the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Uranus all in Aries, and Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in Capricorn, there is a preponderance of planetary in Cardinal Signs. The Cardinal signs of the zodiac are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal signs have the capacity to get projects started and initiate what needs to get done. We should use this Cardinal energy to tackle hard tasks or tasks we have been putting off. Planets are constantly moving in and out of signs, but all of the above will be in Cardinal signs until the very end of March, and some for much longer.
I love Mars in Capricorn. Mars is the planet of action, energy, force and drive. Capricorn is hard work, stamina and career. Astrologers say that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, which means it is the best place for it. I am very biased about this planetary position, as I have it in my birth chart. I have always thought it helps focus my drive and helps me jump in and get work done when needed.
Now through the end of the month, at least, is a great time to buckle down and get to work on our most wanted goals. Get going!
Spirit Mind Body Fair
Ag Hall, west of Topeka Avenue on 17th St., Topeka Saturday 10 am until 7 pm Sunday 11 am until 5 pm.
I will be giving astrology, card and palm readings at reduced fair prices. My astrology readings include mini birth charts, horary (any question answered) and NEW relationship charts, based upon techniques in my book.
I will also have my NEW book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, for sale. (paperback) Your astrologer, who wants you to have an extraordinary life, including extraordinary relationships.
February 19, 2018
The Greater Benefic, Jupiter, is the planet of luck, good fortune, optimism, travel, publishing and higher education. When Jupiter returns to the same place in the zodiac that it was at your birth, it is called the Jupiter Return. Jupiter is exactly on the same degree of the zodiac now as it was on my birth. My Jupiter Return brought me booking a trip to Egypt and a book published! Both were dreams long coming and they happened when Jupiter returned to the exactly degree and minute that it was at my birth chart. And I am planning to have classes based upon my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology. Astrology works! Timing is everything.
February 18, 2018
With the Sun moving into the sign of Pisces today, joining Mercury, Venus and Neptune already there, we have a plethora of Piscean energy, giving us opportunities to be more loving and making the world a better place for all of us.
Pisces is the sign of unconditional love, desire for oneness and service to others. The keywords for Pisces are I believe. Now is the time to believe in love, kindness and taking care of others, as well as ourselves. Pisces is the sign of the savior, but can also be the sign of the victim. We have to care for others, but not at the expense of ourselves.
As a water sign, Pisces is emotional and psychic. Our emotions can help us guide our lives, if we pay attention to them. We should listen to our hunches and our intuitions. The more we pay attention and focus on these gifts we have, the more they grow and the more they will be useful to us.
As a mutable sign, Pisces is adaptable. We can make changes in our lives to make us happier and better versions of ourselves. Mutable signs need much variety in their lives, so make sure you are not stuck in dull routines.
Since Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces, we already have what I call a “double whammy” of Piscean energy. With the addition of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces, we can focus on what Pisces does best and that is unconditionally love. And that includes loving ourselves.
As an astrologer since 1973, I have seen so many people suffer because of relationships, either ones they had, or the fact that they wanted one, but didn’t have one. If only people could know what astrology has to say to them. That is why I have spent decades, editing, editing and reediting this book so that people could be helped to find, keep and have extraordinary relationships. And the book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, has been published!
I want people to know that the whole heavens are wanting to help them. If you want to find, keep and have an extraordinary relationship, then this book was written for you. You will be guided step by step in finding the answers that you want. This book is real astrology and offers real results.
Here are the direct links, so you can buy the book. (paperback) (ebook)
February 10, 2018
I finally did it!
I finally finished my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology! I have been working on the book for many years and am so excited that it is finished.
The reason I wrote this book is that as an astrologer for more than 45 years, I have seen people struggle with relationships, and I know that astrology can help them have extraordinary relationships. As an astrologer, I have been asked questions about just about everything, but by far the most frequent questions have always revolved around lovers and spouses. From finding someone, to knowing if this person is the one and to knowing how to keep love in a relationship, this book answers the most asked questions about relationships.
In the writing process, there were scary moments when I couldn’t get my computer to cooperate. In a panic I would call upon my son Josh, who leapt to the challenge and always figured it out for me. I had a lot of help along the way, from my husband John, who edits everything I write; to a great professional editor; to Esther Luttrell who is an angel from heaven, who helped me with almost everything. My daughter Trish, who is a professional astrologer, helped me with the timing of the publishing.
Throughout the process of writing this book, I kept thinking I was finished, only to realize that the book needed more work. The first proof copy I ordered showed me corrections I needed to make in the writing of the book.
With the proof copy in hand, the longer I looked at the cover, the less I liked it. Earlier, I had sent out requests from people on my email list to help me pick out a cover. I was staggered at the huge response I received with well-thought-out ideas and even offers to design new covers for me. I read and gave lots of thought to all of the responses I received and even tallied the people who liked one cover over the other. The responses were varied and often contradicted one another. Even though I did eventually go with an entire new cover, I am grateful to all of the people who responded to my email and heartily thank them. Their responses were useful to me in eventually deciding on a new cover. My son Brian offered to create a cover for me, and he did create a cover I like. I’m eager to see how it looks on a real book.
If you want to have an extraordinary relationship and already know or are willing to learn the basics of real astrology that go beyond simple Sun Sign astrology, then this book was written for you. You will be guided step by step in finding the answers that you want. This book is real astrology and offers real results.
I will receive an updated proof copy very soon, and as soon as I look the proof copy over and okay it, my book will be published and you can buy it. I will keep you informed
Changes in the heavens
The planets are in constant motion and guide our paths, if we are willing to pay attention. Today, February 10, 2018, Venus enters the sign Pisces, where she will stay until March 6, 2018. Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces, meaning that it is the best sign for Venus to be in. Venus is the planet of love and Pisces is the sign of unconditional love. We, therefore, have the opportunity to learn about how to be unconditionally loving. A problem with this placement, however, is that we need to be sure that the recipient is worth of our love. Venus in Pisces, while very loving and romantic, can also be naïve.
Tomorrow, February 11, 2018, Mars will be close to the star Antares. Antares is on the nature of Mars and Jupiter, so for a few days either side of February 11, 2018, watch out for aggression, yours and others. Mars is the planet of war, anger, aggression and action. Channel that energy into important projects and you can get a lot done. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches so this configuration is like Mars magnified many fold.
There is a partial Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018. All eclipses give us opportunities to change and to set intentions. This eclipse is not as strong as the All American Eclipse of August 21, 2018. Since it is in the sign of Aquarius, we can become more independent and stand on our own two feet. Astrologers differ in when they think eclipses have an effect, but I think they have an effect a few months before to a year after they happen.
LUNAR ECLIPSE OBSERVING GUIDE: On Wednesday, Jan. 31st, the full Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, turning the normally gray lunar disk a lovely shade of volcanic red. When and where should you look? Eclipse times and visibility maps are featured on today’s edition of
Boy, has this coming lunar eclipse of January 31, 2018 been getting a lot of hype. What does it all mean? What does it mean for Trump? What does it mean for you?
First. What does it all mean? A super moon is when the moon is closest to the earth, and so it looks larger and brighter. Actually, in spite of what you might have been reading, last month’s full month was actually the super moon, although this month’s full moon will be larger and brighter than usual.
A blue moon means nothing astrologically. It just the second full moon when a calendar month has two full moons in it.
A blood moon refers to a lunar eclipse that appears reddish, as it often does, due to various reasons. It does not have any dire meanings astrologically.
Second. What does it mean for Trump? Since the eclipse lands close to his Pluto, the planet of bringing hidden things to the surface, weapons of mass destruction and extremes, astrologers have been discussing what this might mean for him. I think that secrets of his past will come to light.
Third. What does it mean for you? What does it mean, astrologically? A lunar eclipse is a stronger full moon, astrologically, and its effects last longer. Astrologers differ in how long they think the effects of a lunar eclipse last. Many think about six months. I think the effect is just before and then for a few months afterward.
Full moons, and therefore, lunar eclipses intensify emotions and intuitions. Try to keep your emotions in check. Pay attention to your intuition.
During lunar eclipses we are more aware of shadow selves, both of ourselves and of others. You may become aware of hidden parts of yourself that come to the surface of awareness. You may also become aware of negative parts of yourself and others.
This eclipse is in the sign, Leo, the sign of love affairs, children, creativity and entertainment. We are given opportunities to reap the benefits in any of these areas, if we have done the necessary sowing of the seeds in the past.
As does everything in astrology, the astrological weather affects different people differently, depending upon their individual birth chart. The Lunar eclipse on January 31st, 2018, occurs when the Moon is at 11-12 degrees of Leo, opposing the Sun at 11-12 degrees Aquarius. If you have anything in your birth chart on or close to those degrees of the zodiac, you will be affected more than other people, according to what planet or point in your chart the eclipse is close to.
The lunar eclipse will also hit different people differently according to which part of their charts the eclipse is in. If you know what house in your birth chart has 11-12 degrees in it, the eclipse will be affecting that area of your life.
January 27, 2018
This is a great time for travel, getting published, learning, and enjoying new and exciting experiences. Plan trips. Sign up for classes. Go places you have never been before. Mars entered the sign of Sagittarius, where it will reside until March 17, 2018. Mars is the planet of drive, force, energy and desire. Sagittarius is the sign of exploration and expansion, both intellectual and physical. Because Sagittarius is a freedom-loving sign, many will be aware of their needs for being themselves and speaking their truths. This can be an energetic and fun time, if you take advantage of this enthusiastic planetary energy.
January 18, 2018
Venus in Aquarius is a wonderful time to be with friends and to work on goals.
Venus, the planet of love and social life, entered Aquarius late yesterday. It remains in Aquarius through February 10, 2018. Aquarius symbolizes friends, acquaintances, hopes, wishes and goals.
This means it is a great time to spend with friends and groups. Make plans to be with people you care about.
Write down your most important goals and start working on them. Research shows that the act of writing down goals helps people achieve them. If your goals incorporate your values and are what your heart desires, now is the time to work hard to achieve them.
January 4, 2018
Start the New Year off right in the following two ways.
First–Know the astrological weather of January to be prepared. January 2018 starts off with a preponderance of planets and the Sun in the sign Capricorn. On January 1, Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Pluto are all in Capricorn. Saturn and Pluto will remain there all month, Venus until the 17th and the Sun until the 19th. On January 11, Mercury joins them in Capricorn, where it will remain until the 31st.
Capricorn is cold, snowy and has a connection with colds and flus. While the Sun is in Capricorn once every year, it is unusual for so much planetary activity to be in the sign. So expect more cold weather, snow and colds and flus than is usual even for January. My car is ready for winter with new tires, gas, anti-freeze and window washing fluid. (Thank you, John!) I plan on washing my hands when I first enter my house and getting enough rest and good food.
Capricorn is practical, hard-working and focused. It rewards efforts. This is a great month to hunker down, plug away and get lots of work done. I plan on finishing my book, Extraordinary Relationships Through Astrology, and will let you know when it will be available.
Uranus, the planet of the unpredictable, the unusual and the erratic is in the sign Aries this month where it will square (be a stressful 90 degrees from) all of the planets in Capricorn, except for Saturn, at least some time during the month. Uranus also deals with weather, earth movements and rebellions. With such challenging aspects no one can predict what might happen, but it will be newsworthy. It should be a big news night over and over and over all month. I often say with Uranus, it will be the last thing we’d expect to happen.
Uranus squares Pluto all month continuing a long term very stressful configuration. This aspect continues causing upheaval, rebellion, destruction, emotional outbursts, and extremes. Pluto does have a correspondence with weapons of mass destruction.
Mars and Jupiter are in the sign Scorpio all month. This makes it a grand month to get rid of what you no longer need, be it people or possessions. I have been feeling a strong urge to get rid of stuff in my house. For being a Feng Shui consultant, I sure have a lot of junk lying around in drawers.
Scorpio brings hidden things to the surface, including sexual abuse and harassment. I am not surprised of the “me to” movement happening now. These two planets have been in this sign for a while and will be here for months to come. We have not heard the last of powerful men being accused and then stepping down.
Second—Have your individual Yearly Forecast read by me to see what the next twelve months mean for you. Your yearly chart will help you prepare for the next twelve months, no matter when you have it done. You’ll learn what your forecast is, how to take advantage of good times and how to prepare for or avoid challenging times. It is a roadmap on your path in life and a beacon of light and hope to help you have a better future.
Call me at 785.232.2836 or email me to schedule a time for you to know about your next twelve months.
Your astrologer who is always rooting for you,
Be sure and read to the end.
In this photo, my husband and I are at Stonehenge with the wind and cold rain whipping around us from all directions. The weather was dreadful, but we were ecstatically happy, as you can tell from our smiles. We were at Stonehenge, a goal we had long had, and we saw the weather as part of being in rainy England.
This photo is a perfect metaphor that we can be happy in spite of the weather (be it rain or the astrological weather.) A lot of what we experience is what we choose to focus on and what we choose to do in the situation. We could have gone out in the cold and rain without any protection from the elements, or we could have not seen Stonehenge, but my husband reached into his backpack and brought out two Dollar Store rain coats. He then went into the gift store and bought us two umbrellas. We did what we needed to do to be comfortable and had one of the highlights of our lives, in spite of the weather. Thanks, John.
In the next few days, the astrological weather may, at first, seem grim. Being forewarned is to be forearmed. If we follow the advice below, we can achieve much and feel good about what we have achieved.
Late last night, December 19, 2017, Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn, where it will be for about two and one half years. Saturn is called the Great Malefic, meaning it is the most malevolent planet of them all. Saturn has a correspondence with fear, loneliness, depression, lack and hard work.
Does this mean that we are in for negative times? No! Saturn also has a correspondence with perseverance, tenacity and self-discipline. If we use Saturnine energy wisely, this can be a period of great achievement. Saturn is also called the Great Teacher or the planet of Karma. I sometimes call it the planet that gives you lessons you need to learn. I also say it is like a teacher that is passing out grade cards. If you work hard and follow the teacher’s rules you can get an A. If you goof off and don’t put in the time and effort required, your grade may be much worse than you wanted.
Saturn has a correspondence with hard work, but it also brings you the rewards of your efforts. We need to guard against what I call “stinkin’ thinkin’ and we need to stay positive and focused. The older people get, the more they tend to like Saturn. I must be pretty old, because I love Saturn. Knowing that I will reap what I sow is comforting, as well as motivating.
Tomorrow, December 21, 2017, is Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. This year Saturn will be in the same degree of the zodiac as the Sun, in zero degrees of Capricorn, on the Winter Solstice. This gives the day and the days surrounding it a feeling of seriousness. It can help us be responsible, reliable and stable. It can also make us feel under par physically as well as emotionally. Guard against colds and flus. Focus on what is important.
A good note is that Mercury goes direct Hooray! on December 22, 2017. Since I have written so much about this in the past, I am referring you to my website to see what it means for you.
THE GEMINID METEOR SHOWER: Tonight, Earth will pass through a stream of gravelly debris from rock comet 3200 Phaethon, source of the annual Geminid meteor shower. Sky watchers far from city lights could see dozens of meteors per hour. The best time to look, no matter where you live, is during the dark hours before sunrise on Thursday, Dec. 14th, when the constellation Gemini is high overhead. There’s more: As the shower peaks, Jupiter and the crescent Moon will be having a close encounter in the eastern pre-dawn sky. Visit today’s edition of for sky maps and more information.
December 11, 2017
One of the best meteor showers of the year will peak on Wednesday night, dazzling onlookers with up to 120 meteors an hour.
From the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 13, into the morning of Thursday, Dec. 14, onlookers will see an abundance of meteors streak across the sky, as long as the weather cooperates.
“The Geminids are expected to be the most active meteor shower of 2017 and often are bright and intensely colored,” AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said.
year will be a particularly good year since the peak of the shower falls just days before the new moon, meaning there will be little natural light pollution. When a meteor shower occurs during a full moon, such as the Geminids did in 2016, the light from the moon washes out many of the dimmer meteors.
The best viewing conditions on Wednesday night will be across the southern and western U.S. where cloud-free conditions are expected to greet onlookers. The exception will be across the Rocky Mountains and interior Northwest where areas of clouds may obscure the shower.
Meanwhile, an Alberta Clipper storm will spread clouds and some snow across the Midwest and northern Plains, resulting in poor viewing conditions.
Breaks in clouds should allow stargazers in the Northeast to glimpse some meteors. However, bundling up in layers will be a must due to frigid conditions.
Arctic air entrenched over the region paired with a biting wind will keep AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures in the single digits for much of the region on Wednesday night.
How to view the shower
As long as the sky is clear, folks should start to see meteors streak across the sky once it becomes dark on Wednesday evening.
“This shower is one of the few meteor showers that produces high levels of activity through the evening hours, in addition to the overnight timeframe,” Samuhel said.
This makes the Geminids a great meteor shower to watch with younger kids as they should be able to see some shooting stars without having to stay awake late into the night.
While the first meteors will appear in the evening, the number of meteors per hour will increase through 2 a.m. as the radiant point, or point where the meteors originate, climbs high in the sky.
Contrary to popular belief, onlookers do not need to focus on the radiant point to see the Geminids as meteors will be visible in all areas of the sky.
“The best way to view the meteors is to lie flat and get as much of the sky in your view as possible,” Samuhel said.
People should also try to find a dark spot away from light pollution to maximize the number of meteors they can see.
Those that are not able to watch the meteor shower on Wednesday night can go outside on Tuesday night or Thursday night to try to spot a few meteors, but there will not be as many as Wednesday night.
The next meteor shower will be the Ursids, which will peak on Dec. 22 and will bring five to 10 meteors an hour. From MSN News
In astrology there are three celestial objects that are considered beneficial—the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. All three of them are in the sign of Scorpio until November 21, 2017, and Jupiter is in Scorpio until November 8, 2018. Since Scorpio is the sign of transformation, it is a great time to figure out what you want out of your life and then go for it. Scorpio is a passionate sign and has a lot of stick-to-it-ness, helping us persevere. Transform your life to be the way you want it to be. Our lives are the results of the choices we have made and now is the time to make daily choices that help us transform our lives.
Scorpio is also the sign that helps with elimination—eliminate in your life everything and everyone who does not help you reach your highest good. As a Feng Shui consultant, I love Scorpio because it helps us get rid of clutter. I define clutter as anything that we do not love, use or need.
The Sun, which corresponds with power, vitality, self-expression, children and creativity, is in Scorpio until November 21, 2017. This is a good time to improve your health, be true to yourself, be around children and be creative.
Venus, the planet of love, social life, money and possessions is in Scorpio until December 24, 2017. This is a wonderful time to transform those areas of your life to be the way you want them to be. It’s a good time to buy presents and items of lasting value. It’s also a good time to be around people you love. Plan and use this period wisely to achieve what you want in matters that correspond with Venus.
Jupiter, called the Great Benefic, is in Scorpio until November 8, 2018. That’s right, it will be there almost a year. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to transform our lives for the better and get rid of things that and people who do not serve our higher good. Projects that take persistence are especially favored.
Everyone can take advantage of life’s opportunities during this time, but people who have the Sun, the Moon, Planets, Ascendant or Midheaven in their Birth Charts in the sign Scorpio will be more affected.
I am offering Jupiter readings, based upon your individual Birth Chart, to help you take advantage of how Jupiter is helping you for about the next twelve months. Jupiter Readings are $30. I include Jupiter readings in Yearly Charts, but Yearly Charts include much more (for those who know what these terms mean, transits, progressions and eclipses) and are $120. The Yearly Chart comes with a CD of our conversation.
Contact me by email or call me at 785.232.2836 to schedule your individual Jupiter Reading or Yearly Chart Reading. I hope to hear from you soon and I hope you take advantage of this wonderful time of opportunities. Use astrology’s timing to help you create the life you want.
Your astrologer,
Pam McCoy of Topeka, Kansas said that when Mercury Retrograde happens it seems to hit her hard. During the last Mercury Retrograde Pam said that she had problems with her computer not working right, her phones didn’t work, her tv didn’t work, she had communication problems and had two car batteries go dead less than two hours apart. It sounds similar to what Beth Cooper Meyer said in the post below.
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for observing tips and sky maps.
August 2017 The most important month of the year?
As the total solar eclipse passes over the United States, don’t be left in the dark. Don’t let your opportunities be eclipsed.
Many astrologers think that August is the most important month of the year, bringing new beginnings, endings and major changes. There are several huge planetary happenings this month. We can use this planetary energy to our good, doing what we know will benefit ourselves and others. Be sure and read to the end to see the ending on a good note.
The lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 brings with it lots of emotions for about a week before and a week after. Some of us will feel like we’re not being recognized, noticed or heard. It a good time to remember that old adage of “Don’t have any important conversations when you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired.” It’s easy to remember if you remember that the first letters of those words spell out the word “HALT.” In astrology, we can use any planetary energy to our good, but challenging planetary configurations can cause us problems if we are not consciously making good choices and using the extra energy to create what we want in life. We need to guard against anger and negativity. We and others around us may have intense feelings and should remember to not let any situation intensify.
The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 will have a huge impact on our country, Trump and us, depending upon our individual birth charts. Since it is in the sign of Leo, the sign that corresponds with love, creativity and generosity, we can transform our world for the better if we are loving, creative and generous. We are given opportunities to be loving and the choices we make will be karmic in nature. We will reap what we sow. Solar eclipses bring endings and new beginnings.
Much has been written about Trump and how the eclipse will hit his chart. Since the eclipse is conjunct Regulus, the star associated with kings, astrologers say it is often an omen for the fall of kings or leaders. The eclipse is also conjunct Trump’s Ascendant and Mars. .An interesting sidelight is that Netanyahu has his Mars in the same degree of the zodiac as Trump does. Mars is aggressive, warlike, full of strife, and feels the need to defend himself. For more information about how Astrologers are freaking out about the eclipse and Trump, go to the post below. Jupiter enlarges whatever it touches, and it also corresponds with beliefs and religion. Pluto is the planet of intensity, explosions, mass destruction, bombs, atomic energy, earth changes and catastrophes. These planets also have other, positive meanings, but during a square aspect it is easier to manifest the negative side of them. Jupiter does symbolize expansion and growth and Pluto does symbolize transformation and rebirth, so out of the remains of the volcanic explosion can come new life and new growth. Hurts from the past can be brought into the light and can be transmuted into beautiful new growth. Pluto helps us get rid of what we no longer need, be it clutter, people or outdated ways of thinking or being. What do we need to eliminate in our lives?
The signs Jupiter and Pluto are in have correspondences to our relationships and careers, so we will have the ability to make positive changes in these areas. We can learn to balance these areas of our lives. We can decide what we want, how to get there and then take action to create the kind of lives we want.
Five planets, including Mercury, will be retrograde this month. We may feel as if we are waiting on other people or other things to move forward. We have to keep working, but at times it may feel that we are moving slowly through mud. For more information about how Mercury Retrograde can have an impact upon your health, transportation, communication and machines, go to Since Mercury is in its own sign, Virgo, the effects of it being retrograde will be enhanced.
Ending on a good note, both Saturn and Uranus will be in a positive, fortunate trine to the Moon’s North Node. Saturn is the planet of karma, hard work and career and Uranus is the planet of change, humanitarianism and individuality. The Moon’s Node is where the Moon crosses the apparent path of the Sun. It show us the way to be on the right path and to be doing what we came here to do. Since the Node is in the sign Leo, we should be consciously loving and creative. Having these three astrological points in a very easy configuration, indicates that if we do our part, work hard, be open to change and be loving, we can be doing what we came to this planet to do.
As always, when I talk to people about their yearly chart (forecast for the next twelve months), I include explaining how planetary configurations are affecting them personally. If you want to find out how these and many other planetary energies will be influencing you, let me know. For more information about how a yearly chart can help you, go to
Your astrologer,
Donald Trump’s presidency was written in the stars—at least that’s what astrologers are saying. He was born during a lunar eclipse, they point out, which makes him more susceptible to the power of eclipses. And if eclipses are monumental celestial events with real-world consequences, as astrologers believe, then the rare total solar eclipse happening in August could have major implications for Trump, especially given the growing drama around his administration.
“There’s been a lot of conversation about this eclipse in terms of what’s going on with Donald Trump,” says Wade Caves, an astrological consultant who earlier in July published a 29-page analysis of the coming eclipse. “The astrological world has been completely buzzing with this for quite some time, even more so since Donald Trump was inaugurated.”
Related: How and when to watch the total solar eclipse safely
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On August 21, the solar eclipse will occur as the moon passes between Earth and the sun, casting a shadow about 70 miles wide on the U.S. Total solar eclipses happen every year and a half or so, but this is the first time since 1918 conditions will align so that the shadow will cross the entire continent, in what is called the “path of totality.” It’s also the first eclipse since 1776 whose path falls exclusively in the U.S. Small towns within the path are preparing to see their populations temporarily balloon by as much as 250 times, and as many as 7.4 million people are expected to travel to see the phenomenon. For people watching from any given spot inside the path, the eclipse will last about two minutes.
As space scientists and enthusiasts have been preparing to view the August eclipse, astrologers have been taking to the blogosphere to predict how it spells out doom. Humans have long monitored cosmic events for clues about the future, and for certain people, eclipses hold special meaning. “Solar eclipses have been interpreted as evil omens by many civilizations because the life-giving sunlight is obscured for a few minutes,” wrote space scientist Duncan Steel in his 2001 book Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon that Changed the Course of History. Steel pointed out that accounts of the death of Jesus Christ have depicted a so-called “Crucifixion eclipse,” and that the ancient Chinese would beat drums and shoot arrows into the sky to ward off what they believed was a dragon devouring the sun.
For modern-day practitioners of astrology, the eclipse continues to hold power. “What we’re talking about is the ability of the sun to be able to give light and life-generating heat, and all these things being momentarily taken away,” says Caves, the astrological consultant. “So there’s this symbolism that’s built in with eclipses about…things coming to a close, and in often a very dramatic fashion.”
The August eclipse is not only unique because of its rarity, astrologers claim, but also because the astrological activity associated with it happens to line up with that of the president. The eclipse is occurring in Leo, for instance, which is rising in Trump’s chart. The lion is the symbol for Leo, and thus the sign represents rulers and kings. “At the moment that he was born, certain degrees were activated. This eclipse is activating those same degrees,” Caves says about Trump. When other aspects of the eclipse are taken into account, he adds, “a lot of astrologers are expecting some kind of downfall, some kind of ruin, some kind of difficulty.”
Steel, the space scientist and author, says it is foolish for anyone to believe in such prophecies. “Way back, when people had little ability to predict when eclipses would occur apart from recognizing that there are distinct cycles, perhaps it is understandable that doom-mongering based on eclipses occurred,” he says by email. “But for people nowadays to imagine that they are portents of doom is just daft…. If people believe that the forthcoming solar eclipse ‘means’ anything for the U.S., for Trump, for the world, then they are deluded.”
Lights Out
Debra DeLeo-Moolenaar (whose surname is perfect for discussing the power of Leo) became interested in astrology thanks to a witch. In the early 1990s, she says, she had fallen gravely ill with gangrene and her first marriage was ending. She was living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in order to turn her life around, she decided to seek the advice of Laurie Cabot, the so-called official witch of Salem.Cabot told DeLeo-Moolenaar to contact an astrologer named Karen Thorne, and so she went to see her. “She’s the one who says it all and got me going on it,” DeLeo-Moolenaar says.
In 1998, DeLeo-Moolenaar moved to London for work. By day, she was doing international tax law; in her downtime, her passion for astrology was growing. About a decade later, she began blogging about her hobby. Since then, she’s interpreted the signs to make predictions about world events such as the 2016 Brexit vote and June’s general election in the United Kingdom. (She was correct both times.) Now, the 63-year-old is retired and lives in Oxford.
To make their predictions about how heavenly bodies influence activity down on Earth, astrologers such as DeLeo-Moolenaar and Caves consult thousands of years’ worth of theory and materials. They form charts based on dates—such as August 21 for the coming eclipse and June 14 for Trump, his birthday—and sometimes compare such charts. “The closest career that’s out there is an economist,” says Caves, because they also look for patterns in the past in order to make predictions.
At least one president followed astrology, and Trump considers him an idol. Ronald Reagan is said to have scheduled important meetings, presidential debates, surgery, State of the Union addresses and his 1967 inauguration as governor of California based on astrological information. First lady Nancy Reagan was reportedly in regular contact with Joan Quigley, an astrologer who died in 2014and who had written a memoir about her experience with the White House.
When an eclipse happens, astrologers have more information to analyze, resulting in predictions beyond those in an ordinary horoscope. “It goes back to: What is an eclipse?” DeLeo-Moolenaar says. “It’s basically, from an astrological standpoint, a big burst of energy. It’s like a scattering of a shotgun shell across the chart of a nation or an individual, giving energy and power into something that’s already in play.” At this moment, she says, the U.S. is in a dramatic period, and “then this eclipse comes along” that “can be expected to spark this frustration and quite possibly set it off.” As she explains it, the moon represents the common people, and the sun represents the leader. Then the moon blocks the sun and “the lights go out.”
Presidential Penumbra
The effects of the coming eclipse could take time to show up, according to astrologers’ claims. Caves believes the impact will appear over the next two years because the eclipse will take around two hours to cross the continent (for a solar eclipse, astrologers interpret each hour as a year). The result could be “a loss of a leader in some sense,” he says, whether literal or symbolic. “It seems to me very possible that by this time next year, we’re looking at the reality of Trump not being in office.”
In February, DeLeo-Moolenaar wrote on her blog Archetypal Assets that she finds it significant how the eclipse will involve Uranus, according to astrological charts. That planet, she wrote, “disrupts everything that it touches. It is a lightning bolt from the blue. Serious change in any direction and on a major scale.” And because Uranus “will make close aspects to Mr. Trump’s natal Mars,” she wrote, “this will be a power surge—provoking a crisis of some sort. Whether for good or evil, we can’t know in advance.”
Marjorie Orr, another astrologer, pointed out last November, just four days after the election, that the August eclipse is part of what space scientists know as the Saros series, which has included eclipses in 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999. Orr noted the major political events in those years: the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a period of unrest in Chicago that involved bombings and an attempted assassination of President William Taft. “Usually this series places strains on personal relationships, induces hasty decisions on the basis of false information and is associated with tiredness or health problems,” she wrote. “Certainly this eclipse presages violence in one form or another.”
The astrology blogger Eugene Johnson predicted in April: “This eclipse by itself does not suggest that the U.S. is in immediate peril for war, but it alerts us to be prepared for some kind of significant, perhaps shattering, event here in America.” Johnson noted that the chart for the eclipse will involve Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune. “I can safely say that this eclipse series will mark important developments on the world stage because of the high preponderance of outer planets involved,” he added.
Caves has published perhaps the most thorough analysis. He wrote that the position of the eclipse in relation to the star Al Jabhah traditionally “brings loss and danger,” and that when it involves a military officer—or president—it suggests the possibility of mutiny by soldiers.
Caves singled out certain dates that could prove significant: October 10, November 21, November 26 and December 17 through 19. It’s “possible that there will be a sudden health issue that lands on Trump’s shoulders, pulling him out of the Oval. It’s also quite reasonable to suspect ousting, either through official channels (i.e. impeachment) or a mutiny behind closed doors,” he wrote. “What we can say with reasonable assurance is that these charts, when properly considered, make it difficult to imagine Trump has smooth sailing ahead.”
In response to skepticism about their claims, DeLeo-Moolenaar says everyone is entitled to their opinions. “I happen to think it works, I happen to feel that it works. I think also that as human beings, we have both a rational side and an intuitional side, and I think the astrology speaks to this intuition, to centuries of myth that still follows us around.”
June 6, 2017
Tomorrow it is possible to see bright meteors during the day but more likely to see them before dawn.
DAYTIME METEOR SHOWER: This week, Earth is passing through a stream of dusty debris from … where? No one knows for sure. The encounter is causing a daytime meteor shower as meteoroids hit the top of Earth’s atmosphere traveling 39 km/s (87,000 mph). A meteor radar in Canada is tracking strong activity in the constellation Aries not far from the sun. The display is mostly invisible to the human eye–but not entirely. It may be possible to see some of these strange meteors during a narrow window of darkness before sunrise, especially on June 7th when the shower is expected to peak.
Space Weather News for June 6, 2017
Tell me your Mercury Retrograde stories and I will post them on my blog, Facebook page and emails. Let me know how you want me to identify you (name or initials, city?) You can tell me in person, over the phone, by email or on my Facebook page.
To start off, here are two Mercury Retrograde stories.
Nicole Wheeler of Holton, Kansas said that she has had multiple problems with transportation, work and communication during this Mercury Retrograde period. She hit a pothole and cracked one of her wheels and also hit a wire that popped off a piece of her car. A work-related trip required three emails to finally get the correct date and address of a hotel stay. Her Google maps have been “totally out of whack.”
My daughter Trish Williams of Topeka, Kansas had an old Mercury Retrograde story that is worth telling as a reminder for people who are thinking of buying or selling a house. She and her husband signed a contract for a house on a Friday when Mercury was Retrograde. On Sunday, her husband told me that the realtor told him the paperwork was not done correctly so had to be redone on Monday. On Monday a creek overtook its bank for six blocks and totally flooded the house. This Mercury Retrograde had a happy ending, though, as they were not stuck with the flooded house and ended up buying a better house after Mercury went direct. Mercury Retrograde is not all bad, but it is not a good time to sign contracts that you want to be long lasting.
Check out the updated Mercury Retrograde periods of 2017 under my Mercury Retrograde page, under the Astrology button.
My husband and I just returned from Italy and The Vatican. We had a marvelous time! Did you know that many of the Popes either were or had astrologers? Did you know that the largest astrological library is in The Vatican?
The obelisk in St. Peter’s Square in The Vatican functions as a sun dial, not for hours of the day, but for the signs of the zodiac. The shadow of the obelisk falls on symbols of the zodiac.
During our trip we saw many other places that showed symbols of the presence of astrology written in stone. Astrology has been used by people for thousands of years and can be helpful to you, too.
Now that I am home, I am ready to talk to you about your or your loved ones’ birth charts, yearly charts or horary astrology questions. Contact me at 785.232.2836 or
THE BIGGEST FULL MOON IN ALMOST 70 YEARS: On Monday, Nov. 14th, 2016, there’s going to be a full Moon–the biggest and brightest in almost 70 years. The best time to look in North
America is before sunrise on Monday morning, while in Europe the best time is after sunset on the same day.
“The last time we had such a close full Moon was January 26, 1948,” says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory, “and it won’t happen again until November 25, 2034.”
Full moons vary in size because the Moon’s orbit is not a circle, it’s an ellipse: diagram. One side of the Moon’s orbit, called “perigee,” is 50,000 km closer to Earth than the other side, “apogee.” This Monday’s “supermoon” becomes full about 2 hours away from perigee, a coincidence that makes it as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than lesser moons we have seen in the past.
But will we be able to tell the difference … just by looking? A 30% difference in brightness can easily be masked by clouds or the glare of urban lights. Also, there are no rulers floating in the sky to measure lunar diameters. Hanging high overhead with no reference points to provide a sense of scale, one full Moon looks much like any other.
“I think that the hype over the term ‘supermoon’ is a bit overblown,” says Chester. “In my book every full Moon has something to offer!”
To get the most out of Monday’s apparition, try to catch the Moon just as it is rising or setting. This will activate the Moon Illusion and make the perigee Moon of Nov. 14th look super, indeed. The above is from
October 20, 2016
METEORS FROM HALLEY’S COMET: Earth has entered a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak during the night of Oct. 20-21 with as many as 10-20 meteors per hour. Glare from tonight’s gibbous Moon will mute the display, but not completely eliminate it as NASA cameras are observing some Orionid fireballs bright enough to be seen in the moonlight. Visit for observing tips and more information.
Spirit Mind Body Fair November 5 and 6, 2016
So many people have been asking me lately if Topeka is going to have the Spirit Mind Body fair this year. The answer is yes, and my son Brian and I will be there. It will be the first weekend in November, the 5th and 6th, at the Expo Center Agricultural Hall west of Topeka Avenue on 17th St., Topeka, KS. I will be giving astrology, card and palm readings and my son will be showing you my Feng Shui products and how to use them. Saturday will be from 10 am until 7 pm and Sunday will be from 11 am until 5 pm.
Three reasons to be happy on and after October 6, 2016
1 . Communication is easier.
2. Traveling becomes less stressful.
3. Machines operate better.
And why? Because at 1:24 pm today Mercury goes out of its shadow. For more information about exactly what Mercury being in its shadow means, go to
Many of my clients have been telling me that this Mercury being being retrograde and then being in its shadow has indicated problems in communications, traveling and having machines, especially cars, malfunction.
What Mercury is doing is just one of many, many things astrologers look at, but what it is doing does make a difference.
While Mercury was in its shadow, I had a miscommunication with one of my children and had my car recalled because of problems with the passenger airbag.
I would love to hear your experiences with Mercury being in its shadow between September 22, 2016 and October 6, 2016. Please share at
August 31, 2016
August 29, 2016
Mercury, the planet that corresponds with communication, transportation and machines goes into apparent backwards motion (retrograde) August 30, 2016 and is already in its shadow. What does this mean? To see what this means and how that will affect you, please go to
So many of my clients love knowing when Mercury is retrograde so that they can plan accordingly. It is good time to wrap up loose ends and to clear out clutter.
August 27, 2016
SPECTACULAR CONJUNCTION: This weekend, Jupiter and Venus are having a spectacular conjunction in the sunset sky. Separated by only a fraction of a degree, the two brightest planets almost look like they’re going to touch. This heavenly meeting is easy to see from the southern hemisphere, but much more challenging from the north. Visit for more information and the latest images.
AUGUST 26, 2017
I see astrology like a weather forecast, showing what the weather is likely to be, but it is always up to us what we are going to do to with that knowledge. When it is likely to be perfect outside, we may want to plan to be out in it. It the forecast is rain, we might take an umbrella.
PERSEID METEOR OUTBURST: Do you love the Perseid meteor shower? This year, you will love it even more. Forecasters say the 2016 Perseids should be twice as active as usual, filling the sky with 200+ meteors per hour on peak nights between Aug. 11th and 13th, 2016. This is happening because Earth is heading for an unusually rich stream of debris from parent comet Swift-Tuttle. Visit for sky maps, observing tips, and links to live webcasts of the Perseid outburst.
May 22, 2016. A woman from the UK called me this week to ask if she should go back to a previous modeling agency under the shadow of Mercury. I am sharing my response to her because it is good advice to anyone, including YOU.
Mercury will be leaving being Retrograde and will go into its shadow tomorrow, May 23, 2016. If you don’t understand or you want a refresher on what Mercury Retrograde and the shadow of Mercury mean, go to
I told her that the matter was controversial and not all astrologers would agree with me, but I would start a new job or go back to a previous agency under Mercury’s shadow, but usually not under Mercury Retrograde, unless necessary, or if my yearly chart was great for career.
I also told her that what is happening in the sky, such as Mercury Retrograde or the shadow of Mercury is important, but what is going on in an individual’s yearly chart is more important.
I gave myself as an example. Years ago, I started a new social work job under Mercury Retrograde and for a whole host of reasons it turned out really well for me. The job was short-lived-only three months and it led to two more short-lived social work positions, but all three were very happy positions for me. Mercury Retrograde can lead to changes, but not all changes are bad. I knew what I getting into under Mercury Retrograde (the possibility of the position being short-lived or having major changes), but I also knew that my individual yearly chart had great things in store for me. Real astrology includes many, many variables, of which only a part is how the planets in the sky are affecting a person’s individual birth chart.
I also told her that Horary Astrology, the ancient form of astrology that can answer ANY question, would be a quick and easy way for her to find out if she should go back to a previous agency. She could ask something like, “Should I go back to agency X and why?” If you don’t know about Horary Astrology, I urge you to go to
Mercury Retrograde and the shadow of Mercury are important and should be paid attention to, but real Astrology is much more and can be specific to each person. If I can help you understand yourself better, prepare for the future or answer any questions about your life, please let me know.
On May 9th, at 7 a.m. Eastern the planet Mercury will pass in front of the sun, producing an inky-black spot on the solar disk. You can watch it yourself if you have eclipse glasses or hear it on
Mars closest approach to the earth is May 18 through June 3 when it will appear its brightest. I went outside this morning and was stunned to see how red it looked. I have never seen it that red ever. It’s worth a look. Right now it is visible from about 10 p.m. until about 7 a.m.
Your astrologer,
From April 30, 2016 through May 20, 2016, Venus, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto are all in practical Earth signs. This is a fortunate time to concentrate on practical matters such as budgeting, making money, working hard and concentrating on your career or what you give to the world. Grab opportunities to make more money or to obtain goals. Hard work pays off.
Mercury goes retrograde today, April 28, 2016, joining Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde. Wit…h this many planets going in apparent backward motion as seen from the Earth, it can seem as if progress is slow. It is a good time to assess if you are spending your time and energy on what is most important to you.
To see what Mercury, the planet that corresponds with communication, transportation and machines, means when it is retrograde, and how it may affect you, please go to
Uranus squaring Pluto (about 90 degrees from), has been in effect for awhile and will continue through the rest of the year. Uranus corresponds with the unexpected and Pluto corresponds with criminals, violence, police, weapons of mass destruction, but also transformation.
What we need to do is to watch out for criminal behavior or possible accidents or violence. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables safe.
If we are wanting to transform any part of our lives, this planetary energy can help us. I know of several people who recently joined a gym, joined Weight Watchers or are working with a doctor or a nutritionist to transform their bodies. I see results for them, many of whom never before were successful in losing weight.
Saturn squaring (about 90 degrees from) Neptune has also been in effect for awhile and will continue through the rest of 2016. Saturn corresponds with structure, responsibility and the real world. Neptune corresponds with spirituality, confusion and deception.
This is a great time for regular spiritual practice and setting time aside for connection to God and nature.
By far, the biggest problem I have seen with Saturn squaring Neptune is that people see people the way they want them to be, rather than the way they really are. Pay attention to what people do, not what they say. Don’t let anyone deceive you and don’t deceive yourself.
To see how these planetary configurations and many more will affect you individually for the next twelve months, you may want your yearly astrological chart explained. For more information, contact me or go to
December 19, 2015
When you read the following, remember that all planetary aspects can be used for good, some are just easier than others.
There are two very strong planetary configurations in the sky right now, both of which are hard to deal with. The first one, Uranus squaring Pluto (about 90 degrees from), has been in effect for awhile and has been mirroring the chaos, unpredictable and violent happenings in the world. Uranus corresponds with the unexpected and Pluto corresponds with criminals, violence, police, weapons of mass destruction, but also transformation.
Mars is also opposite (about 180 degrees) Uranus, further adding energy, force, drive guns into the picture. Mercury (news, communication) close to Pluto and the Moon (emotions) close to Uranus are also adding fuel to the fire.
You can read your newspaper or watch your television to see instances of this configuration on the world scene.
What you need to do as an individual is to watch out for criminal behavior or possible accidents or violence. I am not saying stay home under the covers, but I am saying guard your temper and take preventative measures. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables safe.
If you are wanting to transform any part of your life, this planetary energy can help you. I know of several people who recently joined a gym, joined Weight Watchers or are working with a doctor or a nutritionist to transform their bodies. I see results for them, many of whom never before were successful in losing weight.
The second planetary configuration is Saturn squaring (about 90 degrees from) Neptune. Saturn corresponds with structure, responsibility and the real world. Neptune corresponds with spirituality, confusion and deception.
This is a great time for regular spiritual practice and setting time aside for connection to God and nature. It is a imperative to structure your life to get your most important goals completed or time can be frittered away.
By far, the biggest problem I have seen with people is that they see people the way they want them to be, rather than the way they really are. They get caught up with feeling good and not recognizing that someone is not worth their time. I often tell my clients that actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to what people do, not what they say. Don’t let anyone deceive you and don’t deceive yourself.
Both of these aspects have been going on for awhile and will continue through the rest of 2015 and 2016. Forewarned is forearmed. I hope this helps you have a good rest of 2015 and a Happy New Year.
Spirit Mind Body Fair
Kansas Expocentre-Agriculture Hall, 17th and Topeka Blvd. ,Topeka, KS
November 7 and 8, 2015, Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Spirit Mind Body Fair is this weekend and it will be huge with people doing readings and vendors selling books, jewelry, clothing and more. There will also be food, free demonstrations and interesting people.
I will be there helping people solve relationship and career matters, knowing future trends and answering questions and more, by providing card, palm and astrology readings.
My son, Brian Miller, will be there with my Feng Shui products, including several new ones. I am especially excited about three new products that I have been wanting for a long time. I will have another shipment tomorrow and I will tell you more about it later.
1. I sold out of small Money Frogs a long time ago and could not find another supplier for them until now.
2. The new small red crystal paperweights are extraordinary, as light reflects inside them over and over for a spectacular effect. They are great for the most important part of your house–the Fame, Status and Reputation area. That area has a big impact on all of the other areas of your life–relationships, career, wealth and so on.
3. I used to have Ugly Rats which were my best seller, as they help with career. I couldn’t find any more rats that were reasonably priced until recently, and these ones are cute!
Brian will be available to tell you what to do with everything you buy from him.
I hope you can come. Put it on your calendar.
My husband and I were in England, Scotland and Wales last month and this is my favorite photo from the trip. Stonehenge is an astrological and astronomical site.
Venus is retrograde
So many people have asked me about Venus being retrograde that I decided to write and let you know what I think about this. Venus is retrograde July 25, 2015 through September 6, 2015.
A planet is retrograde when it appears to go backwards through the signs of the zodiac as seen from earth. It is due to the relative positions of the earth and the planet.
I have to tell you that I don’t pay much attention to when any of the planets, except Mercury, go retrograde. Retrograde planets have effects, but so do many other astrological happenings.
Venus is the planet that corresponds with love, social life, money and possessions. The books often say that when Venus goes retrograde, people from your past may reenter your life. I haven’t seen that much, but I do think, that Venus retrograde is a good time to rethink your relationships and how you are doing them. Is the person worthy of your time and energy? Are you the person you want to be in relationships? Do you have the kind of relationships you want? If not, do something to change them. What do you need to learn about how you have been handling your relationships?
If you haven’t been handling your relationships to your benefit and the benefit of others, it may feel as if the universe gives you lessons that you need to learn.
When Venus is retrograde is not especially a good time to buy expensive or luxury items. If you do need to buy something big now, just be sure and do your homework to see if it is likely to last and meet your expectations.
I highly recommend this fair in Lawrence, Kansas as the quality of the vendors, readers, energy workers and food is very high. I will be there providing astrology, card and palm readings. Be sure and take the coupon below. Don’t miss out!
Lawrence Metaphysical Fair
2120 Harper Street, Building 21
Sat. July 11, 10-7; Sun. July 12, 11-6 (Dianne Lawson gave me this coupon.)
$8 reg. price; $5 entry with this coupon; SQUARE – $6
Sponsored by
Gems, books, herbs, candles, soaps, jewelry, crystals, music, artists, authors, energy workers, intuitive readers
June 22, 2015
Watch the western sky after sunset now through June 30 as Venus and Jupiter get closer and closer until they look like a double star. Venus will be the brighter object and is usually the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon.
Not only do the two planets look beautiful in the nighttime sky, they can bring happiness into your life if you take advantage of the opportunities that they bring. In astrology, Venus is called the Lesser Benefic and Jupiter is called the Greater Benefic, bringing benefits into people’s lives. Having these together makes a “double whammy” of positivity.
They are both in the sign Leo, the sign of love, entertainment, fun, children and creativity. Now is the time to be with loved ones, be entertained, have fun, be with children and unleash your creativity. Don’t let this fortunate period pass you by. Act now to use this planetary power.
I hope this helps you create the life you want.
Several people over the last few days have asked me, “What the heck is going on now astrologically?” Lots of people have had miscommunications and changes of plans. Part of the reason is because Mercury went into the shadow period on May 4, 2015 and will go retrograde on May 18, 2015. For more information about that go to
Knowledge is power. Be flexible and make sure you understand others and they understand you. I hope this helps you create the life you want.
A Wellness Gathering Saturday, May 9, 2015 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The Merchant 913 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas
Wellness services Reiki Yoga tips Passion party Solle Naturals–supplements and oils Healthy snacks I will be there helping people solve relationship and career matters, knowing future trends and answering questions and more, by providing card, palm and astrology readings. Also, stop by to see my gemstone necklaces.
This store, its owner, its employees, its merchandise, its customers are terrific. I always have a great time when I am there. Hope to see you. Dianne
Spirit Mind Body Fair is March 7 and 8, 2015!
Kansas Expocentre-Agriculture Hall
17th and Topeka Blvd. Topeka, KS
Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $6
So many people, including me, really look forward to his event–the largest of its kind in Topeka. This fair has food, clothing, jewelry, gifts, free presentations, massage therapy, aura reading, many kinds of healing modalities, books and much, much more.
I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings.
My son, Brian Miller, will be there selling my Feng Shui products.
April 22, 2014
EARTH DAY METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. According to radar data, the shower is peaking today with meteor rates as high as 15 per hour. It’s best to watch it after midnight or at least after 10 p.m. tonight.
March 2014 is a good month to reassess your life and make necessary changes to create the kind of life you want. It is will be a roller coaster month for you and for the world. Strong planetary energies are in force and will help you make needed changes.
This is a great time to work on relationships as Mars in Libra is retrograde (in apparent backward motion as seen from the earth) now through until May 19, 2014. This is the time to reassess relationships and make them fair and equitable. In astrology, Libra is the sign of relationships, partnerships and marriage, and it also is the sign of fairness and equality. If you have been in a relationship in which you have been doing more than your fair share, perhaps it is time to change the relationship and maybe even let it go. If you have not been doing your fair share, maybe it is time to either recognize why or step up to the plate.
Saturn is also retrograde and will be until July 19, 2014. Saturn is the great teacher of the zodiac and teaches us what we need to learn. Pay attention to how your life is going and make necessary changes to have it be closer to your ideal life.
Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of regeneration, transformation and elimination. I plan on working this month on eliminating items from my house that I no longer need or want.
I have talked before about the strong Uranus square Pluto aspect and it remains in force. This is some of what I wrote about it in 2012 on the blog on my website:
Major transformations February 27, 2012 through June 13, 2015.
Uranus and Pluto are so far from the Sun that they take a long time to go around the Sun and through the signs of the zodiac. When they form angles with other outer planets, those aspects are in effect for a long time. Uranus squares Pluto (is about 90 degrees from) for more than three years, forming an underlying background for the other planetary aspects.We will not notice their effect every day of this period, but we will notice major changes that can be attributable to these planets. Uranus brings the unpredictable, the unusual and the eccentric. It is a very freedom-loving planet and it can be rebellious and strong-willed.
Pluto is explosive, powerful and eliminates what is no longer needed. Uranus is in Aries, a strong and independent sign, and Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules structures, laws and governments.
During this three-year period, we see upheavals, struggles, revolutions, rebellions, unusual weather patterns and abrupt earth changes—volcanoes and earthquakes.
It addition to it the Uranus-Pluto square, Jupiter is square Uranus and opposite Pluto, multiplying the energy to the planetary configuration. Because of the signs these planets are in, Cancer (the sign of family), Aries (the sign of self) and Capricorn (the sign of career or what we give to the world), we may feel pulled in too many directions at once. The key is to have some balance in your life and take care of your family, yourself and your career, as well as you can without any one area taking too much time away from the others.
This can be an exciting time to make changes in our lives if we use these planetary energies wisely. I hope this is of benefit to you.
Spirit Mind Body Fair is March 1 and 2, 2014!
Kansas Expocentre-Agriculture Hall
17th and Topeka Blvd. Topeka, KS
Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $6
So many people, including me, really look forward to his event–the largest of its kind in Topeka. This fair has food, clothing, jewelry, gifts, free presentations, massage therapy, aura reading, many kinds of healing modalities, books and much, much more.
I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings.
My son, Brian Miller, will be there selling my Feng Shui products.
February 28, 2014
Mercury goes direct today. To see what this means for you, go to
February 6, 2014
Mercury goes retrograde today. To see what this means for you, go to
Spirit Mind Body Fair is This Weekend!
Kansas Expocentre-Agriculture Hall
17th and Topeka Blvd. Topeka, KS
November 2 and 3, 2013
Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $6
So many people, including me, really look forward to his event–the largest of its kind in Topeka. This fair has food, clothing, jewelry, gifts, free presentations, massage therapy, aura reading, many kinds of healing modalities, books and much, much more.
I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings.
My son, Brian Miller, will be there selling my Feng Shui products. This is my other son, and not Josh, who has been at the fair before.
Therapeutic Third Thursday at
The Merchant
913 S. Kansas Ave.
Downtown Topeka
Thursday, October 17
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Astrology, Card and Palm Readings, Feng Shui Products, Reflexology, Reiki, Refreshments, Shopping and More. I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings for $20 and $25. I will also be selling Feng Shui products.
Mercury goes into its shadow on October 1, 2013 and then goes retrograde on October 21, 2013. To see what this means to you, please go to
Now is the time!
Now is the time to schedule your astrological sessions with me, because, as of August 10, 2013, my rates are going up. To see what astrological services I provide and how much the new rates will be, please see below. Rates for my other services remain the same.
Birth Chart
Realize your full potential!
Your birth chart helps you understand yourself and live your life to its fullest. It indicates your potentials in all areas of your life including:
Money matters
Career choices
Abilities and talents
Your life purpose
Your life path
The birth chart is a computer-generated map of the heavens based upon your exact place, date and time of birth. It is more than just the Sun Sign and includes the Sun, Moon, planets and much more. You are the only person on earth with your exact birth chart. I will explain what your birth chart means for you.
Appointments typically take about one hour. Consultations can be done in person, over the telephone or by mail. You will receive a paper copy of your birth chart and a CD or audio cassette tape. Birth chart– $90 now, will be $110, effective August 10, 2013.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Yearly Chart
Discover the trends in your life for the coming year! Along with your birth chart, your yearly chart will help you prepare for the coming twelve months. You’ll learn what is likely to happen, how to take advantage of good times and how to prepare for or avoid bad times. The yearly chart is a roadmap on your path in life and a beacon of hope to help you have a better future.
Appointments typically take about one hour and can be done in person, over the telephone or by mail. You will receive a CD or audio cassette tape of our consultation. Yearly chart–$90 now, will be $110, effective August 10, 2013.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Astrology provides many tools that can help you in any area of your life. It can help you time events, including your marriage. It can help you decide where the best location would be to live. It can help you with business, relationship problems or any other challenges you are having. If you want more information about which path in life you should be taking, astrology can show you lamp posts to light your way.
This consultation works well for people who want in-depth information about a specific area of their lives. During this time we can refer to the person’s birth chart and yearly chart, ask horary questions (see Horary Astrology link on the drop-down menu under the Astrology button), look up fortunate times, do location charts for different cities and compare your chart with different people.
Astrological counseling can be in person or over the telephone. One hour. $90 now, will be $110, effective August 10, 2013.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Chart Comparison
Understand your relationships better
A chart comparison between you and another person describes the relationship. It is helpful in understanding compatibilities and challenging areas (and knowing what to do about them) and knowing if this person is “the one.” Chart comparison–$20 now or $25, effective August 10, 2013, or free with two or more birth charts
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Horary Astrology
Get help with problems and improve your life.
The magical and ancient art of Horary Astrology answers specific questions for any important matter or general questions about what the future holds. When you ask me a question, I push a button on my computer astrology program and the computer program draws a map of the heavens for the exact moment I understood the question. The planetary positions of that moment tell me the answer to your question. I do not need anyone’s birth information to do this reading; it is entirely based upon the time of your question. Each reading lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and is $20 now or $25, effective August 10, 2013.
If you have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at 785.232.2836 or
Space Weather News
PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a broad stream of debris from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although the shower won’t peak until August 12-13, when Earth hits the densest part of the stream, the first Perseids are already arriving. Check http://spaceweather.comfor images and updates.
I remember lying out in my back yard as a child watching this annual meteor shower and seeing a HUGE fireball that changed from white to orange to green. It was spectacular. The best time to see meteor showers is after midnight when the earth is moving toward the shower. I’ll be watching for meteors until August 13. Dianne
Mercury will leave its Retrograde post-shadow period tomorrow, August 3, 2013. This particular Mercury Retrograde period with its pre-shadow and post-shadow has been causing me a lot of little aggravations.
For more information and to see how this will affect you, please go to
June 12, 2013
I recently came across an old book that I bought many years ago, called Pluto, by Fritz Brunhubner. It was written in 1934. In that book, the author wrote about a planetary configuration that is happening now. He was so right on, that I thought I would share what he wrote with you.
To preface what he wrote, I will explain what he was talking about. As seen from the earth, Pluto is square (about 90 degrees from) Uranus. This aspect between these two started in 2010 and will last through June 2015.
The following in red ink is from Pluto, and I think it really describes what is happening to our planet, weather, countries and individuals during the period of 2010 through June 2015.
“Pluto square Uranus is an outspokenly catastrophical and combative aspect… One could fill a thick book with descriptions of the disasters and tragedy which is involved in this aspect… Earth and human beings tremble under this cosmic pressure. The adverse aspects incline to explosiveness, sudden fits of rage, fanatical sense of hate, increased self-will and eccentricity. They may be bold, erotic, perverted, licentious, rude, violent…They have a blind zeal, ready to quarrel, wrangle and argue. They are bullheaded, thoughtless, fanatic, impatient, and cannot bear hindrances or delays…
“However, this aspect also brings the good and signifies a very important stage in the evolution of humanity. To be sure, old walls are being torn down, and the old and rusted is being destroyed… We experience inventions of an entirely new kind… which bear the character of daring adventure.”
I understand that Pluto square Uranus shakes up and destroys, but it also makes way for the new and better. This aspect is only one of many—some of which are quite favorable—but this aspect certainly defines the period we are going through right now.
June 9, 2013
Mercury enters its shadow period today and then will go retrograde. To see how this will affect you, please go to
Therapeutic Third Thursday
at The Merchant
913 S. Kansas Ave.
Downtown Topeka
Thursday, 5-16-13
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Astrology, Card Readings, Palm Readings, Henna, Reflexology, Reiki, Oils, Makeup, Refreshments, Shopping
If you have never been to The Merchant, I strongly encourage you to go. It is truly a one-of-a-kind store. Be sure to notice the beautiful original wood work.
I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings for $20 and Feng Shui faceted crystal balls.
April 30, 2013 marked my 40th year as a professional astrologer!!! What a fun, adventurous and blessed experience it has been!
What happens between lives?
On April’s last two Sunday afternoons, April 21 and 28, 2013, at 12:15 p.m., at Unity Church of Christianity, 9126 SW Tenth St., Anne McCourtie, Dianne Lawson, and Michael Jamison will facilitate a discussion regarding the soul (your true self) and its possible activities between its embodiments in physical lives. To entice your interest in such matters, you could explore three books available through the Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library for loan, or for purchase at below to order). The titles to are JOURNEY OF SOULS, by Michael Newton; FLIPSIDE, by Richard Martini; and GHOST HUNTERS, by Deborah Blum. Your insightful comments shared in the discussion will likely augment a deeper presentation to be given by your Unity minister at an Infinite Source Church meeting this summer. In the meantime, do some thinking and/or reading outside the box.
During one of my past life regressions, I experienced going to a place between that life and this one. I will share that experience with you.
Therapeutic Third Thursday
at The Merchant
913 S. Kansas Ave.
Downtown Topeka
Thursday, 4-18-13
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Astrology, Card Readings, Palm Readings, Henna, Reflexology,
Reiki, Oils, Makeup,
Refreshments, Shopping
If you have never been to The Merchant, I strongly encourage you to go. It is truly a one-of-a-kind store and be sure to notice the beautiful original wood work.
I will be there providing card, palm and astrology readings for $20. Card readings usually give advice about what is happening now and in the near future, although they can help with any situation. Palm readings tell about your past, present and future. The astrology readings are mini birth charts (good for people who would like a taste of what real astrology is and what astrology says about their potentials and what their life path is) and the ancient art of horary astrology that can answer almost any question.
I will also be selling Feng Shui necklaces and faceted crystal balls.
Health Fair This Weekend!
March 9, 2013
Be sure and watch the western sky on March 12 and 13, 2013.
The meteoroid entered the atmosphere just as asteroid 2012 DA14 was approaching Earth for a record-setting close approach later in the day. However, NASA says there is no connection between the two: the Russian meteor and 2012 DA14 have different trajectories. A cosmic coincidence? Visit more information and updates.
February 13, 2013
Hurray! I have one of the top 10% most viewed @LinkedIn profiles for 2012.
February 11, 2013
With the news of the Pope stepping down, I immediately thought of the Malachy Prophecies. I am very skeptical about prophecies, but remember that I heard BEFORE the present Pope was elected that he would be called Benedict and he would be the second to the last Pope. The prophecies say that the next and last Pope will be Peter from Rome. After that Rome will be destroyed and there will be no more papacy. I originally heard about these prophecies in the 1960s and have been watching the countdown to the supposed last pope.
February 1, 2013
I updated the Mercury Retrograde page. To see how and when Mercury Retrograde will affect you in 2013, please go to
The secret to creating more motivation is simple and takes only 3 steps.
Step 1:
Determine in what area of your life you want to be motivated (career,
health, etc.)
Step 2:
Focus on a specific time in the context of Step 1 when you were extremely
Step 3:
As you think of that time I want you to “float back into your body” at that
time, looking through your own eyes and…
See what you saw
Hear what you heard
And really FEEL the FEELINGS of being completely and intensely motivated.
Now- AMP UP that feeling and make it even stronger. Feel it FLOW throughout your
entire body.
The above is from Tim Tarango. For more information about him and other hypnosis and NLP practitioners, go to
Try the above daily and see your increased motivation. This is a well-known NLP technique that I use and I know works for me and for my clients. For more information about NLP, see my NLP button or contact me at or 785.232.2836. January 16, 2013
Obama will win the electoral election today. ________________________________________________________
Astrology Forecast for
October 16 through 31, 2012
Your high energy and enthusiasm carry you far October 6 through 23, 2012.
Mars trine Uranus now means you can enthusiastically start new endeavors and complete them with high energy. Mars represents drive and energy and Uranus is inventive and brings changes.
Curb extravagance October 12 through October 20, 2012.
With fun-loving Venus squaring (is about 90 degrees from) Jupiter, the planet of expansion, we need to be careful not to overspend, overdo, overeat or overdrink. We need fun in our lives, but not all the time.
Get rid of clutter from 7:06 p.m., Central Daylight Time, October 15, 2012 through 7:25 p.m. Central Daylight Time, October 17, 2012.
The Moon is in Scorpio during these two days, and that means it is a good time to get rid of what no longer serves you, from those old coupons in your junk drawer to anyone whose negativity dampens your spirits or who is mean spirited.
Find balance in your life October 19 through November 4, 2012.
With Mars opposite Jupiter in the sky, there is a need to find a balance between the need to achieve and the need to have fun. Watch out for being impatient with yourself or others.
Intense emotions, passion and elimination October 22 through November 21, 2012. The Sun is in Scorpio during these days. Scorpio is the sign of intense emotions and psychic occurrences. Don’t let your emotions run away with you. Pay attention to your hunches. Channel your passions into getting big projects completed. Eliminate from your life what you no longer need or want.
Pull between love and freedom October 27 through November 7, 2012. With the planet of love, Venus, opposite the planet of freedom, Uranus, we must balance our competing needs for connection with others and personal freedom. Try not to give in to impulsivity. Totally unexpected changes in relationships are possible.
All things in Moderation October 29 through November 7, 2012.
Venus moves into a square aspect (is about 90 degrees from) Pluto, indicating a need for moderation in all areas of our lives, but especially with matters concerning love and money. Since Venus is also opposite Uranus, she forms a T-square, a configuration of much power. We feel pulled in too many directions at once and need to prioritize. Making lists helps.
Excellent for rebuilding starting October 5, 2012 through the next two years.
Saturn enters Scorpio on October 5 and will remain there for about two years. Pluto has been and will continue to be in Capricorn for years to come. Having these two planets in the other planet’s sign is good for building solid foundations that will last and rebuilding structures that are better than before. This refers to everything, including relationships and governments.
Major transformations February 27, 2012 through June 13, 2015.
Uranus and Pluto are so far from the Sun that they take a long time to go around the Sun and through the signs of the zodiac. When they form angles with other outer planets, those aspects are in effect for a long time. Uranus squares Pluto (is about 90 degrees from) for more than three years, forming an underlying background for the other planetary aspects.
We will not notice their effect every day of this period, but we will notice major changes that can be attributable to these planets. Uranus brings the unpredictable, the unusual and the eccentric. It is a very freedom-loving planet and it can be rebellious and strong-willed.
Uranus also rules technology, including the Internet, so it has been very interesting how Facebook, Twitter and the Internet have been having a profound influence on what has been happening around the world.
Pluto is explosive, powerful and eliminates what is no longer needed. Uranus is in Aries, a strong and independent sign, and Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules structures, laws and governments.
During this three-year period, we see upheavals, struggles, revolutions, rebellions, unusual weather patterns and abrupt earth changes—volcanoes and earthquakes.
Listen to your intuition August 16 through November 28, 2012.
Saturn trine (is about 120 degrees from) Neptune makes this a great time for having your intuition and psychic abilities be useful for you. Pay attention to what your instincts are telling you.
These two planets in a positive relationship with each other help us have great results when we join hard work, creativity and inspiration together.
Good news for education, communication and travel.
Jupiter is in Gemini where it will remain for months. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune. Gemini is the sign of education, communication, travel, neighbors and siblings. Jupiter brings the opportunities, but we must do our part.
For inspirational quotes and more frequent astrological tidbits and helpful forecasts, go to
I hope this astrology forecast is beneficial to you. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of any other help. Dianne 785/232-2836
Astrology Forecast for
October 1 through 15, 2012
A lot to sort through during the next two weeks. The planets are busy and so are we. Use the good periods and pay attention to what kinds of activities to avoid during the more challenging periods.
Don’t be deceived October 1 through 9, 2012.
With Venus, the planet of love and money, opposite Neptune, the planet of confusion and deception during this time, we may not have all the facts or may be easily confused or deceived in relationships or in money matters. This is not a good time to buy items you do not need.
Hunker down and get to work October 1 through 10, 2012.
Mercury and Saturn are close to each other now, making this a good time to get hard tasks completed. Expect delays in traveling and reaching people.
Anger over others’ beliefs October 1 through 14, 2012.
With hot-tempered Mars square (about 90 degrees from) Neptune, the planet that is associated with beliefs, this is an especially bad time to discuss politics or religion with anyone. This is true on all levels, between individuals, between factions within a country or between countries.
Great for creativity and inspiration October 2 through 9, 2012.
Mercury trine (is about 120 degrees from) Neptune makes this a wonderful time for all kinds of creative pursuits and having inspired ideas. Saturn being a part of this configuration helps bring those pursuits and ideas into reality.
Great for love, sex, buying and selling October 4 through 14, 2012.
Venus trine Pluto brings opportunity for great relationships and financial dealings, including buying and selling.
Excellent for rebuilding starting October 5, 2012 and for the next two years.
Saturn enters Scorpio on October 5 and will remain there for about two years. Pluto has been and will continue to be in Capricorn for years to come. Having these two planets in the other planet’s sign is good for building solid foundations that will last and rebuilding structures that are better than before. This refers to everything, including relationships and governments.
Your high energy and enthusiasm carry you far October 6 through 23, 2012.
Mars trine Uranus now means you can enthusiastically start new endeavors and help you complete them with your high energy.
Major transformations February 27, 2012 through June 13, 2015.
Uranus and Pluto are so far from the Sun that they take a long time to go around the Sun and through the signs of the zodiac. When they form angles with other outer planets, those aspects are in effect for a long time. Uranus squares Pluto (is about 90 degrees from) for more than three years, forming an underlying background for the other planetary aspects.
We will not notice their effect every day of this period, but we will notice major changes that can be attributable to these planets. Uranus brings the unpredictable, the unusual and the eccentric. It is a very freedom-loving planet and it can be rebellious and strong-willed.
Uranus also rules technology, including the Internet, so it has been very interesting how the Facebook, Twitter and Internet videos have been having a profound influence on what has been happening around the world.
Pluto is explosive, powerful and eliminates what is no longer needed. Uranus is in Aries, a strong and independent sign, and Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules structures, laws and governments.
During this three-year period, we see upheavals, struggles, revolutions, rebellions, unusual weather patterns and abrupt earth changes—volcanoes and earthquakes.
Listen to your intuition August 16 through November 28, 2012.
Saturn trining (is about 120 degrees from) Neptune makes this a great time for having your intuition and psychic abilities be useful for you. Pay attention to what your instincts are telling you.
These two planets in a positive relationship also bring great results when we join hard work, creativity and inspiration together.
Cultivate patience from September 14 through October 12, 2012.
Venus squaring (is about 90 degrees from) Mars can mean we are impatient with others, with ourselves and with our lives in general. Hey, this time period can help us memorize the Serenity Prayer.
Good news for education, communication and travel.
Jupiter is in Gemini where it will remain for months. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune. Gemini is the sign of education, communication, travel, neighbors and siblings. Jupiter brings the opportunities, but we must do our part.
For inspirational quotes and more frequent astrological tidbits and helpful forecasts, go to
I hope this astrology forecast is beneficial to you. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of any other help. Dianne 785/232-2836
Go with the flow of the universe
Astrology Forecast for
September 16 through 30, 2012
Using the flow of the universe helps your live your life purpose and do what is yours to do. Why try to paddle upstream when you can float in comfort to get where you want to go?
The following is for the world as a whole and may affect an individual differently according to where the planets were at his or her birth time and place.
Major transformations February 27, 2012 through June 13, 2015.
Uranus and Pluto are so far from the Sun that they take a long time to go around the Sun and through the signs of the zodiac. When they form angles with other outer planets, those aspects are in effect for a long time. Uranus squares Pluto (is about 90 degrees from) for more than three years, forming an underlying background for the other planetary aspects.
We will not notice their effect every day of this period, but we will notice major changes that can be attributable to these planets. Uranus brings the unpredictable, the unusual and the eccentric. It is a very freedom-loving planet and it can be rebellious and strong-willed.
Uranus also rules technology, including the Internet, so it has been very interesting how the Facebook, Twitter and Internet videos have been having a profound influence on what has been happening around the world.
Pluto is explosive, powerful and eliminates what is no longer needed. Uranus is in Aries, a strong and independent sign, and Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules structures, laws and governments.
During this three-year period, we see upheavals, struggles, revolutions, rebellions, unusual weather patterns and abrupt earth changes—volcanoes and earthquakes.
It’s difficult to be respectful and tactful September 17 through 24, 2012.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, moves in to oppose (is about 180 degrees from) Uranus and square (is about 90 degrees from) Pluto, adding more stress to the about talked-about aspect of Uranus squaring Pluto. People may fail to respect other people’s ideas and not be willing to be thoughtful and listen to hear what others may have to say. This can be an obsessive, judgmental and tactless time. Sigh, just what the world needs.
Since Mercury also corresponds to travel, guard against excessive speed, not paying attention, accidents and the unexpected while walking or driving.
Listen to your intuition August 16 through November 28, 2012.
Saturn trining (is about 120 degrees from) Neptune makes this a great time for having your intuition and psychic abilities be useful for you. Pay attention to what your instincts are telling you.
These two planets in a positive relationship also bring great results when we join hard work, creativity and inspiration together.
Positive changes with love and relationships September 7 through 18, 2012.
The planet of love and relationships, Venus, is in a great trine (is about 120 degrees from) the planet of excitement and change, Uranus. It’s a great time to be with loved ones and friends and spice up your life by doing what you never thought you would do before.
Cultivate patience from September 14 through October 12, 2012.
Venus squaring (is about 90 degrees from) Mars can mean we are impatient with others, with ourselves and with our lives in general. Hey, this time period can help us memorize the Serenity Prayer.
Great for writing, studying and traveling September 23 through 30, 2012.
Just as Mercury leaves the hard aspects talked about just above, it forms a terrific trine (about 120 degrees) to Jupiter, making us more philosophical and optimistic. We can choose uplifting thoughts and words, to ourselves and to others. This is a great time to write, study and travel.
Get rid of clutter from 9:45 a.m., Central Daylight Time, September 18, 2012 through 11:33 a.m. Central Daylight Time, September 20, 2012.
Many people have been telling me that they have been using the times that the Moon is in Scorpio to get rid of clutter and it helps. The Moon is in Scorpio during these two days, and that means it is a good time to get rid of what no longer serves you, from those old coupons in your junk drawer to anyone whose negativity dampens your spirits or who is mean spirited.
Good news for education, communication and travel.
Jupiter is in Gemini where it will remain for months. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune. Gemini is the sign of education, communication, travel, neighbors and siblings. Jupiter brings the opportunities, but we must do our part.
For inspirational quotes and more frequent astrological tidbits and helpful forecasts, go to
I hope this astrology forecast is beneficial to you. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of any other help. Dianne 785/232-2836
October 1, 2020